By Tooth And Claw Dragons

Player Group: Lion Prides

The Felnovian lions are unique in their characteristics, leadership and abilities and consequently have their own customs and approaches which differ greatly from the norm. This page explores the Mahdros pride, generally accepted to be largest group of lions Felnova; and the Faen pride, a smaller group far to the south.

You can find several other animal groups as LPGs in the link below! These are fully player-run and player-created, with few restrictions and many different choices.

Lesser Player Groups

Mahdros Pride

The Mahdros is the main lion pride in Felnova. Their territory extends down below the Myrlands ruled by the wolves and into the vast Exodus Desert, ending at the were's city bounds touched the parched sand. Stretching to the coast, most of their territory was dry grass and plains, with sandy dunes to the west. Their unique ranks follow as thus:

Raizyn;; Is the leader of the pride and almost exclusively male. While occasionally the Raizyn is female, this only occurs when there is no suitable male heir. The Raizyn is war-leader, strategizing and always commanding during battles, however rarely participates in hunts. When the Raizyn becomes too old or weak to lead the pride, they will either step down to become a normal pride member or be challenged and, if defeated, exiled.
Rahima;; Is the Raizyn's preferred mate and "sub-leader" of the pride, responsible for directing hunts and leading the pride when the Raizyn is otherwise occupied. All lions except the Raizyn and Rashidi defer to the Rahima.
Kokau;; Is the strongest lion under the Raizyn and the likely successor. This position is fluid and subject to change based on the outcomes of battles for dominance but is usually held by one of the Raizyn's sons.
Rashidi;; Is the pride healer, skilled in herbs as well as healing magic and highly respected by the pride. They are considered equal to the Rahima but rarely use their authority. As such, a lion cannot become the Rashidi until they are at least thirty years of age, except under extreme circumstances. The Rashidi is responsible for the health of the Pride and training their successor, which they begin searching for as soon as they gain the position.
Rhai;; Is the pride's apprentice healer, trained by the Rashidi to succeed them when they pass. The Rhai is a lion of usually magical ability - usually centered around healing - and is educated from a young age in the remedial arts.

Pride members who do not hold position are simply called thus; the elders and cubs are generally included in this group, as well as the hunters and any lions that are considered invalid but can perform duties like minding cubs.

Pride Members

Currently accepting: 2 more males.
Position: Raizyn. player: Nechesa.

A rather goofy King, the Raizyn to the Mahdros is a powerful lion that holds the lightning element. He is exceptionally protective of his pride and its members, and is a kind king and a loving mate.

Position: Rashidi. player: Macetire.

She is a kindly if taciturn lioness whose only goal is to keep her pride mates healthy. She is a relatively new member of the pride but she has shown enough talent that she was raised to her current position.

Position: Member. player: Verridith.

While not a permanent member, Vaun is a lion xeriin who was raised along with other Mahdros cubs in his childhood; now a sky-pirate of some renown, he is bonded to the dragon Loki and visits from time to time. He is often seen with a quick smile and a joke, making his Bronze partner roll his eyes on numerous occasions.

Position: Member. player: Zendekarian.

Fryoth is a talented mindmage, and is often in the company of saurians that he has made allies. His goal is to serve the Mahdros as a warrior, but being an outcast makes this difficult.

Position: member. player: Lizzeh/Verridith.

The reincarnated soul of Panax, Eva has grown from a runt of a cub to a wonderful healer and helper within her pride. While still young, she has a great control of light magics, and is well known for her heritage to the Celestial Lion, Aular.

Faen Pride

Located in Khankirae, the Faen pride is an offshoot of the Mahdros that fled hundreds of years previously from an unknown cataclysm. Though smaller than their father-pride, they are led much more traditionally, and hold governance over much of Khankirae. Allies with the veldryn, they often aid their allies in battle - though recent loss has made them wary and shy. Their ranks follow as thus:

King;; Is the leader of the pride and almost exclusively male. The King is war-leader, strategizing and always commanding during battles, however rarely participates in hunts. When the King becomes too old or weak to lead the pride, they will either step down to become a normal pride member or be challenged and, if defeated, exiled.
Queen;; Is the King's preferred mate and "sub-leader" of the pride, responsible for directing hunts and leading the pride when the King is otherwise occupied. All lions except the King and Shaman defer to the Queen.
Prince/Princess;; Is the strongest lion - or lioness -under the King and Queen and the likely successor. This position is fluid and subject to change based on the outcomes of battles for dominance but is usually held by one of the King or Queen's offspring.
Shaman;; Is the pride healer, skilled in herbs as well as healing magic and highly respected by the pride. They are considered equal to the King and Queen but rarely use their authority. As such, a lion cannot become the Shaman until they are at least thirty years of age, except under extreme circumstances. The Shaman is responsible for the health of the Pride and training their successor, which they begin searching for as soon as they gain the position.
Mender;; Is the pride's apprentice healer, trained by the Shaman to succeed them when they pass. The Mender is a lion of usually magical ability - usually centered around healing - and is educated from a young age in the remedial arts.
Guard;; A small group of mostly-male lions who protect the pride, patrol the borders, and keep the lionesses safe from attack. It's said that the Guard was founded to stave off deathcat attacks many years ago. Generally, the Guard will have around three to four male lions in it.

Pride members who do not hold position are simply called thus; the elders and cubs are generally included in this group, as well as the hunters and any lions that are considered invalid but can perform duties like minding cubs.

Pride Members

Currently accepting: 3 more males.
Position: King. player: Verridith.

A king well befitting his title, N'uavu is a relatively young lion who inherited the throne from his father, Noctis. Once Noctis was killed by a rogue veldryn gone mad underground, N'uavu took leadership, though he was far from ready. Now, through discipline and no small amount of courage (plus the wonderful guidance offered by the pride's elder lionesses), he leads them surely into a bright future, where all may find peace.

Position: Guard. player: Fyfergrund.

As stalwart a guard as a pride could ever hope to have, Zilar is a prime example of what a pride guard should be. Unwaveringly loyal to his pride, and unfailingly courageous in the face of danger, he is always ready to stand between them and danger. Outside of his duties, he is quiet but warm-hearted towards those who have managed to befriend him.

Position: Member. player: Verridith.

The Faen's odd trader. Zan is fascinated with other species, especially humankind; she regularly visits a nearby village, studying their ways and habits. Living thus, she's gained many human friends, and has even begun to learn other languages as well - such as elven and drow. Some say she holds the spirit of something far more than a lioness... but that has yet to be seen.

Position: Member. player: Zendekarian.

As her name pertends, her taking of risks is well known in her pride. She is still very loyal, and this half-aurum lioness is willing to do anything to save her fellow members of the Faen.

Position: member. player: UFA!.

N'uavu's and Sinekka's firstborn son. Kivuli idolizes his father more than anyone, and often mimics his mannerisms and pretends to rule an imaginary pride of his own. He loves to watch whenever there are pride meetings, and is one of the most playful cubs in the pride.