The Demon

General Information;
Demons are a unique species split into four different Kingdoms, as well as several classes, each with their own attributes and abilities. While they are seen by most as an exceptionally evil race, many individuals are quite peaceful, and have adopted a unique culture in their Realm of Kurai. An exceptionally powerful species, upper class demons can battle head to head with an average dragon and win with relative ease.
Name:: Demon
Average Lifespan:: Immortal
Average Height:: N/A; no average recorded
Average Weight:: N/A; no average recorded
Location Found:: Primarily in Kurai, though can be found abroad.
*all statistics based on averages; extremes in any direction, or found in odd locations, are always allowed.
Aging Higher-class demons are immortal, though still susceptible to death by sword, magic, or disease. Those demons that have a humanoid form generally stop aging in appearance from anywhere around sixteen to thirty, but there are always exceptions to this rule. Demon children follow the maturity pattern of elves until around their twenty-first to twenty-fifth year, for all intents and purposes normal human children the entire time. At this range of age they begin to mature very rapidly, within the span of one to ten years, until they reach the age they "freeze" at. Demons who freeze at an earlier age generally take less time to fully mature. During this maturation period, they rapidly gain in strength, speed, stamina, and magical abilities.
Curses Because of an ancient curse, all members of the Death-line must kill every so often, lest their own life-force be sapped; their victim can be any sentient, blooded creature. War-line demons must drink blood to survive; unlike all other demons, who can survive on either blood or water, water is toxic to them, and War-line royals have been known to go insane from lack of blood and break into a Tri'akun.
Classes The gods of the Demon Realm bound the demon race by absolute rules; one is that a demon cannot change class, no matter how much they wish it. A royal-blood cannot renounce his claim on the throne and become a normal n'vaen, nor can a fourth-class demon gain rank. Demons of any class may gain power by dark, twisted, and desperate means, but however much power they gain it is nearly impossible to become a higher class. Only a single demon, blessed by the Greater Gods, is known to have achieved this feat.
Kingdoms Every demon belongs to a Kingdom; War, Death, Pestilence, or Famine. Every demon is born into a Kingdom and instinctively knows what they are. Cross-breeding between Kingdoms is forbidden by instinct, and if a cross-breed is born, he or she will likely be unstable and be outcast. Demons that belong to no Kingdom are those that have been exiled; these are outcasts, living only for themselves and usually up for hire. However, their Kingdom blood will always remain the same.
Royal-Blood Demons These demons are a very small group belonging to the royal family of a ruling Kingdom. The gods may choose a Lord to reign, if a ruling family dies out; all offspring of that Lord will then inherit the his or her royal blood, and their status as a ruling class. Their abilities and magic are above other n'vaen naturally, and each possesses a royal Tri'akun; Lords are also gifted unique Ito'niza, or Lord Forms, with specific traits granted by the gods - also echoed in their royal Tri'akun. Each Kindgom has only one royal-blood line, that will exist in its entirety until every member of that bloodline dies out and a new royal lineage must be established by the gods.
Tri'akun A Tri'akun is the acute takeover of one's inner demon, a complete and utter splintering of the soul's fortitude under times of extreme stress or pain, and most commonly if the demon is in mortal danger. A demon under Tria'kun will physically withdraw into their soul's truest form, generally a significantly more powerful and monstrous creature with appearances and abilities that vary as greatly as the stars. Most demons of the n'vaen class, and all royal-blooded demons, have the Tri'akun form, though lesser demons cannot handle such a release of power and, if tried, may be killed. Usually, a demon in the Tri'akun state will not be able to control their actions, and may be blind to all outside influence.
Any normal, or 'first', Tri'akun will be animalistic and beastlike, twisted creatures that often appear as multiple animals combined, or a mutated version of an existing species. The 'royal' Tri'akun is unique to royalblooded demons alone, and will always be humanoid in appearance, either vaguely or specifically. The royal Tri'akun is only summoned on the verge of death for a royalblood, and cannot be summoned at will.
Incubi and Succubi Children
Incubi and succubi may breed together, but cannot render children and do not have the capacity to draw life energy off of one another. Thus, all of their offspring are produced by breeding with other humanoid races, and have the unique ability to 'lose' their hybrid blood as they age. Succubi may produce an incubus child, and incubi may father a succubus - but they cannot produce offspring with each other.
Any child of an incubus or succubus will display hybrid traits up until they begin to 'freeze', where these traits will be lost and they will transition into becoming a full incubus or succubus. Incubi and succubi who breed with higher-class demons may be more powerful than their brethren, though they may not change class. All remain lethaos until the end of their days.
