By Tooth And Claw Dragons

Hello and welcome to the Species Ages page! Here you'll find a list of species, ordered alphabetically and sorted into two groups: traditional and custom.

Please use the links below for easy navigation.


Traditional Species

Airavatian Primary Ages

0-1 years:: newborn
2-10 years:: calf
11-25 years:: adolescent
26-100 years:: young adult
101-450 years:: adult
451-500 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as airavatian.
Average Gestation: Much shorter than airavatian.
Aging Speed: Much faster than airavatian.
Average Lifespan: Same as airavatian.
Average Gestation: Same as airavatian.
Aging Speed: Same as airavatian.

Optional Info

Airavatian Elephants grow slowly, and their growth slows much over the many years of their life. However, newborn calves are able to see, smell, and walk within hours.

Primary Gestation:: 2 year gestation period.

Akhlut Primary Ages

0-7 years:: newborn
8-20 years:: calf
21-50 years:: adolescent
51-200 years:: young adult
201-1800 years:: adult
1801-3000 years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Akhluts age similarly to humans in the dawn of life, but quickly slow. They hardly grow at all during the last fifteen-hundred years of their life.

Primary Gestation:: 3-year (15 month) gestation period.

Atlantean Primary Ages

0-7 years:: newborn
8-16 years:: calf
17-40 years:: adolescent
41-100 years:: young adult
101-800 years:: adult
801-1000 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Mula Atlantean
Average Lifespan: Same as atlantean.
Average Gestation: Same as atlantean.
Aging Speed: Same as atlantean.

Optional Info

Atlanteans age much like humans, though live much longer and slow down later in life.

Primary Gestation:: 300-day gestation period.

Avian Primary Ages

0-1 years:: infant
2-10 years:: child
11-18 years:: adolescent
19-28 years:: young adult
29-80 years:: adult
81-240 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: 400 years.
Average Gestation: Same as avian.
Aging Speed: Slower than avian.
Average Lifespan: 120 years.
Average Gestation: Same as avian.
Aging Speed: Faster than avian.
Average Lifespan: 100 years.
Average Gestation: Single egg laid 10 days after conception; egg hatches two months later.
Aging Speed: Much faster than avian.
Average Lifespan: 1000 years.
Average Gestation: Same as avian.
Aging Speed: Same as avian up until adult; then age significantly slows.
Darkened Seraph
Average Lifespan: 1000 years.
Average Gestation: Same as avian.
Aging Speed: Same as avian up until adult; then age significantly slows.

Optional Info

Avians age much like humans, though somewhat swifter and a little longer lived. Their lifespan is around 230 to 240 years.

Primary Gestation:: 270-day gestation period.

Basilisk Primary Ages

0-1 years:: hatchling
2-5 years:: fledgling
6-15 years:: adolescent
16-30 years:: young adult
31-75 years:: adult
76-90 years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Basilisks age fairly normally, though they reach old age somewhat slowly. Their average lifespan is 80 to 90 years of age.

Primary Gestation:: Eggs laid 20 days after conception; eggs hatch 90 days later.

Centaur Primary Ages

0 - 1 month:: newborn foal
2 months - 1 year:: yearling
2-4 years:: adolescent foal
5-100 years:: young adult
101-200 years:: adult
201-300 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as centaur.
Average Gestation: Same as centaur.
Aging Speed: Same as centaur.
Ra'tan Deer
Average Lifespan: 500 years.
Average Gestation: 250-day gestation.
Aging Speed: Slower than centaur.
Average Lifespan: 250 years
Average Gestation: Same as centaur.
Aging Speed: Faster than centaur.

Optional Info

Centaur foals reach maturity fairly quickly; from there, their age slows enormously. Their average lifespan is around 300.

Primary Gestation:: 270-day gestation period.

Cerberus rimary Ages

0 - 2 months:: newborn puppy
3 months - 2 years:: puppy
3-50 years:: adolescent
51-1,000 years:: young adult
1,001-5,000 years:: adult
5,000+ years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Cerberi reach maturity fairly swiftly considering their lifespan, but it takes them centuries before they're considered to be adults. Their average lifespan is 6,000 years.

Primary Gestation:: 70-day gestation period.

Chimera Primary Ages

0-1 year:: newborn cub
2-3 years:: cub
4-15 years:: adolescent
16-50 years:: young adult
51-440 years:: adult
441-500 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as chimera.
Average Gestation: Same as chimera.
Aging Speed: Same as chimera.
Average Lifespan: Same as chimera.
Average Gestation: Same as chimera.
Aging Speed: Same as chimera.

Optional Info

Chimeras grow and mature much like lions. Few live past 500 years.

Primary Gestation:: 90-day gestation period.

Demon Primary Ages

0-3 years:: infant
4-25 years:: child
26-35 years:: adolescent *
36-40 years:: young adult **
41+ years:: adult onward

* average beginning of the "freeze"
** average end of the "freeze"

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as demon.
Average Gestation: None.
Aging Speed: Same as demon.
Average Lifespan: Same as demon.
Average Gestation: Same as demon.
Aging Speed: Same as demon.

Optional Info

All classes of demons are immortal; they age fairly normally, and 'freeze' anywhere between the teenage and young adult years. They age most like elves as children before reaching their adult stage.

Primary Gestation:: N'vaen and Succubi- 270-day gestation period. Lethaos- 70-day gestation period. S'elath- varies too much to tell.

Dragon Primary Ages

From hatching to age 3. Cannot use the common tongue until after age 1.
0-7 months; equivalent to 3 years.
7 months - 1 year; equivalent to 5 years.
1-2; equivalent to 7.
2-4; equivalent to 10.

Age 4 to age 10. Growth excelled. Abilities both physical and magical begin to show.
4-6; equivalent to 12.
6-8; equivalent to 13.
8-10; equivalent to 14.

Age 10 to age 100. Growth slows substantially.
10-14; equivalent to 15.
14-20; equivalent to 16.
20-55; equivalent to 17.
55-80; equivalent to 18.
80-100; equivalent to 19.

Age 100 to 5000.
100-200; equivalent to 25.
200-400; equivalent to 30.
400-500; equivalent to 35.
500-700; equivalent to 40.
700-900; equivalent to 45.
900-5,000; equivalent to 50.

Age 5000 on.

5,000-10,000; equivalent to 60.
10,000-15,000; equivalent to 70.
15,000-20,000; equivalent to 80.
20,000+; damn fricken' old. **

Dragons cannot be older than ~27,000 years old, and only that if they spend their entire lives in Evylon! Keep that in mind when aging your Ancient.

