Gods and Deities
Gods are divine, ethereal, and spiritual beings that have long reigned over both the Realms of the Living and those of the Dead. Powerful, divine beings of great importance, witnessed by the first scholars as creators and guardians, these are beings that transcend the boundaries of normal mortality and immortality, also known as the Divine Spirits or Oversouls. Each god is sorted into a specific groupings further divided by what groups of gods they may belong to, such as gods of a certain Realm or area.
So powerful are the gods that those who rank higher than their fellows may upset the balance between Realms, and may accidentally pitch it to one side or another; the meddling of Greater Gods especially can destroy entire worlds, should the balances of those worlds be upset. Therefore, gods do not dabble in the affairs of the Living Realms more than they must, or on a very restricted basis. Though they are allowed somewhat to interfere, most often the gods watch from afar and offer indirect approaches to express their will. These may include Wards, clerics, oracles, blessings, curses, and many more subtle effects. A personal appearance and large-scale event created by a Greater God is a very rare thing indeed. Lesser gods are more free in this; demigods almost have the power to do as they wish.
There are the First Gods and Greater Gods, Lesser Gods and Demigods, as ranked by power. A description of deceased gods can be found beneath these, that include dead gods of all ranks.
First Gods
The First Gods are those who came into being before any others in the Fiv'ean Realms; alongside the Void hydras, they are the First Beings, and the most powerful in all of creation. The One was birthed in the empty cosmos of the endless stars, and Death was eventually ripped from his body. All-powerful, omnipotent, and gifted with an absolute and terrible authority, these creatures are capable of destroying Realms and wiping entire planets of life. Therefore, they are split into several different gods, and sealed by keys kept in the hands of mortal guardians, hidden from the sight of the gods.
The One

The divine master of all creation; a beautiful and ethereal being of incredible grandeur, and the first true god of the Fiv'ean Realms. Often worshiped as the greatest god by many priests and priestesses, particularly those who have taken long study in the religions of the Realms. Most powerful of the First Beings, being equal to his counterpart, Death.
Primary colors are white and silver, accented with a creamy off-white, as well as metallic gold and rainbow-hued gemstones that shift and change in color. Shed scales and hair from the One often vanish upon striking the ground, though plants that are touched will glow with a bright light for years afterwards. To touch the One is to touch all of creation, and touch alone is said to drive one insane, overloading the mind and destroying the soul with sheer presence of power alone.
It is impossible to lie in the presence of the One, or commit any crime. His absolute authority commands that those who look upon him do as he wills, with dire consequences to result if they do not. Those who look upon the One with ill intent, be they anything less than a god, are prone to bursting into terrible, white-hot flame.
Pure good.
The True God, the One God, the One, the First One, the Almighty One, the Creator.
Purity, divinity, light, creation, balance, truth, and justice.
Time, Scylla, Balion, Lyfe, Leartes, Gaz'in, Fenrir, Zeldrima, L'zayn, and Sago.
Lowan, the White Godblade.

The divine master of everything evil, worshiped most by the denizens of the dark. A shadowy, ethereal being of chaotic, vengeful energy, hatred by all who look upon him with light in their hearts. Most powerful of the First Beings, being equal to his counterpart, the One.
Primary colors are black and red, accented with a dark grey and silver, as well as black that seems to absorb the light around it, save for the shining black gems. Shed scales and hair from Death often vanish upon striking the ground, though the earth that they touch may be corroded and tainted, devoid of life, for years to come. To touch Death is to touch the end of one's life, and touch alone is said to drive one insane, overloading the mind and destroying the soul with sheer presence of power alone.
All in the presence of Death are bound to thoughts of hatred and murder; the desire to do evil is nearly overwhelming, and entire armies may be brought beneath his will by presence alone. His absolute authority commands that those who look upon him do as he wills, violent deaths taking those who resist or attempt to rise against him. Those who look upon Death with ill intent, be they anything less than a god, are prone to bursting into terrible red fire that melts the skin off one's bones.
Pure evil.
The God of Chaos, Chaos, the Seducer, the Defiler, the Oathbreaker, and the Destroyer.
Malice, destruction, despair, sadness, anger, deceit, lust.
Dhath, Noamuth, Gurthril, Daecuru, and Lithmor.
Desraier, the Shifting Weapon.
Greater Gods
Greatest below the First Gods and most powerful in the Living Realms, Greater Gods are those known as the ones who govern and rule over creation in The One's and Death's stead. They may preside over the doings of Lesser Gods and demigods, are capable of manipulating the world around them, and the lives of those within it, to an incredible degree.
the Felnovian Five
Deities of Felnova, these five dragons are the gods and goddesses that are half of what makes the One; their brothers and sisters reside in Millirand, the original home of the dragons. Though not as powerful as the Dark Five, they are exceptional in ability, and watch over the inhabitants of their Realm. To see - or meet - one is a rare and treasured thing, for they are limited in what they may accomplish in the Living Worlds.

The leader of the Greater Gods, second in power only to Linath. Controls time itself.
The flow of time & space, change and energy.
Strength and power; leadership.
Known to take two Aspects; that of an old, stooped man, a sorcerer - and that of an ever-changing, ethereal beast that can be a mixture of any variety of animals at any given time.
Time is everchanging, but his true dragonform is relatively static. Large and long-bodied, multiple colors divided into every hue mix and swirl against black scales, without definite shape or form for any markings. They move slowly, but can still be seen. Off of his beaked chin, wrists and the tip of his tail sprout thick orange fur that can vary in length and shade upon every meeting. His eyes are golden and can sometimes be white, angled and set deep within his bony face. From his head spread a series of bony, plated frills without web.
Clerics of Time are all gifted with Sight that is more easily controlled than other Seers' abilities; they may look into the futures and see brief glimpses of what may come. They also are gifted with abilities over healing, slowing or stopping time in a small area, and boosting the courage of those around them with prayer.


Goddess of weather, the sky, and adoptive patron of both elves and drow.
Weather and the sky.
Freedom and beauty.
Elves, drow, and avians.
Scylla can take the form of an elven woman with silver hair that hangs, unbound, past her waist, her eyes ranging from black to lightest blue and every shade in between, the color directed by her current mood. She has appeared to royalty and commoners in this form, her dress changing accordingly, but her age remains impossible to guess - her elven form is a woman with the beauty of youth and the wisdom of age.
Scylla's scales gleam in a thousand different shades of silver and blue - they reflect the mood of the weather. For example, on a sunny, clear day, her scales will shine a vivid blue; on a rainy day, they will dull to a dark silvery-grey. Her mane is a light shade of silver, as are the webbings of her four larger-than-average wings. Her tail is tipped with a tuft of fur, much like her mane, and her claws and fangs are pure white, like the clouds of a summer day. Her eyes are the precise shade of a stormy sky, as are the pair of angled ram's horns that curl from behind her eyes. Her frame is slender and slight, the picture of grace.
Clerics of Scylla are diviners of weather and manipulators of the sky. They are able to call down rain, banish storms, and bring peace to a parched land. Though not as skilled as clerics of Time, these revered individuals are able to heal minor to moderate wounds, as well as cure some illnesses.


