The Human

General Information;
Humans are one of the most diverse and prolific species in all known Realms. Gifted with a wide spectrum of vocational aptitudes, perseverance rarely seen, and the ability to harness many magics unknown to other races, humans dabble in nearly all areas in all Realms. Human curiosity and ingenuity is almost never satisfied, and the various varieties of humans have settled most countries in every world.
Name:: Humans
Average Lifespan:: 200 years
Average Height:: 6ft/1.8m
Average Weight:: 150 pounds.
Location Found:: Abroad.
*all statistics based on averages; extremes in any direction, or found in odd locations, are always allowed.
Human aging Humans in the known Realms age much differently than those documented in Earthrealm; on average, a human may live to be around two-hundred. Their doubled lifespan and retention of youth are two key factors to remember, and the exact aging process may be seen in their agelist.
Diet This is what this species, and any variants, may eat at any given time.
red meat from Kuraian animals; tubers, mushrooms.
fruit, succulents, nuts.
red meat, grain, vegetables, cheese.
red meat, fish, fruit, nuts, dates, cheese.
fruit, grain, fish.
tubers, fish.
white meat, fish, fruit.
white meat, fish, grain.
shellfish; other-Realm animal meat.
mushrooms, red meat.
shellfish, tubers.
Human diets are widely varied, and heavily dependent on both location and social standing. Often seen as the quintessential omnivore, humans can survive off of a widely varied diet, equally capable of thriving in areas abundant or scarce in either meat or vegetation. No variant of the human species eats their meats uncooked, though limited few will eat some fish and shellfish raw. Prepared and cooked meals range from the extravagant to the very simple, eaten in a variety of ways depending on locale, culture, and individual tastes.
Icemarkians tend towards a diet heavier in red meat and white meat than other humans, while those from Noctis have a heavier leaning towards white meat and fish. Humans from Noktureesah have a widely varied diet that shifts with the seasons.
Species info credited to Twist, Bucketorandomness, Fyfergrund, and Verridith.
In-Depth Information;
Appearance Humans are one of the most common races in most of the known Realms. In general, humans follow the same basic structure; they are classic four-limbed bipeds, though beyond that, individuals may appear very different from one another regardless of where they may hail from. The most common human race is the Millirandian; while the rarest is the Kuraian.
In general, human skin tones vary greatly, and their hair and eye colors can differ from most known natural hues due to the undercurrent of magic in the Realms. In general, males are taller and stronger than females, though with enough training, this can be subverted. All humans are split into several variants, often named for the regions they either live within, or originate from. Interracial pairings may result in mixed appearances, and are rather common.
Kuraian: Hailing from Kurai, these hardy humans are often shorter and thinner than their brethren, yet faster and more muscular than most. Much of the skin and physical features on these humans are mixed, though they have a tendency toward upward slanting eyes and limber physiques. Most, when in their protected villages, wear Demonic clothing: beautiful wraps, hakama, and kimonos. However, all have an animal hide they use for a simple disguise when leaving their small hidden villages, ranging from the pelt of a darkdeer to the accumulated, camouflaged scales of a skree. These offer not only safety in disguise from hunting demons and other predators, but also protection against the Realm's acidic rain.
Lizzarkythian: A generally robust race, these humans are among the stoutest on this list. Many Lizzarkythian humans are dark-skinned, with bright eyes and an assortment of hair colors. They usually clothe themselves in animal pelts, reptile skins, and bones, but physical scars are surprisingly sparse among the entire population. Their hair is typically shaggy, but carefully groomed or tied back away from their characteristically stocky face. Men are almost invariably taller, sometimes by several inches, than Lizzarkythian women.
Millirandian: Generally considered the "common human", this is the largest group of humans in all Realms. They are typically pale-skinned with diverse features; they are the most likely to have some of the most variation in hair and eye color of their entire species. Their garb usually reflect wherever they currently reside, from their homeland in Jes're'en to anywhere in the worlds abroad.
Ristellan: Among humans, this group is known for its unique adaptations to both Ristell's Aboveground and Underground. Above, their skin tones are almost invariably shades of the darkest brown with dark hair, and they wear traditional Arcadian head-to-toe, heat-displacing garments. Below, they are pale in both skin and hair; most prefer a simpler, darker style of dress. Eye color in either may be anything, though unnatural hues are somewhat rare. Both are willowy and tall, and many have remarked about their seemingly delicate bone structure. Despite this, they are quite robust.
Culture Humans as a species have a wide spectrum of personality, behavior, and balance between good and evil; they are known to be one of the most diverse of any species as far as where they may fall on the spectrum. As a species, they have an immense resilience and stubbornness to hold on to life despite their physical disadvantages, as purebred humans lack fangs, claws, and the natural defenses of other races. Human ingenuity and tenacity is marveled by many other races, and they have become an interesting point of study for those such as the strigine, seekers of knowledge.