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as dragon.
Average Gestation: Same as dragon.
Aging Speed: Same as dragon.
Celestial; Cosmic; Void
Average Lifespan: Same as dragon.
Average Gestation: Same as dragon.
Aging Speed: Same as dragon.
Desert Gold
Average Lifespan: Same as dragon.
Average Gestation: Same as dragon.
Aging Speed: Same as dragon, except in periods of extreme danger; then, may age several years to several decades physically (mentally remains the same).
Average Lifespan: Same as dragon.
Average Gestation: Same as dragon.
Aging Speed: Same as dragon. Jewels increase as they age.
Average Lifespan: Same as dragon.
Average Gestation: None.
Aging Speed: None.
Heartwoodian/Evylonian Dragons
Average Lifespan: Same as dragon.
Average Gestation: Same as dragon.
Aging Speed: Same as dragon.
Solar and Lunar
Average Lifespan: Same as dragon.
Average Gestation: Same as dragon.
Aging Speed: Same as dragon.

Optional Info

Dragons age very quickly in the beginning, much like elves or drow, but age slower and slower as they get older. Each dagon independantly, however, may vary.

Primary Gestation:: Reptilian: Eggs laid 35 days after conception; eggs hatch two months later. Mammalian: 300-day gestation period.

Dwarf Primary Ages

0-5 years:: infant
6-20 years:: child
21-35 years:: adolescent
36-100 years:: young adult
101-430 years:: adult
431-500 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as dwarves, though accidental deaths are much more common.
Average Gestation: 125-day gestation period.
Aging Speed: Somewhat faster than dwarves.

Optional Info

Generally slow-aging; age slower as time goes on. Dwarves usually have a lifespan of around 500 years.

Primary Gestation:: 280-day gestation period.

Elemental Primary Ages

0-1 years:: freshborn
2-5 years:: child
6-50 years:: adolescent
51-100 years:: young adult
101+ years:: adult

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as elemental.
Average Gestation: 180-day gestation period.
Aging Speed: Same as elemental.
Fire Sprite
Average Lifespan: Same as elemental.
Average Gestation: None.
Aging Speed: Much faster than elemental.
Average Lifespan: Same as elemental.
Average Gestation: 100 years as a plant, 1 year for bloom.
Aging Speed: Same as elemental.
Average Lifespan: Immortal, as long as their body endures and their Soulgem does not break.
Average Gestation: None
Aging Speed: None.
Average Lifespan: Same as elemental, though prone to accidental death.
Average Gestation: 180-day gestation period.
Aging Speed: Same as elemental.
Average Lifespan: Same as elemental.
Average Gestation: 400-day gestation period.
Aging Speed: Incredibly slower than elemental.
Water Nymph
Average Lifespan: Same as elemental, though prone to accidental death.
Average Gestation: 180-day gestation period.
Aging Speed: Same as elemental.

Optional Info

Elementals are immortal. If afflicted with a certain disease, however, they must return to their place of origin; details located on the elemental page.

Primary Gestation:: Elementals don't normally breed, save for hybrids and mixes between different elemental types. However, those that do have a gestation period befitting whatever physical form they take on while pregnant.

To successfully carry a pregnancy to term, an elemental must have the capability of holding a physical form not only for conception, but holding it all through the latter half of the pregnancy and birth.

Elf Primary Ages

0-3; equivalent to 4.
3-10; equivalent to 7.
10-15; equivalent to 8.
15-25; equivalent to 10.
25-40; equivalent to 12.
40-60; equivalent to 13.
60-75; equivalent to 14.
75-80; equivalent to 17.
80-90; equivalent to 19.
90-100; equivalent to 22.
100-500; equivalent to 25.
500-1,000; equivalent to 28.
1,000-2,000; equivalent to 33.
2,000-5,000; equivalent to 40.
5,000-8,000; equivalent to 50.
8,000-9,000; equivalent to 70.
9,000-9,500; equivalent to 90.
9,500-10,000; equivalent to 100.
10,000+; elves who reach this age stop aging physically.

Subspecies Info

Pure Elf
Average Lifespan: Same as elf.
Average Gestation: Same as elf.
Aging Speed: Same as elf.
Night Elf
Average Lifespan: Same as elf.
Average Gestation: Same as elf.
Aging Speed: Same as elf.
Ristellan Elf
Average Lifespan: Same as elf.
Average Gestation: Same as elf.
Aging Speed: Same as elf.

Optional Info

While not as long lived as dragons, elves live a long time. They age slightly slower than drow and much slower than dragons.

Primary Gestation:: 300-day gestation period.

E-Deer Primary Ages

0-1 year:: newborn
1-3 years:: fawn
4-30 years:: adolescent
31-100 years:: young adult
101-500 years:: adult
500+ years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as deer.
Average Gestation: Same as deer.
Aging Speed: Same as deer.
False Kirin
Average Lifespan: Same as deer.
Average Gestation: Same as deer.
Aging Speed: Same as deer.
Average Lifespan: Same as deer.
Average Gestation: Same as deer.
Aging Speed: Same as deer.

Optional Info

Evylonian deer age much slower than their traditional cousins, and have lifespans many, many, many years over them as well. The average lifespan of a deer is 600 years.

Primary Gestation:: 250-day gestation period.

Faerie Primary Ages

0-6 years:: infant
7-25 years:: child
26-70 years:: adolescent
71-500 years:: young adult
501-1,000 years:: adult
1,001-5,000 years:: elder
5,001+ years:: ancient

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Faeries are immortal, but age very slowly.

Primary Gestation:: 100-day gestation period.

Faun Primary Ages

0-2 years:: infant
3-10 years:: child
11-16 years:: adolescent
17-28 years:: young adult
29-150 years:: adult
151-200 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as faun.
Average Gestation: Same as faun.
Aging Speed: Same as faun.

Optional Info

Fauns age much like humans do, although they mature slightly faster. Most can expect to reach 200 years.

Primary Gestation:: 270-day gestation period.

Gargoyle Primary Ages

0-3 years:: infant
4-20 years:: child
21-100 years:: adolescent
101-1,000 years:: young adult
1,001-5,000 years:: adult
5,001+:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Gargoyles age slowly, given they only age when not turned to stone by the lightof the sun, but live for thousands of years.

Primary Gestation:: Eggs laid half a month after conception; eggs hatch 90 days later.

