The Vystrian Knighthood is divided into a series of Orders based on skill, ranked appropriately underneath both the Council and their Order Leaders. Each knight is sorted into these Orders after passing both the Test and being knighted, from the Sword on.
The Vystrian hierarchy is structured around a singular royal house; that of Kazule's descendants, currently led by Queen Verridith. Her knightly Orders are rumored to be some of the best in all of Felnova, and are held to an incredible standard. An oath is said by all who are sworn into duty, called the Code of the Ten, and is the chivalric code that all the various Orders abide by. It is taught, word for word, to all of their members from page up til knight, and is often remembered long after one has left an Order, due to its constant use.
"Beneath the eyes of the Five, before whom I kneel, I swear to ever be faithful and true to the Code of the Ten. In reciting this code, I will take upon myself the honor and integrity of the Realm; I will protect the weak, stand to the strong, help the helpless, fight with the valiant.
"I will not bring harm to my King and Queen, for they are the pillar upon which my strength is built; I will not befoul the safety of which I am vowed to protect; I will not destroy the trust of the people in which I serve; and I will not break the loyalty of which I pledge.
"Under pain of death, beneath the eyes of the Great Gods, I pledge myself to the honor and protection of Vystriana and all of her people, beneath the Lady Verridith. Ayddn'yen'n 'a fae'niel. Anein."
Individual knights may rank as follows. These rankings are true to every Order, and are unchanging within them:
Page: Usually a child; runs errands, learns discipline, is taught manners and the code of the Orders.
Squire: Begins true training; attends to the knight they are assigned, and is taught all that they do.
Junior Knight: Has passed the Test, and begins learning how to operate as a knight in true colors. Usually stays with their assigned knight for one to four months. Stays in the Order of the Sword until then.
Knight: A true knight; ascends from the Order of the Sword to a different Order, one that they fit most.
Led by the General and split into various divisions according to their skills, the Orders of the Vystrian Knighthood are as thus:
- Order of the Talon
- Order of the Raven
- Order of the Lion
- Order of the Beryl
- Order of the Sword

The Order of the Talon, often considered the elite of Vystriana's forces, hold the advanced ranks of the various Knighthoods, promoted after long service or incredible feats of skill. Knights in this Order are held to the highest standard, and are Queen Verridith's first offense and last defense, controlling most of her Wings and headlining many of her companies.
Talon knights are usually independent, strong soldiers capable both of working alone or in groups - they are very good leaders and often are skilled in the art of planning and strategy. They are loyal, protective, and held in the highest honor.
Knights of the Talon are separated by the following divisions when in a group. These do not, however, include flying ranks; they are covered further on.
Leader: Head of the Order. Oversees the central workings of the Order.
General: Leader's Second; commands lieutenants, organizes companies, platoons and battalions.
Lieutenants: Fall under the command of the Order General. Commands companies, platoons and battalions. Organizes squads.
Leaders: Separated by what they lead.
- Colonel: Battalion leader. Leads a battalion of knights, usually paired with one other; made up of
- Captain: Company leader. Leads a company of knights; made up of six platoons.
- Sergeant: Platoon Leader. Leads a platoon of knights; made up of three squads.
- Squad Leader: Leads a squad of knights; made up of two to ten individuals.

The Order of the Raven is a specialized group of knights that are considered Vystriana's most versatile asset. Composed of mostly small squads, or pairs of individual knights, the Ravens are often kept out of large-scale patrols and battles, unless the needs of the Order deem it so.
Unlike the other Orders, the Ravens are a direct service to the noble folk of Vystriana, and are lent out as mercenaries to do tasks for those of lesser royal blood, under direction of the queen. The skills of the Raven are also used in stealth, reconnaissance and various undercover missions; one is often assigned to a small scouting patrol, or sent as a spy.
Raven knights are strong-willed and are able, like Talons, to operate both alone and in groups. They make strong leaders and exceptional strategists, and are quite capable of difficult tasks or seemingly-impossible missions. Many are very decent trackers, hunters, and marksmen.
Knights of the Raven are separated by the following divisions when in a large group. These do not, however, include flying ranks; they are covered further on.
Leader: Head of the Order. Oversees the central workings of the Order.
General: Leader's Second; commands lieutenants, organizes companies and platoons
Lieutenants: Fall under the command of the Order General. Commands companies and platoons. Organizes squads.
Leaders: Separated by what they lead.
- Captain: Company leader. Leads a company of knights; made up of six platoons.
- Sergeant: Platoon Leader. Leads a platoon of knights; made up of three squads.
- Squad Leader: Leads a squad of knights; made up of two to ten individuals.
Battalion leadership is left strictly to the Knights of the Talon.