A beautiful god wreathed in light, who wears divine armor. God of the cosmos.
The sun, moon, and stars; the cosmos and space.
Ritual, wisdom, prosperity.
Argent and aurem lions.
Lyfe is known to appear as a lithe cat, white-furred with golden markings that change from time to time written across his body. He has yellow eyes and tufted ears, and the tips of long fangs protrude from his upper jaw. The white fur, when caught in the moonlight, appears to be opalescent. His second form is a young boy with like ivory hair and bright yellow eyes slitted like a feline's.
Lyfe is young. Not in a childlike way, mind you - it is only his appearance that retains the image of youth. The god always seems to have a kind smile on his face, making his golden eyes dance with light and mirth. His scales are white and highly reflective, making him shimmer whenever he moves. Simple beige horns protrude from his skull; a white mane runs down his spine, ending just before the joints of his feathery wings. His tail is long and comes to a tapered point. Plates of armor cover his chest, the fronts of his legs, and the upper-side of his tail when going into battle. Times of war also find the god wearing a beautifully-crafted helm and thin, bone-like safeguards along the ridges in his wings. He usually appears as a large, unadorned white dragon with hints of gold lingering in the depths of his scales. After looking for a while, you might even be able to pick out the faint pattern of golden fire written in his flesh.
Clerics of Lyfe are protectors and healers who specialize in otherworldly light magic, often strongest beneath the moons and stars of any world. They are able to craft immensely strong barriers and enchantments with the grace of their god behind them.


God of war and peace, retribution, and punishment. Often flips between giving both blessings and curses.
War and peace.
Balance, decision, solidarity.
True to his power, Leartes has three solid forms. That of a great white lion covered in black runes, its three eyes shimmering with all colors of the rainbow. His second is that of a silver phoenix, wings flashing with light and tail of eternal darkness, signaling balance incarnate. His third is a massive black wolf with white eyes that leave afterimages in their wake.
One of the most powerful among the Greater Spirits, Leartes is a six-legged dragon with scales white as polished pearls. Across his back, down his shoulders and thighs and extending the length of his tail lay ever-changing black runes that gleam silver when his emotions run high. From his back extend three pairs of long finlike feathers, black as the night and dotted with blazing white. Matching these, three like feathers fan from his tail, and in place of horns two much thinner ones grow from the top of his skull. The elbows of his middle set of legs an his hind fetlocks are tufted in white fur, as well as the mane that sprouts halfway down his neck, falling over his shoulders and back. The most surprising aspect of the God of Balance is, however, his eyes; again in a set of three, symbolizing good, neutral and evil, they change color in accordance to his emotions. Only one set will remain open at a time until he is angered; the second set is a warning when it opens, and the third certain, undeniable death.
Clerics of Leartes are balance-keepers, and one of the very few who may heal both good and evil individuals equally; their god does not withhold healing from anyone. They are truthseers, and can divine the truth from lies with very little effort.


God of nature and growth, good heart, and optimism. Always seems to be in a good mood, playful and carefree.
Nature, growth and the earth.
Energy, persistence, optimism.
Balion will appear as some kind of natural creature; most often a deer or elk. When he is seen as such, his antlers will be tangled in vines and leaves, and his coat will have a glossy, almost orange glow. Rarely, he'll appear in the aspect of an old dwarf covered in mining dust, his beard tangled with leaves and twigs.
Balion's appearance changes as each season passes. In the spring, his scales are a light green. In the summer, they're a deep, forest green. In autumn, they range between orange and yellow. In winter, the scales are a rich shade of copper. Two horns come out of his skull, always brown, like a tree trunk. His eyes are a warm shade of green, his pupils slitted into thin discs of black. The mane that flows down his back is green like the grass that grows in Felnova, and mirrors its condition, as the rest of his appearance does. His eyes will suddenly become a dull, deathly shade. His scales will become a shade of brown that dead leaves have. The webbing of his wings is always a slightly lighter shade than his scales.
Clerics of Balion are not healers of individuals, but healers of nature; they are able to cleanse corruption and devastation from the land with their powers, and can grow nearly anything in places not usually conducive to plantlife.

the Millirand Five
Akin in power to the Felnovian Five, those that govern Millirand have all but locked themselves away. To see or meet one is considered legendary, as they fled the sight of the living long ago. Their subjects feel as though the Five above them abandoned their duties long ago.

The god of justice and light, a knightly god who promotes chivalry over all.
Justice and light.
Judgement, justice, virtue.
Rarely, Fenrir may appear as a great wyrm or snake made entirely of intersecting metal plates, eyes glowing brightly red with yellow pupils. His second form is that of a Halgian paladin, an avenger dressed in armor of platinum and inlaid bronze, with fiery green eyes and wavy silver hair. His helm is marked by bronze ram's horns that resemble his dragonform.
Patron of Millirand's knighthood, this draconic god is covered in intricate platinum scales. He appears to be a runnerdrake, wingless, with three curved-forward spikes on either side of his neck, four on his tail. Each of them resemble his proud ram's horns, colored a deep, metallic bronze. The tip of his stiff, raptor-like tail has three horned prongs colored much the same. Framed by his horns, his face is narrow and proud, deep-set purple eyes bespeaking wisdom of all things. The talons on his thumbs curl up over his wrists, the two on the fore bearing small golden rings on their curved lengths. Sometimes, when Fenrir desires to fly, he is able to summon wings to his back - along with these, delicate dark-grey markings flow across his shoulders and down his spine, matching linework on the metal plates that form both disembodied, platinum wings. Each segment is gilt with bronze and marked with black runes; they're shaped like birds' wings without feathers, and are as flexible as thin web.
Clerics of Fenrir are stern, intense guardians of justice and protectors of the weak. They will heal those in need, but their god almost never allows for the healing of an individual who has committed crime, or is of an evil species.


Goddess of healing, comfort, and sorrow. Often appears to those enthralled by grief to help them recover.
Sorrow, comfort, warmth.
L'zayn's principle aspect is a beautiful palomino mare, a bladed horn between her eyes. Her mane and tail are bright white, as are her hooves; a crescent moon encircles her horn. Her secondary form is a mournful maiden cloaked in black, with a veil that covers her face. Her skin is white and opalescent; her eyes are purple, and her hair is gold.
Ethereal and white, the Healing Spirit is a great dragoness who appears to be carved from iridescent opal. With a long, golden mane and thick leonine tail-tuft, her appearance echoes the beings she created, enhanced by the great spiraling horn that sprouts from her brow. Two very long, deerlike ears are swept back against her neck, splayed in frills at the very ends, usually tucked underneath a set of branching white horns. Her great, luminous eyes are a glowing purple, swirling light like stars at their depths. Four wings spread from her back, the main set hybridized feather and web, the secondary set of a bird's. Each feather is tipped in gold, and the webbing is semitransparent and glitters in the sun.
Clerics of L'zayn are some of the strongest healers of all who are given divine power; they are able to heal wounds beyond most other healers, cure most diseases, so long as their goddess is amicable. However, they are granted no other abilities like other clerics may be.