Giant Primary Ages

0-3 years:: infant
4-10 years:: child
11-18 years:: adolescent
19-50 years:: young adult
51-450 years:: adult
451+ years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as giant.
Average Gestation: Same as giant.
Aging Speed: Same as giant.

Optional Info

Giants grow and mature much like humans until they reach adulthood. Few ever reach old age. Their average lifespan is 500 years.

Primary Gestation:: 300-day gestation period.

Goblin Primary Ages

0-1 years:: fresh spawn
2-3 years:: child
4-6 years:: kid
7-9 years:: adolescent
10-15 years:: young adult
16-30 years:: adult
31-40 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as goblin.
Average Gestation: Same as goblin.
Aging Speed: Same as goblin.

Optional Info

Exceptionally short-lived and very fast aging. Average lifespan for a goblin is around 30 to 40 years.

Primary Gestation:: 90-day gestation period.

Gryphon Primary Ages

0-1 year:: hatchling
2-7 years:: fledgling
8-100 years:: adolescent
101-300 years:: young adult
301-600 years:: adult
601-750 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Anquil Gryphon
Average Lifespan: Same as gryphon.
Average Gestation: Same as gryphon.
Aging Speed: Same as gryphon.
Average Lifespan: Immortal.
Average Gestation: Same as gryphon.
Aging Speed: Much slower than a gryphon.
Average Lifespan: Same as gryphon.
Average Gestation: Same as gryphon.
Aging Speed: Same as gryphon.
Average Lifespan: Same as gryphon.
Average Gestation: Same as gryphon.
Aging Speed: Same as gryphon.
Average Lifespan: Same as gryphon.
Average Gestation: Same as gryphon.
Aging Speed: Same as gryphon.
Average Lifespan: Same as gryphon.
Average Gestation: Same as gryphon.
Aging Speed: Same as gryphon.

Optional Info

Generally, gryphons age similarly to dragons; though somewhat quicker. A gryphon's average lifespan is 750 years.

Primary Gestation:: Eggs laid 20 days after conception; eggs hatch 60 days later.

Halfling Primary Ages

0-3 years:: infant
4-10 years:: child
11-18 years:: adolescent
19-30 years:: young adult
31-200 years:: adult
201+ years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Halflings age much like humans, albeit it takes them loger to reach old age. Their average lifespan is 300 years.

Primary Gestation:: 250-day gestation period.

Hippocampus Primary Ages

0-2 months:: newborn foal
2 months to 1 year:: young foal
2-5 years:: adolescent
6-80 years:: young adult
81-450 years:: adult
451+ years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as hippocampus.
Average Gestation: Same as hippocampus.
Aging Speed: Same as hippocampus.
Average Lifespan: Same as hippocampus.
Average Gestation: Same as hippocampus.
Aging Speed: Same as hippocampus.

Optional Info

Hippocampi mature swiftly before their aging slows down rather dramatically. They typically live around 500 years.

Primary Gestation:: 280-day gestation period.

Human Primary Ages

0-3 years:: infant
4-10 years:: child
11-18 years:: adolescent
19-28 years:: young adult
29-150 years:: adult
151-200 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as human.
Average Gestation: Same as human.
Aging Speed: Same as human.
Average Lifespan: Same as human.
Average Gestation: Same as human.
Aging Speed: Same as human.
Average Lifespan: Same as human.
Average Gestation: Same as human.
Aging Speed: Same as human.

Optional Info

Humans age significantly different than those on Earth. Their average lifespan is around 200 years.

Primary Gestation:: 270-day gestation period.

Imp Primary Ages

0-6 years:: infant
7-25 years:: child
26-70 years:: adolescent
71-500 years:: young adult
501-1,000 years:: adult
1,001-5,000 years:: elder
5,001+ years:: ancient

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as imp.
Average Gestation: Same as imp.
Aging Speed: Same as imp.

Optional Info

Imps age exceptionally slowly; they're immortal, though due to their size, somewhat prone to accidental death.

Primary Gestation:: 30-day gestation period.

Kirin Primary Ages

0-1 years:: newborn foal
2-4 years:: young foal
5-15 years:: adolescent
16-80 years:: young adult
81-900 years:: adult
901-1500 years:: elder
1501+ years:: ancient

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as kirin.
Average Gestation: Same as kirin.
Aging Speed: Same as kirin.

Optional Info

Though immortal, the kirin age fairly quickly until late adolescence. Their growth then slows substantially.

Primary Gestation:: 220-day gestation period.

Kitsune Primary Ages

0-3 years:: infant
4-60 years:: child
61-100 years:: adolescent
101-300 years:: young adult
301-2000 years:: adult
2000+:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as kitsune.
Average Gestation: None.
Aging Speed: None.

Optional Info

Kitsune are immortal; they age much like elves, though somewhat faster.

Primary Gestation:: 230-day gestation period.

Kraken Primary Ages

0-3 years:: fresh spawn
4-15 years:: sprat
16-500 years:: adolescent
501-1,000 years:: young adult
1,001-5,000 years:: adult
5,000-10,000 years:: elder
10,000+ years:: ancient

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as kraken.
Average Gestation: Same as kraken.
Aging Speed: Same as kraken.
Average Lifespan: Same as kraken.
Average Gestation: Same as kraken.
Aging Speed: Same as kraken.
Average Lifespan: Much shorter than krakens - about 500 years.
Average Gestation: Less than krakens - eggs laid 30 days after conception, hatch 50 days later.
Aging Speed: Much faster than normal krakens - 25 years is adulthood.

Optional Info

The immortal kraken never stop growing, but few ever live past adulthood.

Primary Gestation:: Eggs laid 80 days after conception; eggs hatch 200 days later.

Leviathan Primary Ages

0-3 years:: fresh spawn
4-15 years:: sprat
16-500 years:: adolescent
501-1,000 years:: young adult
1,001-5,000 years:: adult
5,000-10,000 years:: elder
10,000+ years:: ancient

Subspecies Info

Oceanic Leviathan
Average Lifespan: Same as leviathan.
Average Gestation: Same as leviathan.
Aging Speed: Same as leviathan.

Optional Info

Much like their rivals, the krakens, leviathans are immortal, and never stop growing, but few ever live past adulthood.

Primary Gestation:: Eggs laid 120 days after conception; eggs hatch 250 days later.