The Order of the Beryl are one of the Knighthood's strongest Orders, and valued above all for their skill in magic and magecraft. Trained jointly by both the Order of the Sword and the Order of Mages, Beryl prospects are few and far between, as they must possess the intricate mind of a mage, while having the strength and skill of a warrior.
Beryl knights are usually not as physically strong as the other Orders, but their magic makes up for it ten- and twenty-fold. Most are trained in the art of healing and light magic, while others go on to master one or more elements. Still others can learn enchantments and curses, where more focus on defensive shield spells and solidifying the use of arcane energy. A select few are trained as summoners, and can be the most powerful soldiers on a battlefield.
Due to their nature, Beryl knights receive more training than any Order, and are usually enveloped in a state of constant study. They are kept under tight watch, and are never sent as far as a Raven or a Talon; their value is too high, and their kind too rare, to risk sending far abroad.
Knights of the Beryl are separated by the following divisions when in a large group. These do not, however, include flying ranks; they are covered further on.
Leader: Head of the Order. Oversees the central workings of the Order.
General: Leader's Second; commands lieutenants, organizes companies and platoons
Lieutenants: Fall under the command of the Order General. Commands companies and platoons. Organizes squads.
Leaders: Separated by what they lead.
- Captain: Company leader. Leads a company of knights; made up of six platoons.
- Sergeant: Platoon Leader. Leads a platoon of knights; made up of three squads.
- Squad Leader: Leads a squad of knights; made up of two to ten individuals.
Battalion leadership is left strictly to the Knights of the Talon.

The Order of the Lion is one known and honored for its worth as protectors, warriors and estimable paladins. They are the elite guards of Vystriana's biggest cities, and can be found in nearly every one of the queen's armies. They are the backbone of the Knighthood, and the largest Order.
Knights of the Lion work best in groups, and are skilled in melee combat, usually trained with the sword, spear and bow. They are efficient workers and dedicated soldiers, loyal to a fault, and unfaltering in the face of the enemy.
Generally, members of the Lion are credited with being fierce and steadfast companions, fearless and noble in battle, with a strong sense of justice and mercy. They are negotiators, and will find solutions to problems other Orders have trouble with. Very versatile, and dependable in any situation.
Knights of the Lion are separated by the following divisions when in a large group. These do not, however, include flying ranks.
Leader: Head of the Order. Oversees the central workings of the Order.
General: Leader's Second; commands lieutenants, organizes companies and platoons
Lieutenants: Fall under the command of the Order General. Commands companies and platoons. Organizes squads.
Leaders: Separated by what they lead.
- Captain: Company leader. Leads a company of knights; made up of six platoons.
- Sergeant: Platoon Leader. Leads a platoon of knights; made up of three squads.
- Squad Leader: Leads a squad of knights; made up of two to ten individuals.
Battalion leadership is left strictly to the Knights of the Talon.

The Order of the Sword is often considered the training Order; comprised of both veteran knights and those newly Tested, the stepping stone from squirehood into one of the other Orders. The Sword is known for its optimistic fire, and new ideas and new blood. Often considered one of the most versatile Orders due to holding the roots to the others.
Knights of the Sword are trained in the ways of the other Orders, and learn how to operate on their own. They are usually accompanied by a veteran of the Sword, or the knight they had been assigned to as a squire, anywhere from one to four months.
From this point, they are evaluated to decide what Order they would most fit in; most enter the Lion or the Raven, as there are very few that reach the potential of the Beryl. Talons are chosen from veteran ranks out of all three Orders.
Knights of the Sword are separated by the following divisions when in a large group. These do not, however, include flying ranks; they are covered further on.
Leader: Head of the Order. Oversees the central workings of the Order.
General: Leader's Second; commands lieutenants, organizes companies and platoons
Lieutenants: Fall under the command of the Order General. Commands companies and platoons. Organizes squads.
Leaders: Separated by what they lead.
- Captain: Company leader. Leads a company of knights; made up of six platoons.
- Sergeant: Platoon Leader. Leads a platoon of knights; made up of three squads.
- Squad Leader: Leads a squad of knights; made up of two to ten individuals.
Battalion leadership is left strictly to the Knights of the Talon.
Military Structure
There are five active generals at all times, with five assigned units/wings that they preside over. These generals may accompany these on patrols. All answer to the leading General, and above them, Verridith. Five-hundred troops lay in reserve.
Notes on dragon and flying-creature wing formation:
A wing consists of six dragons or other creatures; one wingleader, a wingsecond, two flankriders and two outriders.
Wingleader- in charge of all operations underneath their general, leader (sometimes called 'captain') of a group.
Wingsecond- one who flies behind the wingleader in formation, protecting the leader in battle; second in command.
Flankriders- two that fly behind the wingleader and to either side of the wingsecond, acts as support.
Outriders- the two flyers on the rear-edge of the formation, on the corners of the triangle; keep watch behind and cover the others.
Notes on the sending of patrols:
One magic user is assigned to each patrol that goes farther than Hidden Lake, on horseback or dragonback. Usually a Knight of the Beryl, or one of the mage-class. One wing or unit (group of six ground troops or cavalry, most often includes at least one knight) to each patrol, five patrols a day spread across Vystriana.
Notes on the distribution and division of knights:
Many knights of the Order of the Lion are directly involved with the military, and few venture outside of its armies. However, those of the Raven freely roam, and those of the Beryl often make small quests to further gain more knowledge of their magical abilities. Some will travel to one of the mage Towers, and learn directly from the mages themselves. Those of the Sword do not leave Albronel often, and only leave in accompaniment with one of the Lion or a higher class. Talons are free to do as they please.