Wise and all-knowing, Gaz'in is the lord of knowledge and learning. Often associated with stars and constellations.
Scholarly learning.
Speed, intuition, and learning.
Gaz'in's only aspect is that of a black owl; large and imposing, his favorite type is that of the greater horned for its majesty and grace, though he may transform into any breed he desires. Gold tips each wing feather, running the shaft to its root, and his body is speckled likewise, mirroring the stars.
Covered in long, fine black fur, Gaz'in is a serpentine eastern with white twelve-pointed antlers and a flowing golden mane. His face is horselike, narrow and almost crocodilian, with a golden beard that flows halfway underneath his jowl towards his throat. His paws are wide and have retractable golden claws and long fur of the same color bind around his wrists, often brushing the ground when he moves. Gold flecks dot his pelt like stars, and his black eyes hold glittering points of light in their depths that shift and change in color and position to resemble constellations. He carries a glass-like orb that shows various portions of the cosmos, changing every few seconds, endless night trapped within a singular ball.
Clerics of Gaz'in are not only skilled healers, but skilled farseers and chroniclers who are able to view and record historical events without being present. Many clerics aligned with the god of knowledge are considered the Realms' lead scholars, and are often found teaching young and old, giving advice, or writing their volumes.


A beautiful goddess of fortune and luck, often worshiped by those who gamble and lead risky lives.
Luck and starlight.
Luck and fortune.
Zeldrima often takes the form of a violet phoenix marked in swirling gold. Her golden, feathery frills remain, as well as grand trailing feathers from the middle of her wings and her long, triangular tail. Sometimes she's seen flying in this form alongside Gaz'in and his own aspect, their wingtips touching as they soar across the sky.
Built long and lithe like a slender eastern, Zeldrima is covered in soft down and feathers. Much of her is a glossy purple of varying shades, glimmering red-violet in the sun and deep blues in the shadows. Her thin, semi-transparent wings are a patternwork of lace-like golden webbing with three fingers and a long-clawed thumb. When she spreads them, it appears she has a secondary set of wings resembling that of a fairy's. Her head is narrow and delicate like the rest of her, and she has two long feathers that stretch half the length of her body sprouting from her skull; these feathers are tufted at the ends, and shimmer with golden light. Following the curve of her jaw, shorter feathers fan out in a frill that tapers near the bottom. Beneath these grand feathers, she has a leonine mane of sleek purple fur, golden at the top, fading as it travels along her neck. Her eyes are a silver so light it appears to be white, the cat's pupils faded to nearly nothing.
Clerics of Zeldrima deal in blessings of luck and fortune more than healing, and when they are called upon as healers, it often is up to chance whether or not their goddess may answer. However, a blessing of luck from a cleric of Zeldrima may lead to anything from fair weather on a traveling day to a strike against a much stronger opponent that may save one's life. All is chance.


God of the oceans and seas.
Seas and rivers; water.
Moods/emotions, grace, negotiation.
Sea-serpents and merfolk.
He's very fond of taking the form of a simple dolphin; the only differences that can be noted are small spikes along his fins, as well as small horns that curl behind and above his eyes. Sago can also take the form of many types of fish and sea creatures; he's even been known to transform into a blue-haired merman with eyes that held the wildness of the sea.
A winged dragon of the sea, Sago is colored like sun-dappled water. Numerous frills nearly invisible and translucent spread around his face, the tips curved back and colored the dark shadow of the sea floor. Along his back, beginning at the top of his neck, flow arcing spines with transparent web. The web of his many-fingered wings are likewise clear, a shade darker, teal shadows with sandy swirls. His ling-fingered paws are webbed and clawed in black, and his eyes resemble yellow coral.
Clerics of Sago are gifted healers who use water in their healing, and are able to both breathe underwater themselves and grant the ability temporarily to others they may bless. They are able to talk to sea creatures, and often live at sea themselves if able - otherwise, most are found in coastal regions and small islands across the Realms.

the Dark Five
As Death, the Dark Five reign supreme, countered only by the One. Each god holds twice the power of either Millirand or Felnovian gods, and have been locked away for many years. They always seek a way to freedom, and are harbingers of chaos and death whenever unsealed.

King of the Dark Five alongside his chaotic queen, Noamuth. God of darkness and despair.
Shadows, darkness, despair.
Murderous, wrathful, dangerous.
Only a single aspect of Dhath is known. A tall man with thick black hair and iridescent eyes, enshrouded in a shadowy cloak. Around his neck lay a pendant that gleamed with contained chaos, shimmering every color of the rainbow.
As the consort of the Dark Five's queen, Dhath is a sight to behold. Massive and as black as night, his scales are marred by marks that appear to be wounds; they swirl with arcane energy, shining in every color of the rainbow. His horns are like bone, straight and narrow and his face much resembles a skull. Barbed half-rings of riblike bone encircle his neck, shoulders, thighs and tail. Chaotic and powerful, this King reigns over all who give in to despair.
Clerics of Dhath are dark individuals who are able to heal those with evil in their hearts; though their healing magics do not work at all on creatures of the light. They are masters of shadows, stealth, and corruption, especially against good races and those who oppose their god openly or secretly. They see through deception, but are masters of it themselves, so long as their god is willing. All clerics of the Dark Five may speak with their god or goddess no matter if they are locked away or not.


Queen of the Dark Five, and considered most powerful of the dark gods; goddess of greed and darkness.
Greed and darkness.
Desire, greed, cunning.
Her first aspect appears as a woman called the Temptress, with long-lashed scarlet eyes, a voluptuous body, scant clothing and long black hair that hangs to around her ankles. The second appears to be a black-scaled naga woman with serpents twisted into her hair, long fangs, and three barbed tails; often called the Scourge.
Leader and queen of the Dark Five, Noamuth is a graceful dragoness with scales like polished obsidian. Her plates, frills, wing web and horns are the color of rust, and when she's angered, cracks appear in these shining with chaotic light. Normally, her design is fairly plain; though her scarlet eyes betray the devil that lurks within.
Clerics of Noamuth are prized for their unsettling strength - both magical and physical - as well as the ability to heal dark creatures. However, these clerics also have a propensity for falling to their greed, and attempting to order their goddess to give them more power. All clerics of the Dark Five may speak with their god or goddess no matter if they are locked away or not.


The goddess of pride and vanity, often feared for her wrath at those who do not acknowledge her beauty.
Pride and ill-fate.
Pride, prejudice, beauty and vanity.
None at this time.
A beautiful black dragoness with scarlet and magenta markings. These marks splash over her shoulders, back, neck and sides, painting her wings in a brilliant show that resembles the setting sun in billowing smoke. Her face is framed in similar-colored frills and spikes, as well as small whiskers that curl from her nostrils. She decorates herself in ribbons and jewelry, hanging from her wings, neck, tail and legs.
Clerics of Gurthril are masters of illusion, deception, and glamour of any kind. While they are also healers like many, they are only able to cure diseases and wounds that directly mar the outward flesh; many are called upon to wipe away scars. All clerics of the Dark Five may speak with their god or goddess no matter if they are locked away or not.