Merfolk Primary Ages

0-4 months:: infant
1-10 years:: child
11-18 years:: adolescent
19-28 years:: young adult
29-150 years:: adult
151-200 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as merfolk.
Average Gestation: Same as merfolk.
Aging Speed: Same as merfolk.
Kurain Merfolk
Average Lifespan: Same as merfolk.
Average Gestation: Same as merfolk.
Aging Speed: Same as merfolk.
Swamp Merfolk
Average Lifespan: Same as merfolk.
Average Gestation: Same as merfolk.
Aging Speed: Same as merfolk.
Average Lifespan: Same as merfolk.
Average Gestation: Same as merfolk.
Aging Speed: Same as merfolk.

Optional Info

Merfolk age much like humans, though somewhat swifter. Their average lifespan is around 200 years.

Primary Gestation:: 280-day gestation period.

Minotaur Primary Ages

0-3 years:: infant
4-10 years:: child
11-18 years:: adolescent
19-30 years:: young adult
31-250 years:: adult
251+ years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Minotaurs age at a similar rate to humans, but it takes them longer to reach true old age. They live, on average, 300 years.

Primary Gestation:: 280-day gestation period.

Nanook Primary Ages

0-3 months:: newborn cub
4 months-3 years:: cub
4-15 years:: adolescent
16-120 years:: young adult
121-600 years:: adult
600+ years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as nanook.
Average Gestation: Same as nanook.
Aging Speed: Same as nanook.
Average Lifespan: Same as nanook.
Average Gestation: Same as nanook.
Aging Speed: Same as nanook.

Optional Info

Nanook age relatively swiftly until they reach young adulthood, upon which they tend to age much more slowly. They live, on average, 600 years.

Primary Gestation:: 120-day gestation period.

Ogre Primary Ages

0-2 years:: infant
4-6 years:: child
7-15 years:: adolescent
16-24 years:: young adult
25-180 years:: adult
181-200 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as ogre.
Average Gestation: Same as ogre.
Aging Speed: Same as ogre.
Average Lifespan: Same as ogre.
Average Gestation: Same as ogre.
Aging Speed: Same as ogre.

Optional Info

Ogres mature more quickly than humans, and can live up to 200 years if they aren't killed beforehand.

Primary Gestation:: 250-day gestation period.

Orc Primary Ages

0-3 years:: infant
4-12 years:: child
13-22 years:: adolescent
23-200 years:: young adult
201-1,000 years:: adult
1,000 years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Orcs are immortal, and mature rather swiftly. However, few make it into old age due to the orcs' violent nature and culture.

Primary Gestation:: 260-day gestation period.

Pegasus Primary Ages

0-4 months:: newborn foal
1-2 years:: young foal
3-15 years:: adolescent
16-80 years:: young adult
81-900 years:: adult
901-1500 years:: elder
1501+ years:: ancient

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as pegasus.
Average Gestation: Same as pegasus.
Aging Speed: Same as pegasus.

Optional Info

Pegasi grow and mature much the same as unicorns, and are likewise immortal.

Primary Gestation:: 270-day gestation period.

Phoenix Primary Ages

0-2 months:: hatchling
3-4 months:: fledgling
1-10 years:: adolescent
11-100 years:: young adult
101-800 years:: adult
801-950 years:: elder
951-1000:: ancient

Subspecies Info

Anquil Pheonix
Average Lifespan: Same as phoenix.
Average Gestation: Same as phoenix.
Aging Speed: Same as phoenix.

Optional Info

The phoenix is technically immortal; they're able to be reborn and have another 'life' when they die. However, this point comes only when theyr each the end of their current life - a span of about a thousand years.

Primary Gestation:: Eggs laid 15 days after conception; eggs hatch 70 days later.

Roc Primary Ages

0-2 months:: hatchling
3-4 months:: fledgling
1-10 years:: adolescent
11-50 years:: young adult
51-150 years:: adult
151-260 years:: aged adult
261-300 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as roc.
Average Gestation: Same as roc.
Aging Speed: Same as roc.
Average Lifespan: Same as roc.
Average Gestation: Same as roc.
Aging Speed: Same as roc.
Average Lifespan: Same as roc.
Average Gestation: Same as roc.
Aging Speed: Somewhat faster than a roc.
Average Lifespan: Same as roc.
Average Gestation: Same as roc.
Aging Speed: Same as roc.
Average Lifespan: Same as roc.
Average Gestation: Same as roc.
Aging Speed: Same as roc.

Optional Info

The roc'a age much like their fiery cousins in the beginning of their lives. However, they age much quicker, as they have a much shorter lifespan: a mere 300.

Primary Gestation:: Eggs laid 20 days after conception; eggs hatch 90 days later.

Salawa Primary Ages

0-1 months:: newborn
3 months - 3 years:: whelp
4-7 years:: adolescent
8-18 years:: young adult
19-275 years:: adult
276-350 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Ascended Salawa
Average Lifespan: Immortal.
Average Gestation: Same as salawa.
Aging Speed: None; they stop aging physically upon ascending.

Optional Info

Salawa typically age quickly until reaching adulthood, then they age much more slowly. On average, they live around 350 years.

Primary Gestation:: 75-day gestation period.

Saurian Primary Ages

large herbivore:: average is 300
small carnivore:: average is 75

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Saurian lifespans vary due to several factors; larger animals live longer while smaller do not; herbivores tend to have longer lives as well, while carnivores show significantly shorter lives in comparison. Below are listed averages for the extremes.

Primary Gestation:: Eggs laid 18 days after conception; eggs hatch 45 days later.

Selkie Primary Ages

0-3 years:: infant
4-12 years:: child
13-20 years:: adolescent
21-50 years:: young adult
51-80 years:: adult
81-100 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as selkie.
Average Gestation: Same as selkie.
Aging Speed: Same as selkie.

Optional Info

Fairly short-lived, though they age much like the Earthland humans. Lifespan is around 100 years.

Primary Gestation:: 270-day gestation period.

Siren Primary Ages

0-3 years:: infant
4-12 years:: child
13-20 years:: adolescent
21-50 years:: young adult
51-150 years:: adult
151-200 years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

The average siren ages much like a human; their lifespan ranges around 150 to 200. However, due to the tendancy of fisherman to take an issue with their antics, many are killed early on.

Primary Gestation:: 260-day gestation period.