Below can be found race-specific cultures as they pertain to common human variants.
Kuraian: As first generation or descendants of escaped slaves, this variant is generally distrustful and secretive, often hiding from even other humans. Most may be found in Famine and Pestilence territory, well away from the Death and War demons who prey upon them, and live in either small, vagrant bands or well-hidden villages. Kuraian humans are very intelligent, and often hold a similar code of honor to that of War samurai; those that defile this honor or bring danger to the group are ostracized - and sometimes exiled - to survive on their own.
Lizzarkythian: These humans are excellent at finding uses for everything around them, both organic and inorganic in nature. Some may assume they are less developed than some other groups of humans, but the Lizzarkythian humans are the most well-balanced group when it comes to tactics and implementation in any natural environment. They value working together, and thus have an almost pack-minded mentality when faced with a threat. However, they are somewhat unnerved by large cities and advanced civilization - places of stone and metal that they cannot manipulate. Many Lizzarkythian humans worship dragons as the lyzards do, but don't often interact with their more reptilian neighbors.
Millirandian: As diverse and varied as they come, these humans are sometimes mistaken for natives of some other area, especially since they aren't always explicitly from Millirand, sharing only heritage and not their land of birth. They tend to chameleon their way into a culture and bring along their experiences with them, since these humans are known to travel so much, even if they have no need to. They generally welcome the new and try to bring it with them wherever they go.
Those that remain in Millirand dwell primarily in the land of Jes're'en, and live in that land's myriad human cities, often appear somewhat disheartened and wary of outsiders than their brethren that travel abroad. Many still look upon dragons with distrust, and close their doors to those they do not know. Celebrations are few and far between, and many Millirandians who stay in Jes're'en live in a rather militaristic lifestyle, led and taught by the knights of Rose, Star, and Crown.
Ristellan: Unlike other human races, the Ristellan humans are divided into two distinct groups that are very culturally diverse, despite being very closely related. Both are loosely ritualistic, and believe in the gods of Ristell - though while aboveground humans worship Aczen (god of the sun), belowground humans worship Nirni (goddess of the moon). They are heavily influenced by the cultures around them, and have fit well with other inhabitants in the areas in which they live, though all Ristellan humans enjoy puzzles and riddles, no matter where they come from.
Aboveground humans have taken sol'tera and sphinx cultural norms to heart, having a passion for life and a fire for knowledge, along with great ties to the spiritual religion of Azcen and the ruling Pharaohs that govern Arcadia. They are bound by honor and tend to employ a caste system much like the sol'tera they live alongside. Underground, the Ristellan humans live in an assortment of loosely-allied city-states that constantly watch for Arcadian invasion; while led by the Herald of the Underdark, there is no absolute authority, and no ruling monarchy. Timekeepers (as the sun does not shine underground) play an important role in underground human society, and fresh-grown edible plants are worth their weight in gold below the surface of the earth.
Abilities As a race, humans are often underestimated and undervalued; larger, more powerful creatures disregard them as weak, while those of similar power and physical ability may see them as uncivilized and disorderly. However, though they have no special ability to fly or breathe underwater, and their stamina, strength, and speed are little against greater species, the human ingenuity is a terrifying weapon many have failed to consider. Because of their inherent weakness, humans often are more observant, and come to conclusions in abnormal ways, than greater races may.
Those who have magical abilities are able to use their talents in creative ways and in combination with other trained skills. Such skills include almost any weapon available in their size and just about every creative occupation one could think of. With training, human mages may learn their magics faster and more easily than longer lived races, though they face greater dangers in doing so. Each human variant also has their own unique traits and abilities, detailed below.
Kuraian: Having spent time within the various Kingdoms of Kurai, these humans have mastered certain hand-to-hand and weapon fighting styles that are found most commonly in the demon armies. They have also developed a large tolerance for toxins and poisons, and have adapted to drinking the bloodwater of Kurai, though many may still consume traditional water when in other Realms. They aren't completely immune to the Realm's acidic rain; however, they have more of a resistance to it than most other non-native races, and often employ protective coverings to travel without the need for constant shelter. Kuraian humans are uncannily good at hiding, even when there is little cover to be had, and many Seers and farseers are born within their ranks.
Lizzarkythian: It is theorized that because of their ability to work so seamlessly together, these humans developed a penchant toward empath abilities. They are the most likely to exhibit these qualities out of the species as a whole, and that is to say nothing of their ingenuity and ability to reuse seemingly worthless objects. Their stamina is perhaps the best of the humans, though it is still not much when compared to other species. Lizzarkythian humans, when gifted with elemental magics, may also trend towards lightning most commonly of all.