The god of rage and wrath, always angry and very fearsome. Chaotic and unpredictable.
Wrath and skill.
Wrath, anger, hatred.
When Daecuru roams the Realms unsealed, and wishes to remain unnoticed to influence the hearts of mortals and immortals alike, he takes the form of a large cobra with night-black scales; the display of his hood is patterned in violet, and he retains the four fell, golden-glowing eyes.
Daecuru's scales gleam deepest black, accented with a dark shade of violet that stripes his neck, wingtips, and legs; the spikes down his spine, wing-claws, and deadly talons are the same color. He possesses two sets of wings; the first larger with two wing-claws, the second small and near-vestigial. A webbed crest adorns his head and upper neck, and splits in two to end on either side of his spine beside his bigger wings. His pupil-less eyes - all four of them - gleam bright gold, though only the first and largest pair are always open. Ribbed black ram horns curl from behind his eyes to point forwards, their crimson tips near the end of his muzzle.
Clerics of Daecuru are berserkers possessed of incredible physical strength. They cannot heal, and only do damage when they try - most are driven to madness should they so much as hint to their god that they wish to do anything but destruction. All clerics of the Dark Five may speak with their god or goddess no matter if they are locked away or not.


A lustful, brooding, and very cunning god; god of gluttony and torture.
Gluttony, lust, torture.
Lithmor has shown only one secondary form once; instead, he chooses to spend his power on pursuits of feeding his own desires, using others' shifting capabilities instead of relying on the qualities of his own. That form is one of an emaciated goblin or ogre, green visage terrible to behold. He wears tattered black robes and undergarments, and a single pendant that holds a glittering ruby ring.
Large and obtrusive, Lithmor is nonetheless the smallest in stature of the Dark Ones. Because of this, he is filled with the desire to hold more than them at any moment - and thus, his own agenda has overcome his life and shaped his form. He appears to be a short-legged, heavyset dragon with lightless black scales, thick jowls offset by small orange eyes that glow with inner flame. His neck is short and muscular, a dewlap much like a frog's colored a deep rust, enabling loud, throaty roars. Jagged markings crisscross his shoulders and back, colored the same. His short rust-hued wings hold long blades at the thumb, and are used more for short gliding and protection than real flying. At the end of his tail lay a heavy club that may separate into for short, sharp spikes at will.
Clerics of Lithmor are corruptors that specialize in magical manipulation and experimentation. Like clerics of Daecuru, they cannot heal, and only turn the things they touch into putrescence or mutants. All clerics of the Dark Five may speak with their god or goddess no matter if they are locked away or not.

Goddess of the Soulplane

The beautiful and ethereal goddess of spirits and souls. Embodies yin and yang well; can be both gentle and kind, or merciless and wrathful, in a span of moments.
Neutral good.
Souls, spirits, the dead.
Serenity, peace, tranquility.
Once, she's appeared to the mortal Realms as a graceful egret. The only difference from a true egret could be told by her eyes, which glowed faintly green, at times shifting to deep, iridescent violet. Another time, she has chosen the form of a ethereal woman, wreathed in light.
Long and elegant, Linath resembles a four-winged eastern, with feathers and fur instead of scales and hide. To the touch, her skin is velvet-soft and covered in very fine, very short white hair. Black markings line her face and race down her sides, swirling around rounded gems studded along her neck, flanks, shoulders, thighs and tail. Sprouting from her forehead to frame her eyes comes lush lavender fur, which stretches from her brow to the very tip of her tail in a luxurious mane. She has six limbs, four to the front and two to the rear, scaled in the same light purple as her mane. Four wings sprout from her back and the point above her thighs, feathered white with bars of black, light green and purple. Each point of green glows softly in great darkness, and her white fur sheds its own dim light.
Clerics of Linath are first and foremost healers, like many others; but they are not restricted to simple wounds of the flesh. One of these gifted clerics is also able to heal wounds of the spirit or mind, smooth over trauma, even restore cracked and damaged Soulgems so that the spirit within does not die.

Lesser Gods
Lesser gods are those that were created by the Greater Gods, or birthed by Realm creation, to reign over specific Realms or areas; they are more powerful than demigods, but much less powerful than Greater Gods, and are usually only known and worshiped in the region that they reign over.

Beautiful and divine, Naerex is the goddess of the sky-Kin xeriin, and of Xaeri's skies.
Sky, wind, and creatures of the air.
She has the ability to create and build; to make things from a variety of substances, but generally leans more towards her mastered elements of air, wind and the swirling eddies of the clouds. Naerex is the patron of sky-Kin xeriin.
Naerex is a graceful, proud she-dragon with scales that shift and change in color, showing all shades of violet and blue, interspersed with white. Her wings are larger than normal and both feathered and leathered, the plumage violet with streaks of blue and white. Her eyes are purest white, bearing no pupil nor iris. A feathered crest runs down her spine and ends in a fan at her tail. In size, she is smaller than the other two gods of her Realm, and her frame is slender, the better for flight.
Clerics of Naerex are those who have sworn fealty to the sky, weather, and wind. They have the ability to heal light-aligned species and bless those with the ability to levitate or fly for brief periods of time. All clerics of lesser gods must return to their home Realm periodically or risk losing their clerical abilities permanently.


The god of the Xaeri sea is very rarely seen. A god of the deep oceans and ocean-Kin xeriin, Nicaen is a true wonder to behold.
Oceans, water, and creatures of the sea.
Well-attuned to the shadowy depths of the sea, Nicaen is a master of stealth and camoflage. Able to become nigh invisible, few can see nor sense his appoach. He is the patron of sea-Kin xeriin.
The second of the Xaeri gods is rarely seen above the deep oceans. He resembles a giant eastern dragon, but one adapted for the sea - his four legs are webbed and long-taloned, and a webbed, bright blue crest rather than a mane lines his spine. His scaled hide is a dark blue-black shade, with a brighter blue udnerside, though all along his neck, sides, and tail are bioluminescent markings that gleam bright white and aquamarine. His eyes bear slitted pupils, the irises gleaming green, and leaving a trailing afterglow. A pair of curved, spiked, dark silver horns adorns his head, and a pair of long, sinuous whiskers sprouts from his snout.
Clerics of Nicaen are those who have sworn fealty to the seas, rivers, and water of any kind. They have the ability to heal races of any alignment, and bless those with the ability to breathe underwater for brief periods of time. All clerics of lesser gods must return to their home Realm periodically or risk losing their clerical abilities permanently.


A large and imposing earth dragon, god of nature and patron of forest-Kin xeriin.
Forests, earth, and creatures of the land.
As the Protector, Rhathor is a manipulator of barriers and strong shields. There are very few who can pierce the boundaries he creates, and fewer still that can rival them. Patron of forest-kin xeriin.
Rhathor is a powerfully-built Western dragon, and the largest of the three Xeriin gods. His scales are the dark green of pine needles and patterned with gold stripes down his neck, tail, and legs. He bears no wings, but all down his spine are jagged spikes that resemble grey stone, his head adorned with a crown of five horns that look as if hewn from rock. His massive talons and fangs are black, as is the large cluster of four spikes on the end of his tail.
Clerics of Rhathor are those who have sworn fealty to the forests, earth, and stone. They have the ability to heal races of any alignment, and bless those with the ability of great physical strength or endurance for brief periods of time. All clerics of lesser gods must return to their home Realm periodically or risk losing their clerical abilities permanently.