Sphinx Primary Ages

0-3 years:: newborn cub
3-7 years:: cub
8-50 years:: adolescent
51-500 years:: young adult
501-1,200 years:: adult
1,200-5,000 years:: elder
5,000+ years:: ancient

Subspecies Info

Anu Sphinx
Average Lifespan: Same as sphinx.
Average Gestation: Same as sphinx.
Aging Speed: Same as sphinx.
Divine Sphinx
Average Lifespan: Same as sphinx.
Average Gestation: 200-day gestation period.
Aging Speed: Same as sphinx.
Dwarf Sphinx
Average Lifespan: Same as sphinx.
Average Gestation: Shorter than sphinx.
Aging Speed: Much slower than sphinx.

Optional Info

The immortal sphinx grow and mature somewhat slowly, but are capable of taking care of themselves from adolescence onwards.

Primary Gestation:: 100-day gestation period.

Undead Primary Ages


Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Immortal.
Average Gestation: None.
Aging Speed: None.

Optional Info

Undead are risen from the dead, do not age, and last only as long as their bodies do.

Unicorn Primary Ages

0-4 months:: newborn foal
1-2 years:: young foal
3-15 years:: adolescent
16-80 years:: young adult
81-900 years:: adult
901-1500 years:: elder
1501+ years:: ancient

Subspecies Info

Anquil Unicorn
Average Lifespan: Same as unicorn.
Average Gestation: Same as unicorn.
Aging Speed: Same as unicorn.
Average Lifespan: Same as unicorn.
Average Gestation: Same as unicorn.
Aging Speed: Significantly faster from foal to adolescent; then aging slows to a unicorn's level at adulthood.
Average Lifespan: Same as unicorn.
Average Gestation: None.
Aging Speed: None.
Average Lifespan: Same as unicorn.
Average Gestation: Same as unicorn.
Aging Speed: Same as unicorn.
Average Lifespan: Same as unicorn.
Average Gestation: 250-day gestation period.
Aging Speed: Same as unicorn.

Optional Info

Similar to their demonic cousins, the kirin, unicorns are similarly immortal. They reach maturity more swiftly due to their lack of overall defenses compared to their cousins, however.

Primary Gestation:: 300-day gestation period.

Vampire Primary Ages

0-3 years:: infant
4-15 years:: child
16-25 years:: adolescent
26-50 years:: young adult *
51+ years:: adult onward

* average time of the "freeze"

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as vampire.
Average Gestation: Same as vampire.
Aging Speed: Same as vampire.
Average Lifespan: Same as vampire.
Average Gestation: Same as vampire.
Aging Speed: Same as vampire.
Average Lifespan: Same as vampire.
Average Gestation: Same as vampire.
Aging Speed: Same as vampire.

Optional Info

Vampires are immortal, and freeze when bitten at whatever age they were Changed at. Bred vampires, however, age much like demons before their eventual freeze.

Primary Gestation:: 300-day gestation period.

Vystrian Lion Primary Ages

0-1 year:: newborn cub
2-3 years:: cub
4-15 years:: adolescent cub
16-50 years:: young adult
51-440 years:: adult
441-500 years:: considered an elder by the pride

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Immortal.
Average Gestation: Same as lion.
Aging Speed: Slower than lion.
Average Lifespan: Immortaln.
Average Gestation: Same as lion.
Aging Speed: Slower than lion.
Average Lifespan: Same as lion.
Average Gestation: Same as lion.
Aging Speed: Same as lion.
Nehmian Lions
Average Lifespan: Same as lion.
Average Gestation: Same as lion.
Aging Speed: Same as lion.

Optional Info

The average Vystrian lion ages fairly quickly up to adulthood; then, they slow considerably. Their average lifespan is around 500 years.

Primary Gestation:: 90-day gestation period.

Vystrian Wolf Primary Ages

0-2 months:: newborn puppy
3 months - 2 years:: puppy
3-5 years:: adolescent
6-15 years:: young adult
16-250 years:: adult
251-300 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as wolf.
Average Gestation: Same as wolf.
Aging Speed: Same as wolf.
Average Lifespan: Same as wolf.
Average Gestation: Same as wolf.
Aging Speed: Same as wolf.
Average Lifespan: Same as wolf.
Average Gestation: 80-day gestation period.
Aging Speed: Same as wolf.
Average Lifespan: Same as wolf.
Average Gestation: Same as wolf.
Aging Speed: Same as wolf.
Average Lifespan: Immortal/undead.
Average Gestation: None.
Aging Speed: None.

Optional Info

The average Vystrian wolf ages somewhat quickly until adulthood; after that, they show their age very slowly. Their average lifespan is around 300 years.

Primary Gestation:: 70-day gestation period.

Werecat Primary Ages

0-2 years:: infant
3-15 years:: child
16-25 years:: adolescent
26-100 years:: young adult
101-750 years:: adult
751-800 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as werecat.
Average Gestation: 250-day gestation period.
Aging Speed: Same as werecat.

Optional Info

Bred werecats are slow-aging and keep their youth well. Much like werewolves, bitten werecats will 'freeze' at whatever age they were until they reach a point where they may begin aging once again. Their average lifespan is around 800 years.

Primary Gestation:: Werecats follow the gestation period of their base species.

Weredragon Primary Ages

0-2 years:: infant
3-20 years:: child
21-50 years:: adolescent
51-800 years:: young adult
801-3,500 years:: adult
3,500+ years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Weredragons born naturally age slowly, while those turned by bite will age only slowly until their bodies reach a poitn where they begin ti age like any other weredragon. On average, they live to be 4,000 years old.

Primary Gestation:: Weredragons follow the gestation period of their base species.

Werewolf Primary Ages

0-2 years:: infant
3-15 years:: child
16-25 years:: adolescent
26-100 years:: young adult
101-750 years:: adult
751-800 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as werewolf.
Average Gestation: Same as werewolf.
Aging Speed: Same as werewolf.
Average Lifespan: Same as werewolf.
Average Gestation: 260-day gestation period.
Aging Speed: Same as werewolf.

Optional Info

Bred werewolves are slow-aging and keep their youth well. When one undergoes the Change and does not have werewolf blood from birth, they tend to 'freeze' at whatever age they were until they reach a point where they may begin aging once again. Their average lifespan is around 800 years.

Primary Gestation:: Werewolves follow the gestation period of their base species.