Diet This is what this species, and any variants, may eat at any given time.
red meat, vegetables, tubers, grain.
red meat, tubers.
Se'lath, Minor-
red meat, plantlife.
fruit, white meat.
white meat, grain.
Se'lath, Minor-
white meat.
fish, shellfish.
carrion, hellwolves, lesser demons.
Se'lath, Minor-
Demon dietary habits are varied as they themselves are, though all tend towards a more carnivorous habit. The lower down the hierarchy they go, the less varied the diet, with se'lath and lesser demons fairly often reduced to depending on carrion or scavenging to survive. In times of hardship, lethaos demons will catch and devour lesser demons and hellwolves, though in the latter case they tend to avoid hunting members of any royal pack. All demon types are capable of hunting down and killing sapient prey, though n'vaen demons will often avoid eating such depending on their personal tastes. Most n'vaen demons prefer their meals cooked, often with blood-based sauce and Kuraian spices. Rice is a common side dish to both n'vaen and lethaos prepared meals.
Incubi and succubi are able to consume true foods, and mimic the diets similar to that of the n'vaen. However, this food gives them little sustenance, as they must feed off of life energy in order to survive.
Species info credited to Skye Hajime, Fyfergrund, Verridith, and Hera.
In-Depth Information;
Appearance Minor demons / S'elath (third class): Many minor demons can be compared to twisted versions of living creatures, and can come in as many forms as there are stars. Most are small and weak, combinations of various animals, though larger and more refined creatures have been noted. S'elath are the largest of these lesser demons, often equipped with far better weapons and defenses than their weaker brethren.
Lethaos: Most lethaos usually appear as a personification of their element, half-creature humanoids, or mutated versions of normal animals. However, there is always something unnatural about a lethaos, like gills on a bird or a lizard with three legs. The most powerful of these can have mostly-humanoid guises; however, they are not strong enough to sustain a Tri'akun form.
N'vaen: They are powerful enough to appear elven or human, or any other mortal/immortal species, usually humanoid. Most choose humanoid forms to last through their entire lives, though they may or may not appear fully of the species they choose - many will sport permanent horns or claws, unusual eyes, fangs, or other oddities about them. Some n'vaen are absolute experts at hiding their true nature - very few suspect them for what they truly are.
Culture Minor demons: Equipped with low intelligence, most are cruel and seek to do harm in any way they can, and detest the other races. They tend to group in large legion, where they are more powerful. Some may be led by a s'elath or lethaos, and have little care for each other. They are quick to anger and bitterness, and often lead short, violent lives. Territories of minor demons are viciously held, but the borders of such may change daily.
S'elath: More cunning in battle than the minor demons, and possess many times more strength. Most or all are malevolent, just like the minor demons. Some can control the demons below them, and do not care for any beyond their closest kin; rarely, they will trade with other groups, but these meetings often end up sparking skirmishes of various degrees. S'elath are the first of the lower classes to show true loyalty to their Kingdom, and will obey their Lord without question.
Lethaos: They have the highest intelligence of the lower demon classes, making them tough opponents; they tend to gang up on a single enemy, with coordinated, clever strikes. A few are more compassionate than most, and seek to aid rather than harm, turning against their typically warlike race. Lethaos can be found in demon tribes and villages, and some may join in their Kingdom's various social constructs. They are completely and utterly loyal to their Kingdom, and will not fight others of the same Kingdom unless ordered to by their Lord.
N'vaen: Possibly the most varied of the demon classes, n'vaen hold the greatest intelligence and sophistication. As a race, many n'vaen are evil in disposition, or starkly neutral - they are very loyal to their Kingdom, though some hold far gentler hearts. A few rebel against their dark heritage and join the fight for the good, using their demonic abilities to protect those weaker than they. Each Kingdom has its own unique culture, and are well-structured, living in cities, villages, clans, and tribes of many different assortments.
Death demons are the most mysterious of the Kingdoms' inhabitants; they see life and death as two sides of the same coin, and openly accept ritualistic homicide as a needed occurrence due to their curse. Most Death demons dwell in Clan-held villages that train Kuraian assassins - all members of these Clans wear Demonic-rune Clan marks, tattoos somewhere on their bodies. They hold festivals with sake and bloodrice many times of the year to honor Lethias, their patron goddess, and often host hunts to take down large lesser demons or creatures that have caused havoc over any part of their Kingdom. Bonecraft is common, and dances decorated with skeletal costumes perfumed with incense are as well.