Violent and quick to anger, the goddess of the War Kingdom is greatly feared even among her fellows.
Neutral evil.
The War-line demons, battle, love.
Blessed with incredible strength, Neiren can outlast and overpower nearly everything she comes in contact with. Like the other Demon Realm deities, Neiren possesses a secondary, humanoid form - in her case, that of a werewolf. As a human, her hair is black as night, eyes unchanged and sky-blue, skin pale as winter. In her wolven form, her colors are similar - smooth black pelt and blue eyes, ivory fangs and claws, and the same runes from her true form hidden in the fur on her sides.
She takes the form of a dragon, her scales crimson as fell flame; curled ram horns, spikes, wing-webbings and talons black as the depth of space. She is the largest and strongest of the four Kurai gods. All down her neck, sides, and tail are Demonic runes that glow the same sapphire blue as her eyes - the runes are of an ancient dialect, therefore their meaning is lost.
Clerics of Neiren are those who have sworn fealty to war, beauty, and love. They are able to heal any demon of any wound, so long as that demon holds War blood. They're also able to grant blessings of good fortune, foresight, and strength in battle for brief periods of time. All clerics of lesser gods must return to their home Realm periodically or risk losing their clerical abilities permanently.


Goddess of the Death demons, Lethias is a nightmare come to life.
Neutral evil.
The Death-line demons, death, peace.
Able to harness the fears and nightmares of others, Lethias can summon terrifying images that entrap one in their own worst experiences. Her mortal form is in the shape of a beautiful elven woman with scarlet-and-black hair bound in a braid, her eyes violet tinged with green. Upon her upper back is a tattoo of a wolf's head, tribute to her true form; around her neck is a silver amulet of mysterious origin that pulses with energy.
A spirit given the form of a mighty wolf, Lethias's pelt is the color of dry bones. Her eyes glow eerie crimson, the color of Death, and all down her spine are black spikes that are jagged on the inside edges, much like her fangs. Lethias is neither the largest nor the smallest of the four Kurai gods; instead she is the balance between power and agility, strength and speed. Her form is completely solid, but it looks ghostly; white mist seems to curl off of her equally pale fur, and her glowing bloodred eyes leave afterimages when she moves.
Clerics of Lethias are those who have sworn fealty to death, secrecy, and peace. They are able to heal any demon of any wound, so long as that demon is of Death blood. They're also able to grant blessings of nightmare infliction, strong illusions, and invisibility for brief periods of time. All clerics of lesser gods must return to their home Realm periodically or risk losing their clerical abilities permanently.


Noble and fearsome, the lion-god of the Famine demons is a force to be reckoned with.
Neutral evil.
The Famine-line demons, hunger, pride.
Zailen has the innate ability to not only absorb the strength and energy from those around him, but to draw it onto the physical plane and transform it into beasts of his own creation. Much like lost elementals, these creatures are formed of aura, size and strength depending on the power of reiatsu collected. These can last as long as the source of power does, and can be despelled upon the Famine god's will. He may also take the form of a tall avian man with teal-marked wings, flight feathers dotted black instead of white. His eyes change to a dark blue that's nearly black, his hair likewise, but with teal highlights instead of deep azure. Zailen often wears the long, flowing robes of a stern sorcerer in this form.
Proud and strong, Zailen takes the form of a great feather-winged lion. His pelt is a deep teal marked with iridescent blues and greens, tribal-like lines overlaying brindle stripes. these lines continue across his legs and down his tail, following the arms of his wings, until they span the length and width of his feathers with a variety of speckled patterns. White dots touch the ends of each long flight feather, bright spots that catch the light as he flies. A feathered frill extends from his brow down his neck, nestled in a wavy mane of dark greens and blues, generally flattened against his skull. Other feathers, white-tipped as his frill and wings are, can be found hidden in the locks of his long mane. The innermost part of his wings are black, as well as the small fan of feathers atop the base of his tail. His serrated claws and smooth fangs are likewise black, as well as the tips of his ears. His eyes glow a bright orange that change to flat black as he uses his powers.
Clerics of Zailen are those who have sworn fealty to famine, pride, and tolerance. They are able to heal any demon of any wound, so long as that demon is of Famine blood. They're also able to grant blessings of energy absorption, extreme speed, and summoning for brief periods of time. All clerics of lesser gods must return to their home Realm periodically or risk losing their clerical abilities permanently.


Lord and ruler of Pestilence demons, Orphethas is the god of unholy, poisonous things, disease, and venom.
Neutral evil.
The Pestilence-line demons, venom, poison.
Orphethas' talons are filled with a venom worse than shriekan and sarka both; and like to those species, his voice carries with it a deadly power in itself. It can quickly paralyze those weak of mind, and numbs the senses of even those strong-willed. Some say his venom can destroy the spirit, leaving the body.
Appearing as a massive hawk with black eyes, Orphethas is a wonder to behold. He holds a wingspan greater than many dragons, and his white feathers are flecked and barred in iridescent gold. His curved, black talons are veined in red; the same red that flares in his eyes when angered. His beak matches the scales of his legs - a deep, metallic, bronzy gold.
Clerics of Orphethas are those who have sworn fealty to venom, poison, and strategy. They are able to heal any demon of any wound, so long as that demon is of Pestilence blood. They're also able to grant blessings of venomous strikes, poison immunity, and corruption for brief periods of time. All clerics of lesser gods must return to their home Realm periodically or risk losing their clerical abilities permanently.


Older brother of the god of lions, Azcen is the god of Ristell's suns.
Neutral good.
Fire, the sun, and knowledge.
Azcen is the god of all of Ristell's suns, and commands a mastery of solar energy, light magic, and fire of all types. He can dispel illusions and may see through any lie. Everywhere he walks, fire burns in his pawsteps no matter the material, and vanishes soon after as if he was never there.
The Ristellan god of suns is a lion of pure, burning fire; his flames are gold and yellow, sometimes flickering in whites, reds and blues, save for red flame-marks around his eyes and on his thighs. His eyes are a blazing, glowing blue, and seem to be the only solid thing about him. His fire gives off no smoke, and is completely heatless, save when angered. He's said to be the older brother of Nebrielas, the demigod of lions and cats.
Clerics of Azcen are those who have sworn fealty to the suns of Ristell. They are able to heal physical and mental wounds of creatures of light, and may summon fire that may burn anything depending on their god's will. All clerics of lesser gods must return to their home Realm periodically or risk losing their clerical abilities permanently.