Custom Species

Aethyrian Primary Ages

0-4 years:: hatchling
5-14 years:: fledgling
15-24 years:: adolescent
25-49 years:: young adult
50-149 years:: adult
150-200 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Aethyrian Drake
Average Lifespan: Same as the Aethyrian dragon.
Average Gestation: Same as the Aethyrian dragon.
Aging Speed: Same the Aethyrian dragon.
Aethyrian Wyvern
Average Lifespan: Same as the Aethyrian dragon.
Average Gestation: Same as the Aethyrian dragon.
Aging Speed: Same the Aethyrian dragon.
Gravitia Eastern
Average Lifespan: Same as the Aethyrian dragon.
Average Gestation: Same as the Aethyrian dragon.
Aging Speed: Same the Aethyrian dragon.

Optional Info

Unlike true dragons, Aethyrian dragons age more evenly - but have significantly shorter lives, and are closer to humans than many of the animalistic races in the Realms.

Primary Gestation:: Eggs laid 10 to 12 days after conception; eggs hatch three to four months later.

Alicorn Primary Ages

0-4 months:: newborn foal
1-2 years:: young foal
3-10 years:: adolescent
11-80 years:: young adult
81-300 years:: adult
301+ years:: considered an 'elder' by the pack

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Most alicorns may never reach adulthood; their violent lifestyle often leads to an early death. Though they have the potential to live much longer, any who live over the average age - no matter how old they may look - are considered elders by the pack.

Primary Gestation:: 100-day gestation period.

Circadian Primary Ages

0-3 years:: hatchling
4-10 years:: fledgling
11-100 years:: adolescent
101-1000 years:: young adult
1001-5000 years:: adult
5000+ years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as dragons.
Average Gestation: Same as circadian Dragons.
Aging Speed: Same as dragons

Optional Info

Circadians age almost exactly like their dragon cousins. All Circadian dragons are immortal.

Primary Gestation:: Eggs laid 30 days after conception; eggs hatch a month and a half later.

Deathcat Primary Ages

0-1 year:: newborn cub
2-3 years:: cub
4-8 years:: adolescent cub
9-15 years:: young adult
16-50:: adult
51+:: considered an elder by the pride

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: 150 years.
Average Gestation: Same as deathcat.
Aging Speed: Same as deathcat until young adult; then slows considerably.
Average Lifespan: 300 years.
Average Gestation: Same as deathcat.
Aging Speed: Much slower than deathcat.

Optional Info

The violent deathcats are often killed early in their life; average lifespan ranges around 40 to 60, about half of what they might live.

Primary Gestation:: 78-day gestation period.

D'jini Primary Ages

0-1 year:: newborn cub
2-3 years:: cub
4-15 years:: adolescent cub
16-50 years:: young adult
51-540 years:: adult
541+ years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Apedemak Lions
Average Lifespan: Same as d'jini.
Average Gestation: Same s d'jini.
Aging Speed: Same as d'jini.

Optional Info

D'jini, or cloudcats, mature at a rate similar to lions. Their average lifespan is 600 years.

Primary Gestation:: 95-day gestation period.

Dreameater Primary Ages

0-3 years:: infant
4-13 years:: child
14-25 years:: adolescent
26-50 years:: young adult
51-250 years:: adult
250+:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as dreameater.
Average Gestation: Same as dreameater.
Aging Speed: Same as dreameater.

Optional Info

Dreameaters age very slowly, despite their relatively average lifespan. Most die without showing age at all. Their average lifespan ranges around 250 years.

Primary Gestation:: 250-day gestation period.

Halgian Primary Ages

0-3 years:: infant
4-12 years:: child
13-20 years:: adolescent
21-120 years:: young adult
121-550 years:: adult
550+:: elder

Subspecies Info

Fallen Halgian
Average Lifespan: Same as Halgian.
Average Gestation: Same as Halgian.
Aging Speed: Same as Halgian.

Optional Info

Halgians age roughly like a human until they reach adolescence, then their aging slows by a fair margin. Their average lifespan is 700 years.

Primary Gestation:: 270-day gestation period.

Hellwolf Primary Ages

0-2 years:: newborn puppy
3-5 years:: puppy
6-15 years:: adolescent
16-40 years:: young adult
41+ years:: adult onward

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as hellwolf.
Average Gestation: None.
Aging Speed: None.
Average Lifespan: Same as hellwolf.
Average Gestation: Same as hellwolf.
Aging Speed: Same as hellwolf.

Optional Info

Hellwolves are immortal, much like their demon counterparts; they age much more quickly and do not freeze, though it may take several thousand years for their pelts to begin to grey and their actual age to show. Most die long before they get to this point.

Primary Gestation:: 65-day gestation period.

Kamine Primary Ages

0-2 months:: newborn puppy
3 months - 2 years:: puppy
3-15 years:: adolescent
16-100 years:: young adult
101-1400 years:: adult
1401-1500 years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Kamine are much longer lived than Vystrian wolves due to their draconic blood. Though not immortal, their lifespan generally ranges around 1500 years.

Primary Gestation:: 75-day gestation period.

Kaveri Primary Ages

0-2 years:: infant
3-13 years:: child
14-25 years:: adolescent
26-50 years:: young adult
51-150 years:: adult
151-200 years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Kaveri age most like to Vystrian humans, no matter where they may be located. Their average lifespan is around 200 years.

Primary Gestation:: Eggs laid 10 days after conception; eggs hatch 55 days later.

Keht'shu Primary Ages

0-3 years:: newborn
3-7 years:: child
8-20 years:: adolescent
21-500 years:: young adult
501-1,200 years:: adult
1,200-5,000 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as keht'shu.
Average Gestation: 300-day gestation period.
Aging Speed: Same as keht'shu.

Optional Info

Keht'shu mature and age much like humans for the first few years of their lives. However, once they reach adolescence, their aging slows drastically. Keht'shu live, on average, 5,000 years.

Primary Gestation:: 270-day gestation period.

Lightbeast Primary Ages

0-2 years:: hatchling
3-5 years:: fledgling
6-50 years:: adolescent
51-400 years:: young adult
401-5000 years:: adult
5000+:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

All lightbeasts are immortal. Both kalina and orthae lightbeasts are prone to appearing young well past their prime; elders for both are exceptionally hard to spot.

Primary Gestation:: Kalina- 80-day gestation period. Orthae- 650-day gestation period.

Liniah Primary Ages

0-3 years:: infant
4-20 years:: child
21-45 years:: adolescent
46-250 years:: young adult
251-650 years:: adult
650+:: elder

Subspecies Info

Soulbound Liniah
Average Lifespan: Same as liniah.
Average Gestation: Same as liniah.
Aging Speed: Same as liniah.