Famine demons are perhaps both the kindest of the Kingdoms' citizenry, as well as the most deceptive. Many Famine demons train to become sheizi ninja, and their shinobi are rumored to be some of the strongest fighters in the land. Clan-held and non-Clan villages, often hidden away out of sight, are common; many of these have locations only known at all times by the Lord. Otherwise, Famine demons enjoy multiple forms of entertainment, including theater (such as kabuki - masked dramas), fireworks, and music.
Pestilence demons are those of the Kingdoms' inhabitants that value mental prowess over physical; many become monks, priests to Orphethas, or alchemists. Potionmasters and poisonmasters are held in great regard, as are the leaders of various Clans; any individual in a Clan will have the insignia branded to them somewhere via acidic magic, and cannot be removed. In times of peace, silent worship and sacrifice to their god is common, as well as the practice of strategic games. Gardening is also common in the Pestilence Kingdom; such toxic gardens are kept up well, and often are planted in elaborate designs that are rarely changed.
War demons are those perhaps most honorable in all the Kingdoms; samurai that uphold their Lord's wishes and protect the law also go to some lengths to keep their honor intact, to nearly any degree. Honor killings are somewhat common, as are public humiliation and punishment for those that have dishonored their families. Tournaments - sometimes to first blood, other times to the death - are held in almost every city and village, along with games of war and strategy. Though honorable, War is also known to have a desire for conflict; if anything breaks the trust of a Clan or family group, the bloody feud to follow often lasts for centuries, if not longer.
Abilities Minor demons: Minor demons hold little power, though a few may control elements, no more than one. Usually, they have greater physical abilities to make up for their lack of magical power.
S'elath: Usually, s'elath are more powerful both physically and magically than the minor demons. A select few can possess other species, sentient or no, for varied amounts of time. However, they cannot handle complex spells, more than a few elements, and great magical power, and those that are born with a greater degree of magical strength are very, very prone to overtax.
Lethaos: A large number of lethaos have a powerful control over one or two elements. Some have the ability to shapeshift, and others can inflict direct damage with their reiatsu. This class also includes the hellwolves, the wolven nightmares of Kurai, and most demon subspecies.
N'vaen: By far, n'vaen are the most powerful of all the demon classes. Their power is chaotically strong - most hold great mastery over a single element, multiple elements, or non-elemental magic, such as their reiatsu. N'vaen are almost always quite physically adept, and take well to learning the trade of a weapon, or a fighting style taught by their Kingdom. Many have the power to Tri'akun, or allow their inner demon to possess them temporarily in times of great need. Their powers are unpredictable and varied, and few are completely alike. However, some Kingdoms have some trends that are more common to that particular Kingdom than others, listed below.
Death demons are gifted with unnatural defenses, and superior health regeneration. Often, a death demon may be able to take many more hits before going down, and they are - ironically - somewhat difficult to kill.
Famine demons are very swift and agile, and are magically gifted. Some may naturally have the ability to siphon away energy from their surroundings, and use it for themselves - though this is somewhat rare.
Pestilence demons are sometimes referred to as venomdemons, for good reason; nearly all Pestilence demons have some sort of proficiency with poisons, toxins, venoms, or acidic, corrosive magic.
War demons are gifted with unnatural strength, and may be taller and more muscular than demons from other Kingdoms. Some War demons may have a significant degree of stamina to fuel their physical prowess, with the best samurai being able to fight for many long hours on the battlefield without pause.
Species Origin;

When the great Four, the gods of the demons, beheld their empty world, they saw nothingness; an empty beauty, nothing more. So each god took it upon themselves to create a mighty race, a powerful race, to rule over their world in their stead.
Lethias was the first to craft, and was the goddess to give them a name; Demons, we will call you, she intoned, and the other three agreed. I am the goddess of Death, and my demons will be known after that forevermore. Thus, she spun the pure water of the land into countless forms and breathed life into them, blessing them with precision, grace, and great defense.
I am the goddess of War, and my demons will be known after that forevermore, Neiren intoned, following her sister's lead. She took blood from her own body to craft into many shapes, and gifted them with strength, endurance, and honor as she watched life spark in their eyes.
My demons will be those of Famine, as is my divine title, Zailen rumbled, his leonine paws scraping at the earth. He reared up and fanned his wings, taking feathers from them to combine with the wind to shape many forms. He watched the fire of life flare in each as he gifted them magic, agility, and compassion.
Orphethas was the last to craft his demons; he watched all the others, and a smile crossed his beak. I am the god of Pestilence, and thus my demons shall be known, he said, quietest of them all. He took a large fruit from one of the bountiful trees, a poisonous fruit, and plucked every seed from its innards; each seed was born into a new demon, and as they rose with life, he granted them knowledge, cunning, and venom unlike any have ever seen.