As large as a mountain range, Draiyd is an elemental god in the form of a goat, with several mountains growing from his back.
Neutral good.
Forests, plants, and the earth.
Draiyd is the strongest of the Ristellan Six, and can pull mountains from the earth and shatter existing ranges with ease. Plants and trees grow faster in his presence, and earthquakes come at his command. Though not as strong magically as his fellow gods, Draiyd may summon a sharp green reiatsu to burn away existing forests, as a way of purification and renewal - but this is said to have only happened a handful of times.
When asleep, Draiyd appears to be a solid figure of pure stone, vaguely in the shape of a sleeping goat; mountains rise over him, and rivers run from the range upon his back. However, when the stone giant awakens, his green eyes glow with life, and rifts of emerald energy open in the spaces between his rocky hide. An entire ecosystem can be found in the mountains on his back, and a kingdom of dwarves have built a beautiful city within them.
Clerics of Draiyd are those who have sworn fealty to the mountains of Ristell. They are able to heal physical wounds of creatures of neutrality, and may gain control over rock and stone depending on their god's will. All clerics of lesser gods must return to their home Realm periodically or risk losing their clerical abilities permanently.


Unpredictable and savage, Jinun is the Ristellan god of insanity.
Neutral evil.
Insanity, chaos, and death.
Jinun has two alternate Aspects he takes; that of a humanoid, jackal-faced man who wears intricate bones, revealed only to the truly insane; and a beautiful light form, to draw unsuspecting individuals into his traps and mechanizations.
The god of madness takes the form of a raven-black jackal with narrow ears and extensive, dark feathers that sprout from behind his ears, his shoulders, tail, and forepaws. His pelt and feathers are heavily iridescent, and shine blue in hard light. He has spikes that curve away from his face, back, knees and the base of his skull; all of these, along with his long claws and talons, are a bright and glowing blue. Swirling silver markings that echo Ristellan design - including the Eye of Azcen - appear across his fur, accented by glowing blue patches. He wears chains that had broken from his form, as well as an assortment of gleaming silver jewelry.
Clerics of Jinun are those who have sworn fealty to the darkness of Ristell. They are able to heal physical and mental wounds of creatures of darkness, and may gain control over shadows and madness depending on their god's will. All clerics of lesser gods must return to their home Realm periodically or risk losing their clerical abilities permanently.


The serpentine goddess of Ristell's oceans, Meryll is a deity of unpredictibility and change.
The sea and change.
All forms of water fall under the sea goddess' command; from the rainfall released by Zephyro to the rolling ocean waves. She is known to unleash horrific sea-storms upon sailors who insult or offend her, as well as steady waters for those that please her. It has become common knowledge for Ristellan seamen to refuse a voyage if they cannot first pray and make an offering to Meryll before setting out, to avoid her rage.
As the second smallest goddess, Meryll takes the form of a frilled sea-serpent, resplendant in colors of blues, purples, and reds. She is covered in barbed, venomous frills and spines, some with small tendrils hanging from them, others with glowing markings that can be seen from far beneath the ocean waves. Her eyes burn red, as do her spines, and she may spread and flatten her frills at will. Her jaws are filled with sharp, venomous teeth, as well as a serrated beak that can crush a ship in two with ease.
Clerics of Meryll are those who have sworn fealty to the seas of Ristell. They are able to heal the mental wounds of creatures of light, and may call upon the seas for help depending on their god's will. All clerics of lesser gods must return to their home Realm periodically or risk losing their clerical abilities permanently.


Playful and beautiful, Nirni appears as a rabbit, and is the messenger of the gods of Ristell.
Neutral good.
Night, the moon, and love.
Nirni is, as the messenger of the gods, the smallest and fastest of them; she can outrun nearly every creature in existence, divine or not, and is known to challenge her fellows to races they never win. Ill will fades in her presence, and she seems to spread joy and love wherever she goes.
The smallest of the Ristellan gods takes the form of a shimmering rabbit that changes colors with the phases of whatever Ristellan moon she chooses. She is brilliantly white, with lightless black markings scattered across her in the light of a full moon - her jewelry will change to silver, and she will glow with light to rival the suns. When there is no moon she has chosen, she is a deep black with glowing white markings that sparkle and dance across her pelt. Nebulae and stars follow her footsteps, trailing off of her paws and tail, as an orb that holds an entire galaxy floats around her always.
Clerics of Nirni are those who have sworn fealty to the moons of Ristell. They are able to heal the mental wounds of creatures of neutrality, and may call upon powers of the cosmos depending on their god's will. All clerics of lesser gods must return to their home Realm periodically or risk losing their clerical abilities permanently.


Zephyro is the Ristellan god of weather, and one of two sons of the former spirit god, Shiranui.
Neutral good.
Weather and the sky.
Zephyro is the flying whale god, and commander of the skies. As a god of weather, he can control every aspect of it; he may set into motion weather patterns that appear normal to mortal eyes, start or stop droughts, create destructive storms, and much more. As an overseer of Ristell's balance, he is one of the most active of the Ristellan Six, and is rumored to be more powerful than Azcen.
The largest of the Ristellan gods, Zephyro takes the form of a massive midnight-blue whale. His thick hide is highly metallic, and often reflects the sky around him, appearing to change color as he flies. Sharp markings break this in colors of blues that change with the time of day; however, his most striking feature are the chaos-marks in various runes all down his back and sides, always changing colors, appearance, and shape. Clouds billow from beneath his flippers and tail, and can be white and fluffy, or dark and laden with water, depending on his mood.
Clerics of Zephyro are those who have sworn fealty to the skies of Ristell. They are able to heal the mental wounds of creatures of darkness, and may summon great winds and air magic depending on their god's will. All clerics of lesser gods must return to their home Realm periodically or risk losing their clerical abilities permanently.


A god of chaos and despair, counterpart to Seiten.
Darkness, anger, despair.
Has powers over darkness, instant death, and negative emotions. Albion is dangerous and unstable, representing chaos. He hates and hurts all that he touches, save for Seiten, who is his equal.
A large, long, eastern-styled dragon with scales of jet black and dark green. He has bright red markings splayed across his shoulders, neck, face, thighs and tail, and luminescent green gems centered within them. Slender tendrils tipped with green, glowing orbs spring from his face, neck and tail, while dark green-gold frills spread from his ears, chest, back, and tail. His eyes glow a deadly red.
Clerics of Albion are those who have sworn fealty to absolute chaos. They are able to heal any wound of the dark races, if their god wills it; and they have a chance to gain any ability in the Realms when offering a prayer to Albion, though this is completely random and may not happen at all. All clerics of lesser gods must return to their home Realm periodically or risk losing their clerical abilities permanently.


Beautiful and delicate, Seiten is a goddess of beauty and love.
Light, kindness, justice.
Has powers over light, rejuvenation, and positive emotions. Seiten is kind and just, representing justice. She loves and heals all that she touches, save for Albion, who is her equal.
A large, long, eastern-styled dragoness with scales of snow white and bright gold. She has shimmering gold markings splayed across her shoulders, neck, face, thighs and tail, and luminescent red gems centered within them. Slender horns and tendrils tipped with red, glowing orbs spring from her face, neck and tail, while feathery fur spread from her face, elbows, back, and tail. Her eyes glow a beautiful green.
Clerics of Seiten are those who have sworn fealty to absolute order. They are able to heal any wound of the light races, if their goddess wills it, and they may ask their patron for extra strength in battle - though this will only be granted of them if they lead lives of order and dedication, and even then for only short periods of time. All clerics of lesser gods must return to their home Realm periodically or risk losing their clerical abilities permanently.