Optional Info

The diminutive liniah lives for as many as 700 years. They age and mature relatively slowly.

Primary Gestation:: 240-day gestation period.

Lyzard Primary Ages

0-1 years:: hatchling
2-6 years:: child
7-18 years:: adolescent
19-149 years:: young adult
150-800 years:: adult
801-1000 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as lyzard.
Average Gestation: Same as lyzard.
Aging Speed: Same as lyzard.
Average Lifespan: Same as lyzard.
Average Gestation: Same as lyzard.
Aging Speed: Same as lyzard.
Average Lifespan: Same as lyzard.
Average Gestation: Same as lyzard.
Aging Speed: Same as lyzard.

Optional Info

The esteemed lyzard ages fairly quickly for its lifespan of 1000 years; generally, they are considered elders for a full 150 to 200 years after adulthood.

Primary Gestation:: Eggs laid 16 days after conception; eggs hatch 65 days later.

Mimic Primary Ages


Subspecies Info


Optional Info

The mimic is one of the most chaotic of all species. Its direct aging cannot be determined, due to their constant shifting of forms; however, as they near the end of their lives, they may begin to change less and less. Their average lifespan is anywhere between 100 to 700.

Primary Gestation:: Mimics tend to gestate at the same rate as whatever creature they take the form of.

Morra Sin Primary Ages

0-2 months:: hatchling
3 months - 2 years:: fledgling
3-5 years:: adolescent
6-15 years:: young adult
16-250 years:: adult
251-300 years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Morra Sin generally age like Vystrian wolves. Their average lifespan is anywhere from 200 to 300 years.

Primary Gestation:: 85-day gestation period; eggs are incubated internally.

Mythkin Primary Ages

0-2 years:: dawn-minded
3-6 years:: noon-minded
7-15 years:: twilight-minded
16-300 years:: sunset-minded
301+:: midnight-minded

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Mythkin are born through a unique ritual involving dragon blood, human bone and mythmetal. As time progresses, they do not 'age' as other species do, though they must renew this ritual lest they turn into a solid metal statue. They are immortal. As they do not age, their progress through life is marked by stages they know only as the 'minds'; more information on their page.

Nnar' Primary Ages


Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Nnar' are undead; they are summoned, and live as long as their skeletal bodies last.

Quaterneri Primary Ages

0-1 years:: infant
2-6 years:: child
7-18 years:: adolescent
19-149 years:: young adult
150-800 years:: adult
801-1000 years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Quaterneri age faster than humans until just after adolescence; then their aging slows dramatically.

Primary Gestation:: 270-day gestation period.

Rathar Primary Ages

0-2 months:: newborn puppy
3 months - 2 years:: puppy
3-5 years:: adolescent
6-15 years:: young adult
16-250 years:: adult
251-300 years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Another species that ages much like the wolf. However, they may fall into a period of 'hibernation' for up to a thousand years.

Primary Gestation:: 55-day gestation period.

Reguli Primary Ages

0-2 years:: infant
3-8 years:: child
9-15 years:: adolescent
16-28 years:: young adult
29-100 years:: adult
101-120/150 years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

A species of bipedal rodents that ages somewhat like humans, but slightly faster in their early life, slowing down marginally in their later years.

Primary Gestation:: 25-day gestation period.

Rekklin Primary Ages

0-3 years:: infant
4-60 years:: child
61-200 years:: adolescent
201-500 years:: young adult
501-5000 years:: adult
5001+:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Rekklin, generally, age like elves, though somewhat faster. Also prone to rather violent deaths and suicide.

Primary Gestation:: 300-day gestation period.

Sarka Primary Ages

0-3 years:: hatchling
4-10 years:: fledgling
11-50 years:: adolescent
51-100 years:: young adult
101-5000 years:: adult
5000+ years:: ancient

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as sarka.
Average Gestation: Same as sarka.
Aging Speed: Same as sarka.

Optional Info

Sarka are immortal, and age much like dragons. However, they are prone to very early deaths due to violence and the danger of hunting their prey.

Primary Gestation:: Eggs laid 27 days after conception; eggs hatch 80 days later.

Se'athkyn Primary Ages

0-2 years:: infant
3-13 years:: child
14-20 years:: adolescent
21-40 years:: young adult
41-300 years:: adult
301-400 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as se'athkyn.
Average Gestation: Same as se'athkyn.
Aging Speed: Same as se'athkyn.

Optional Info

Se'athkyn age similarly to humans, though live somewhat longer.

Primary Gestation:: 270-day gestation period.

Shadowbeast Primary Ages

0-2 years:: hatchling
3-5 years:: fledgling
6-50 years:: adolescent
51-400 years:: young adult
401-5000 years:: adult
5000+:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

All shadowbeasts are immortal. Both mori and olath shadowbeasts are prone to appearing young well past their prime; elders for both are exceptionally hard to spot.

Primary Gestation:: Mori- 80-day gestation period. Olath- 650-day gestation period.

Shar Primary Ages

0-1 years:: infant
2-10 years:: child
11-18 years:: adolescent
19-28 years:: young adult
29-350 years:: adult
351-400 years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Shar age very similarly to humans, though they slow later on in life. A shar's average lifespan is that of 400 years.

Primary Gestation:: 270-day gestation period.

Shriekan Primary Ages

0-1 years:: hatchling
2-6 years:: child
7-18 years:: adolescent
19-149 years:: young adult
150-500 years:: adult
500+ years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as shriekan.
Average Gestation: Same as shriekan.
Aging Speed: Same as shriekan.

Optional Info

The shriekan generally ages fairly quickly. Their average lifespan ranges around 500 years, though they are very prone to an early death due to violence.

Primary Gestation:: Eggs laid 15 days after conception; eggs hatch 62 days later.

Snakekind Primary Ages

0-5 days:: hatchling
6 days - 1 year:: fledgling
2-10 years:: adolescent
11-20 years:: young adult
21-90 years:: adult
91-100 years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as snakekind.
Average Gestation: Same as snakekind.
Aging Speed: Same as snakekind.

Optional Info

The average snakekind may live up to a hundred years or so; however, cobra-hooded serpents are often able to live well past 500, or even into the thousands. The below chart only affects average, non-hooded snakekind.

Primary Gestation:: Eggs laid 20 days after conception; eggs hatch 90 days later.