Millirandian: On the whole, these humans are the most likely to develop wide-ranging magical and physical capabilities, ranging all across the board. Because of this, many take unusual or dangerous jobs in a variety of different Realms; the majority of human adventurers are often Millirandian blood or have such in their immediate family.
Ristellan: Ristellan humans have quite different traits and abilities depending on whether they are from above the earth or below it. Aboveground, these humans have developed less of a need for water than most of their species, and are more resistant to extreme heat. Those above often employ light or fire magics when gifted elementally, much like their sol'tera neighbors. Underground, Ristellan humans are resistant to bitter cold and do not require as much oxygen to breathe, and many have greater night vision than the majority of their race. Alchemists are also a sight more often seen here than any other type of magic user.
Species Origin;

The First Realm was one of chaos, when Death tore the One asunder; as the Ten hid away, and began work on species to help in the brutal, destructive world. One of these was a creation of Fenrir, the god of justice, named humans - Man.
Seeking to create a race as versatile and ample as any, Fenrir looked to the stars in the night sky for inspiration. Taking some of that starlight, he gathered a few of his scales and molded a new form, one that stood on two legs and had strong arms with hands able to craft and make and use. He gave them a core of starlight, and the capacity for great knowledge with which to use their versatile body. To the first human, he said, You I have made to be human; you I have made to be Man. Craft and build with the others of this world, and go forth to be as I created you.
The first human went and created, built, learned; Fenrir crafted other humans to join the first, and watched as his race grew in secret. They multiplied quickly, perhaps more quickly than any he had yet seen - and though they were weak, they were also very strong.
This Ancient First was a human that looked like a tall and handsome man of his race, with shoulder-length brown hair and deep brown eyes. He was protective and intelligent, and had the ability to call upon wind, water, and earth for his use.

Icemarkian Human
Classification: arctic human. Location: very specifically in and around the city-state of Icemark.
In the far North, near the Isles of Exile in Vystriana, there resides a race of humans unlike most others. Light-haired, generally blonde, with eyes colored like ice and snow, these folk are accustomed to the cold conditions of the north. Their warriors are thickly muscled and broad-shouldered, very tall, and quite physically strong. The women are as tall and imposing as the men, and most wear their hair tightly braided or in buns; many wear the garb of hunters and warriors, and few don anything other than the simplest of gowns or dresses. Most Icemarkians are highly resistant to the cold and can overheat in high temperatures, wearing very little in arid climates. Their garb usually consists of thick-furred pelts and leather armor, rarely plate armor, as they tend to overheat if burdened with too much clothing.
As a general rule, Icemarkians are seen by others as a loud and unruly people. They feast and party like few others, are fond of their drink, and believe that glory hard-won is worthy of a place nearest the gods. However, Icemarkians are much more nuanced than others may at first believe - they are a proud and strong people, with close family bonds and a sense of honor to rival even the War samurai of Kuraian legend. They delight in battle, and believe that victory over skilled opponents secure the immortality of their spirit, and the favor of their ancestors. Most, if not all, worship the Millirandian god Fenrir over any of the Felnovian gods, believing that they are the direct descendants of humans crafted by his divine powers in Sud'rlund before following the dragons to Felnova hundreds of years ago. To dispute this, or to dishonor Fenrir, is cause for fisticuffs in many an Icemarkian inn.
Icemarkians are trained from a very young age in everything from survival to hunting to a wide range of weaponry and warcraft. On the cusp of adulthood, an Icemarkian adolescent will undergo a rite of passage depending on their family, rank, and current skill. They will embark on their first hunt on their own, equipped with their weapon of choice; they must survive the ordeal and bring home a trophy according to their station (the higher rank and higher skill, the larger and more dangerous prey required to pass the rite. Once they return with their hunted trophy, they will get their first custom-made weapon directly forged to their specifications. Their trophy's likeness is then added to the family's crest on a shield that is gifted to the youngster, cementing his or her place forever.
Heraldry is very important in Icemarkian culture. Larger, older families will often have multiple branching crests and many elements within them - to have a heraldic crest with many elements is a sign that the holder deserves respect and deference. Most of these crests craft creatures built of many different pieces, such as a bear with serpent tails, elk antlers, and wolf ears. For a family member to die without an heir, their shield is buried with them (most often visibly, so the crest may be seen), though in other cases the old shield is passed to an heir, and then hung in the family's home in a prominent place. To lose a family shield is to invite disaster and disgrace, and to steal a family shield is the greatest dishonor often met with death. Shields destroyed in battle are considered an honorable loss, and are remade of better materials should the user of the shield survive.
Though not gifted with any great magic, Icemarkians are near immune to cold, and have a great resistance to the element of ice. However, fire and heat are deadly to them in great degree, and they have little defense against their related elements. They are very physically strong, have great stamina, and are gifted with admirable constitutions. Very few Icemarkians are affected by poison, and illness is rare among their people.