The first demons were ranged wildly, their variances from mixes of animals to tall humanoids. Classes began to show themselves, classes of power, as the gods watched. Death demons all sported some manner of long, straight horns; War demons had curling ram horns, while the slender Famine demons sported wings, and Pestilence had claws filled with deadly venom. Though these early traits have since faded, they are still found within the hellwolves that serve their demon masters faithfully, many thousands of years later.
This species did not have an Ancient First.

Classification: unique lethaos, feeds on life energy. Location: Kurai.
Incubi and succubi are of the same subrace of lethaos-class demon, though they differ so much that they are considered two distinct subspecies. Incubi are all male. Appearance-wise, each incubus will have traits that differ via Kingdom, though they are all humanoid and generally quite attractive. These Kingdom variations are listed below, along with their common abilities.
Famine incubi are thin, pale of skin and overall coloration, with long fangs and claws. Some have flightworthy wings, either webbed or feathered. Nearly all have small curved horns; very rarely can a Famine incubus be found hornless. They are powerful in magic, though most commonly stray towards non-elemental versions rather than pure elements.
War incubi are broad-shouldered, strong, and heavily muscled. Generally, they have ram's horns and a long, prehensile tail, as well as sharp, broad claws. Most shun armor that other Kingdom individuals may don. Their strength and stamina is rumored to be higher than most, though War incubi have little to no magic.
Pestilence incubi are lankily built, and have horns that sweep forward like a bull's, and skin that often trends towards the darkest shade. While Pestilence incubi may have wings and tails, most do not. They have claws with acute venom, as well as poisonous snakelike fangs. All are very speedy and agile, though their relative magic is somewhat lacking.
Lastly, Death incubi are perhaps the most dangerous, and have varied builds. They have sharp horns protruding from the spine, claws, limited scales, and straight horns. Some may have skull masks, though this has largely been bred out of existence due to such incubi not capturing the attention of those they wish to attract. All Death incubi have exceptional defense, and most have a healing gene.
Incubi - as well as their counterparts - feed off of life energy and the emotions of those they find themselves near. Close physical contact is needed to siphon away this life energy, and the effects of such often have an adverse effect on the one losing this energy - even aging immortal species by degrees, especially over long periods of time. Thus, relationships with incubi are warned against in areas where they dwell, and those who marry or pairbond with an incubus are sometimes disowned by families who foresee a very early death. If such life energy cannot be obtained, an incubus will starve and eventually go mad before they succumb to death. Traditional foods may be eaten, but do not provide any sustenance.

Classification: unique lethaos, feeds on life energy. Location: Kurai.
Incubi and succubi are of the same subrace of lethaos-class demon, though they differ so much that they are considered two distinct subspecies. Succubi are all female. Appearance-wise, each succubus will have traits that differ via Kingdom, though they are all humanoid and generally quite attractive. These Kingdom variations are listed below, along with their common abilities.
Famine succubi are thinly built and pale of skin, with long fangs, talons, and long wings. They often hold a dancer's grace, and have been called voluptuous and seductive to those they choose to court. Each Famine succubus is gifted in elemental magic and illusions, though these are not as strong as a kitsune's or dreameater's.
War succubi are beautiful, muscular, and tall; they are nearly as strong physically as their incubus counterparts, though not as thickly built. Generally, they have slender ram's horns and a long, thin tail tipped with sharp barbs. Their strength and stamina is immense, though they have little in the way of true magic. What magic they do possess is often of a non-elemental type.
Pestilence succubi are lankily built, and rarely have horns. They have long, hooked claws with acute venom, as well as poisonous snakelike fangs. Despite these traits, they are considered voluptuous and most beautiful of the succubi. Most do not have accompanying magic, but those that do often deal in toxins and/or healing abilities.
Lastly, Death succubi are perhaps the most dangerous, and have varied builds, though beautiful bodies. They have sharp horns protruding from the upper back that flatten at will, against scales that trail to the base of their spine. All have exceptional defense, and most have a healing gene.
Succubi - as well as their counterparts - feed off of life energy and the emotions of those they find themselves near. Close physical contact is needed to siphon away this life energy, and the effects of such often have an adverse effect on the one losing this energy - even aging immortal species by degrees, especially over long periods of time. Thus, relationships with succubi are warned against in areas where they dwell, and those who marry or pairbond with a succubus are sometimes disowned by families who foresee a very early death. If such life energy cannot be obtained, a succubus will starve and eventually go mad before they succumb to death. Traditional foods may be eaten, but do not provide any sustenance.