Sol'tera Primary Ages

0-3 years:: infant
4-12 years:: child
13-25 years:: adolescent
26-70 years:: young adult
71-380 years:: adult
381+ years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as sol'tera.
Average Gestation: Same as sol'tera.
Aging Speed: Same as sol'tera.

Optional Info

The sol'tera age much like humans until they reach adolescence, upon which their aging slows. Their average lifespan is 500 years.

Primary Gestation:: 280-day gestation period.

Souleater Primary Ages

0-5 days:: hatchling
6 days - 1 year:: fledgling
2-5 years:: adolescent
6-15 years:: young adult
16+ years:: adult

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Though the average souleater may live quite a long time, their average lifespan barely hits thirty due to violence and starvation. They breed quite often, however - the average individual is aged no more than fifteen.

Primary Gestation:: Eggs laid 15 days after conception; eggs hatch 70 days later.

Spiritbeast Primary Ages

0-2 years:: hatchling
3-5 years:: fledgling
6-50 years:: adolescent
51-400 years:: young adult
401-5000 years:: adult
5000+:: elder

Subspecies Info

Highborn Spiritbeast
Average Lifespan: Same as spiritbeast.
Average Gestation: Same as spiritbeast.
Aging Speed: Same as spiritbeast.

Optional Info

All spiritbeasts are immortal. All variants, including highborn, are prone to appearing young well past their prime; elders are exceptionally hard to spot.

Primary Gestation:: 80-day gestation period.

Strigine Primary Ages

0-2 months:: hatchling
3-4 months:: fledgling
1-12 years:: adolescent
13-70 years:: young adult
71-200 years:: adult
201-450 years:: aged adult
451-500+ years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as strigine.
Average Gestation: Same as strigine.
Aging Speed: Same as strigine.

Optional Info

Strigine age slowly, and continue to slow as they age. Their average lifespan is up to 500 years.

Primary Gestation:: Eggs laid 60 days after conception; eggs hatch 3 months later.

Tca'ier Primary Ages

0-3 years:: hatchling
4-10 years:: fledgling
11-100 years:: adolescent
101-1000 years:: young adult
1001-10000 years:: adult
10000+ years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Average Lifespan: Same as tca'ier.
Average Gestation: Same as tca'ier.
Aging Speed: Same as tca'ier.
Average Lifespan: Same as tca'ier.
Average Gestation: Same as tca'ier.
Aging Speed: Same as tca'ier.
Average Lifespan: Same as tca'ier.
Average Gestation: Same as tca'ier.
Aging Speed: Same as tca'ier.

Optional Info

Tca'ier dragons age much like dragons, but slower than their draconic counterparts in their younger years.

Primary Gestation:: Two year gestation period.

Terravyrn Primary Ages

0-3 days:: hatchling
3 days - 4 years:: fledgling
4-100 years:: adolescent
101-1000 years:: young adult
1001-5000 years:: adult
5000+ years:: elder

Subspecies Info

Lost Terravyrn
Average Lifespan: Same as terravyrn.
Average Gestation: Same as terravyrn.
Aging Speed: Much slower than terravyrn.

Optional Info

The terravyrn matures very, very quickly; able to function on its own only a few days after birth, their growth then slows considerably and follows the lifespan of a dragon. They are immortal.

Primary Gestation:: Live birth 120 days after conception; eggs are incubated within the mother's body.

Veldryn Primary Ages

0-2 months:: newborn puppy
3 months - 2 years:: puppy
3-50 years:: adolescent
51-500 years:: young adult
501-6000 years:: adult
6001-10,000 years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Exceptionally long-lived, veldryn are, however, not immortal. Their lifespan ranges around 10,000 years.

Primary Gestation:: 78-day gestation period

Xeriin Primary Ages

0-2 years:: infant
3-10 years:: child
11-20 years:: adolescent
21-40 years:: young adult
41-700 years:: adult
701-1000 years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

The normal kin-types of xeriin and the myth-kin types age differently; where myth-types are immortal, forest, sky and sea all vary. Their average lifespan ranges around a thousand years.

Primary Gestation:: 230-day gestation period.

Xinong Primary Ages

0-4 years:: infant/toddler
5-99 years:: child
100-149 years:: adolescent
150-199 years:: young adult
200-399 years:: adult
400-500 years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Xinong age very, very slowly from birth to adolescence, where their growth quickens until adulthood. Here, their aging process slows once more - and little of it is well known. It's something of a shock if a xinong lives this long - those who do are said to be wise, since it essentially proves that in spite of the xinong's nature, they were able to escape death and danger - this is often met with respect and awe.

Primary Gestation:: 230-day gestation period.

Yiboril Primary Ages

0-2 years:: new-born
2-10 years:: new fledged
11-100 years:: full fledged
101-5000 years:: established
5001-7000 years:: elder
7001-10000 years:: archaic
10001+ years:: ancient

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Being spiritual creatures, yiboril do not age conventionally - their aging process is marked by their increase in power and control alone.

Primary Gestation:: N/A

Yorijian Dragon Primary Ages

0-3 years:: hatchling
4-10 years:: fledgling
11-100 years:: adolescent
101-1000 years:: young adult
1001-5000 years:: adult
5000+ years:: elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Yorijian dragons age identically to dragons; they are also immortal.

Primary Gestation:: Egg-pearl hatches 100 days after conception.

Zaegrim'a Nzani Primary Ages

0-1 year(s):: infant
2-12 year(s):: child
13-19 year(s):: adolescent
20-200 year(s):: young adult
201-325 year(s):: adult
326-400 year(s):: elder
401-800year(s):: honored elder

Subspecies Info


Optional Info

Nzani age much like humans until their young adult years, when their aging slows considerably. Most do not live past four-hundred, but may with exceptional health.

Primary Gestation:: 270-day gestation period.

Zirus Primary Ages

0-1 year:: larva
2-8 years:: child
9-18 years:: adolescent
19-28 years:: young adult
29-180 years:: adult
181+ years:: elder

Subspecies Info

True Zirus
Average Lifespan: Same as zirus.
Average Gestation: Same as zirus.
Aging Speed: Same as zirus.
Average Lifespan: Same as zirus.
Average Gestation: Same as zirus.
Aging Speed: Same as zirus.

Optional Info

Zirus age rapidly from a young age, until they reach adolescence, whereupon their maturation rate slows to near human levels. They live, on average, 200 years.

Primary Gestation:: Eggs laid 8 days after conception; larva hatch after 30 days, pupate when they reach 11 months, and emerge as a child zirus.