Noctisian Human
Classification: nomadic people of the sky. Location: primarily Noctis' floating islands.
A group of generally dark-skinned humans of middling height, known primarily for their adaptation to Noctis' floating sky-continents despite their inability to physically fly. They are not physically imposing, and are known to dress themselves in the fur, feathers, hide and scales of the creatures they hunt with jewelry made of stone, shells and gems from their surroundings. Higher-ranked and older individuals dress themselves in more colorful clothing; those of lower ranks keep to the browns and tans of common animals. Tattoos and hair dye are very, very common, especially in the brightest of colors. Eye color is often very bright, sometimes iridescent, and heterochromia of many varieties is exceptionally common.
Noctisian humans are a close-knit tribal folk who have learned to train their local fauna and discovered how to use some of the flora available to enable them to live in the sky with relative ease. They are agile and clever, with a keen sense of balance and a strong affinity for sensing everything around them. Many become dragonriders, gryphonriders, and rocriders; any that bond with a sapient species are seen as leaders and those blessed by the gods, fitted with some divine purpose. However, the use of non-sapient animals - such as Xaeri-imported flying fauxians, or the native gigantic Noctisian eagles - to travel between sky-islands is common.
Many Noctisian humans are friendly and welcoming to outsiders, preferring a peaceful existence and one of trade and prosperity over glory and grandeur. They live in tight-knit communities ruled by loose hierarchy based on wisdom and age, and give thanks to Seitan for everything from good harvests to fair weather. They use Albion's name only sparsely and with respect, for invoking the god carelessly is thought t bring chaos to a village or city, and one must be punished for its use to avoid disaster. Knowledge and skill are held in great regard, and most Noctisians learn a variety of skills over the course of their lives.
Often, those who can use magic among them are gifted with wildwhisper abilities, the wind element, or farsight - though other magic may be found as well. They are known to be lighter physically than other races, and have a keen swimming ability, though they cannot hold their breath for long and thus avoid diving in most cases. Physical strength is lacking, but they are gifted with uncanny speed.

Noktureesan Human
Classification: religious, ritualistic jungle people. Location: primarily Noktureesah.
Noktureesan humans are a highly religious, ritualistic people that live in tribes located in the Millirandian country of Noktureesah. The humans in this area, cut off from others of their species for many centuries during their earliest days, appear more robust and broad of features than their cousins; their skin tones range from very dark to light brown, some with russet or golden tints. Hair is usually dark, often black, where their eyes may be of any shade under the sun. Many Noktureesan humans do not grow over five feet in height, and the average is nearer to four and a half. Unusually, Noktureesans have developed a strong affinity for gold, and either mine it themselves or trade for it whenever possible, using it in many things from day to day life to intricate rituals. When injured, they are known to coat the scar in gold, and tattoos using pigments tinted like the metal, or highlighting golden implants, are surprisingly common. Bold jewelry and clothing accents are often either gold, bright feathers, or a mix of the two, with any cloth commonly found in reds, greens, blues and yellows.
Each morning these humans pray to Lyfe, and a large gold-plated leaf is passed around to receive offerings to the deity while at night, a similar ritual is held to honor Gaz'in. Their worship has evolved readily since the earliest years of their burgeoning culture; once, they looked to all Ten similarly to many others found in Millirand. They saw Zacyn as the Morning-Bringer, Gaz'in as the Night-Bringer, Zeldrima as the Luck-Giver, and hold similar names to all of the Millirandian Ten. Throughout the day, they would worship these gods, and when the great spirits suddenly disappeared, they never lost their faith. Instead, the religion called the Solari was born, led by the serpentine Priest-Kings and their Speakers. These Speakers are known Seers, and often are tied to one of the Ten as a greater cleric. Thus, they learn quickly of events surrounding the gods, and keep this line of communication strong within all of Noktureesah. It is for this reason that they did not lose their belief in the Ten.
When Zacyn died and his replacement Ascended, their worship shifted to Lyfe, who they consider the same god reborn into a new life. Thus, rebirth is also featured prominently in their religion, and they are strong believers in the reincarnation of those pure-hearted. Other gods outside of the Ten are acknowledged, but are believed to be much less important, and less powerful; Linath, for example, is never seen as the instrument of a reborn soul: instead, this falls to L'zayn, the Life-Keeper and Leartes, the Balance-Bearer, working in unison. Those that corrupt their souls are thought to have the eyes of the gods closed to them, and wander eternally as lost souls once they die.
Metal-based magic is very common among Noktureesans, and elemental magic is strong among their people. Fire and earth magics are most common, where ice and wind are quite rare. Physically, they are not terribly fast, but are strong and hardy, gifted with greater stamina than most other races. They are not overtly resistant to any element, but are resilient against poisons and illnesses much like their Icemarkian cousins.