A goddess of life and hope, counterpart to Athlryion.
All beings of Aether alignment; life; light; purity; creation.
Life creation, purification, space traveling, telepathy, wielding of all Aether magic (unique to the two Aethyrian gods) and all Aether-touched 'elements'.
A beautiful blue-eyed white dragoness of snowy, pearlescent scales, with metallic golden kintsugi-like markings that change and warp constantly, mirroring Athlryion's at all times. She is a slender creature with creamy accents and metallic gold fur adoring her face, neck, back, chest and tail, shimmering the same hues as the long frills along her sides and wings. Has twisting horns remeniscent of sunfire, a sun mark on her neck, and starry galaxies in her wings. Softer in appearance than Athlryion, with smoother scales and fluffy accents. Once a Celestial dragon that was Ascended to godhood.
Clerics of Auryelia are those who have sworn fealty to Aether and its divine light. The devoted of Auryelia within the clerics of the Aethyrian Chantry are often seen wearing pure white robes with golden details when it comes to their devotion to Aether, and can be found in most of Aethyr's continents, of most races found within that Realm. Normally, clerics of Auryelia hold higher mastery and knowledge of glyphwriting magic, enhanced (often violet-flecked) reiatsu control, and advanced healing of Aether-aligned creatures and races. All clerics of lesser gods must return to their home Realm periodically or risk losing their clerical abilities permanently.


A god of death and darkness, counterpart to Auryelia.
All beings of Nether alignment; death; darkness; impurity; destruction.
Life destruction, taint, space traveling, telepathy, wielding of all Nether magic (unique to the two Aethyrion gods) and all Nether-touched 'elements'
A beautiful red-eyed jet black dragon seemingly made of obsidian, with metallic golden kintsugi-like markings that change and warp constantly, mirroring Auryelia's at all times. Has crescent-shaped horns remeniscent of the moon, a moon mark on his neck, and starry galaxies in his wings. He is a sleek creature with sharp, metallic plates and spikes along his back, chest, and tail, shimmering the same hues as the long frills along his sides and wings. Sharper in appearance than Auryelia, with bladed scales and plated accents. Once a Cosmic dragon that was Ascended to godhood.
Clerics of Athlryion are those who have sworn fealty to Nether and its divine shadow. The devoted of Athlryion within the clerics of the Aethyrian Chantry are often seen wearing pure black robes with golden details when it comes to their devotion to Nether, and can be found in most of Aethyr's continents, of most races found within that Realm. Normally, clerics of Athlryion hold higher mastery and knowledge of glyphwriting magic, enhanced (often purple-flecked) reiatsu control, and advanced healing of Nether-aligned creatures and races. All clerics of lesser gods must return to their home Realm periodically or risk losing their clerical abilities permanently.

The demigods of the Fiv'ean Realms are the least powerful gods in the divine ranking, though they are almost completely unrestricted in what all they may do. Often, demigods reign over only a specific species or ideal, and have power over nothing else.

Revered demigod of wolves, who reigns over the Vystrian wolf packs that look to him for guideance.
As the wolven diety Ascended by Time, Cirrus was the first demigod recognized in Vystrian lore. He is a blue, silver and white wolf with white flames dancing at his back and tail. Light blue tinged with purple flows over his back and neck like rain, shading into tones of lighter and darker blue. His belly is white, as well as markings on his face, forelegs and thighs. One paw is white, matching that of his granddaughter, and his tail twists into curling white fire. Cirrus' eyes shift color with the sky; but they are always some shade of iridescent purple.
Cirrus has an incredible control over light, healing, and some aspects of wingless flight. He has the ability to grant wolves their spirit companions, and to take them away; his own drienar, called Nokessen, is a white swan and flies alongside him whenever he travels above the Living Worlds' clouds. Once, he had a counterpart; a brother named R'rkain, wolven god of darkness, and his drienar Shackle.
Clerics of Cirrus are gifted with great healing magic, made stronger by the presence of other clerics in the same pack. Most clerics of Cirrus are wolves or other canines, and those of alternate races are very, very few. All clerics of demigods must carry with them a charm given to them by their god, and must commune with the deity at least once a year, lest their powers be permanently lost.

The demigoddess of divine retribution.
Divine judgement.
A great white dragon, surrounded by a flowing mist of near-white reiatsu with hints of grey wisps in it. Her great wings are bat-like, and her scales are prominently overlapping themselves to form natural armor. Her horns and claws are a gleaming silver-grey color, and her tail is long and sinuous. However, at times she’ll take on the form of a great, sinister black dragon. Thick, jagged scales cover her body, and her face is skull-like in appearance, with ever-bared teeth, deep, armored eye-sockets, and broad nostrils. Two large horns curve away from the base of her skull, then forwards, coming to a point even with the end of her nose. A rough, spiky ridge runs from the base of her skull down to the tip of her long, sinuous tail, and her great, leathery wings have massive spikes on the main wing-joint. When wandering among lesser beings, she takes the form of a tall Halgian woman.
Erinys, as a daughter of Leartes, possesses an extremely powerful reiatsu, beyond most other demigods. This reiatsu can serve as a powerful shield, or be formed into various weapons for her to use. Her knowledge of rune-lore is formidable, and her senses are extremely potent, allowing her to see, hear, and smell her prey from a long ways off.
Clerics of Erinys are gifted with the ability to see through deception and divine truth, enhanced by their own strength of spirit. Most clerics of Erinys are or were knights, and all have sworn some type of unbroken oath before becoming a cleric underneath the goddess. All clerics of demigods must carry with them a charm given to them by their god, and must commune with the deity at least once a year, lest their powers be permanently lost.

Younger brother to Azcen, and patron god of all lions.
As the deity of lions, Nebrielas holds a place in the skies of Felnova as a constellation showing a rampant lion roaring fury at the skies. When he appears in his physical form, he is a white lion bathed in flame - his mane and tail burn white, and his eyes dance with every color of the rainbow. When angered, black runes shimmer into being on his white pelt. He's said to have lived for many, many years as a mortal, the Raizen of a lion pride, named Aular. In this form, he was black with white runes, but the same iridescent, color-changing eyes.
He has the Sight, and has strong visions of the future. Able to discern what future path is most probable, many going into battle or facing some challenge pray to him to give them warning of what may come. Other abilities include incredible strength and stamina, as well as the ability to heal with breath.
Clerics of Nebrielas are gifted with healing magic and the ability to see and sense reiatsu, much like an aura elemental. All clerics of Nebrielas are felines of some type, most often lions, and other races are completely unheard of. All clerics of demigods must carry with them a charm given to them by their god, and must commune with the deity at least once a year, lest their powers be permanently lost.
Rahirra // Zakrii

An unusual god/goddess who reigns over the race of gryphons.
The gryphon goddess Rahirra and her counterpart, Zakrii, are one in the same; switching between personalities comes every few hundred years, much like a phoenix's fiery rebirth. Emerging from the flames, the female aspect is called a beauty among her feathered brethren; her male counterpart is a warrior of the skies. Both have the same gold-speckled orange coat, shot through with a tiger's black stripes. Rahirra's scaled forelegs are black, as well as her hind paws; thick, silky fur flows at her elbows and hocks, matching the golden tuft at the end of her tail. A crest of fiery feathers lifts from her head, and long, tailing feathers descend from just behind her tufted ears. The patterning on her wings is like a hawk's; barred with black, beneath shading from red to orange to a metallic gold. Zakrii has all of these things, but slightly differing markings and more trailing feathers; his wings' stripes coelesc around a black and red eye-spot, matching the spots on his shoulders and thighs.
Fire. Both aspects have magnificent control over heat and flames. It's said that when one descends from the sky on an enemy, their innards will begin to boil before a talon even touches warm flesh.
Clerics of Rahirra and Zakrii are gifted with abilities of purifying flame and the healing of light races.All clerics of Rahirra or Zakrii are avian in nature, and most are gryphons, phoenixes, or roc'a. All clerics of demigods must carry with them a charm given to them by their god, and must commune with the deity at least once a year, lest their powers be permanently lost.

Patron goddess of all kitsune; once a powerful demoness.
A beautiful ten-tailed kitsune with fur of deep teal, marked in reds, whites, and electric blues. She has scarlet eyes, and several (most illusionary) Soulgems float around her. In her humanoid form, her hair is teal with colored streaks and she wears traditional Kuraian garb; her skin is a deep russet color, and her eyes are a brighter shade of scarlet. Blue reiatsu burns in visible foxfire over her tails and ear tips.
As the patron of kitsune, Torikkusuta's illusions are unrivaled. She can warp reality to her will, and will often do so to allow a captured kitsune to escape, before evaporating like mist on the wind. She is capable of destroying a kitsune's starball, or corrupting it - she may see through any illusion and detect any lie. When punishing an errant kitsune, she may also remove some or all of its tails, and may transform one of her race into a normal fox.
Clerics of Torikkusuta are gifted with the ability to heal or purify a kitsune's starball, as well as minor healing magic. Most clerics of Torikkusuta are kitsune, though some demons have been reported before. All clerics of demigods must carry with them a charm given to them by their god, and must commune with the deity at least once a year, lest their powers be permanently lost.

A lustful and young goddess filled with cursed desire.
Neutral evil.
Vanity, desire, and lust.
A young and attractive dragoness, Wrath is nevertheless a demigoddess of extreme potential. She is black-scaled with red swirls, and a long wingspan of reds an deep maroons. The plates along her neck match the upper wing webbing as a rusty maroon, and her horns and claws are silver. Fins fan the side of her face, their webbing shading from deepest maroon to a bright, burning red. She may also take the form of a voluptous young woman, to lure in males of her choosing.
She can manipulate the emotions of others; can inspire battlelust in a warrior, or dark desire in any she wishes. Though she's the demigoddess of lust, she is unable to have offspring; some whisper that it's the curse from her mother, Noamuth, for ever having associated with the late Lord of Hell. She has one brother from the same union - powerless Rage, who neglected to inherit godship from either parent at all.
Clerics of Wrath are gifted with the ability to either help or hinter fertility in either males or females. Most, if not all, clerics of Wrath are infertile females like herself, and cannot use their abilities on themselves or their blood relations. All clerics of demigods must carry with them a charm given to them by their god, and must commune with the deity at least once a year, lest their powers be permanently lost.
Deceased Gods
These are the gods that have died at some point during the role-play, or in BTACD's history. Mentions of them may still be made, and they may be encountered as ghosts or spirits, unless specifically stated otherwise.

Former god of sun and moon. Rebelled against the worlds in an episode of madness, and was eventually brought down by the royal armies of Vystriana.
He was once a great silver dragon with a double set of wings; with a thick, orange, leonine mane and black talons hard as dragonsung steel, this magnificent god was a marvel to behold. His great, tufted tail held in it black spikes, and the plates that ran down his back were edges in deepest orange. Zacyn's eyes, framed by his mane and two long, batlike ears, matched the color of the noonday sky.
Once one of the Five, Zacyn reigned as the God of Sun and Moon. Original patron of the Yorije dragons and worshipped by them, he ruled for many long years until his heart was clouded in shadow. Rebelling against Felnova, he was defeated and slain, and now roams as a ghost among the lands of the living.

Son of Shiranui and brother to Zephyro, Shang was a lesser god of weather. Killed by a former Spirit King, Rozuyo.
Shang was a long-bodied eastern dragon with gold and green scales; opalescent, in some lights it was said that he would turn pearly and white, like a wraith among the clouds. A large blue gem lay embedded in his brow, that matched gems at his shoulders and thighs. A thick mane of white streaked in gold encircled his face, before traveling down his back and neck to end at a long tift at the end of his tail.
He was once the lesser god of weather beneath Scylla; rumored to be the son of Shiranui, Shang held prestige among his peers. He was a well-liked and well-loved god who never stopped visiting the mortals below, happy to grant any wish. He was slain by one he once called a friend - Rozuyo, fomerly a spirit in the service of Linath.

A god of souls and one of the most divine and spiritual gods to ever have existed. Gave his life to split the Spirit Realms apart and save the balance from destruction.
An ethereal, glowing eastern dragon with six feathered wings and eyes of beautiful scarlet. Gemstones of ever color lined his sides and veins of jewels glinted in his branching antlers. Was constantly surrounded by an aura of souls, bleeding power wherever he passed.
Related to the One God, Shiranui was put in charge of watching over the spirits of the dead. He created the first Spirit Kings and was one of the first to ever have a Ward in the Realms of the living.

Once a corrupted Spirit King, Kairn rose to godship for a very brief time, before he was slain and his Realm destroyed.
A dragon who chose the form of a man, Kairn was the mage-ruler and Lord of Hell before he attained his godship over the Realm of Kamillik. He had silver hair that trailed down his back, and bright green eyes that could bore into a soul. He wore red mage's robes most of the time, and was fond of silver jewelry. Thick scarring could be seen on his chest and back, for which none remember tale of how he got them. The dragonform Kairn held was a great Silver swathed in black flame; his scales were marked in both reds, maroons, and deep deep blacks.
Overcome with greed, Kairn set out to create the Perfect Realm, Kamillik; his compassion, kindness and sanity were torn away, and he worked unfalteringly towards this new goal. Said to have become a puppet of Noamuth in the end, he was finally killed in his ill-fated Realm, and now resides in the Farplane, where memories of destroyed spirits dwell. Half of his spirit lay locked in a spirit-weapon in the hands of Jekt, a Famine demon of the royal line.
Deceased Gods Gallery
Here can be found old images of the dead gods and goddesses, including former official art that was made.