By Tooth And Claw Dragons
The Kaveri

General Information;

The kaveri are a group of anthropomorphic birds which are divided into several different categories. They come in a variety of colors and their style of clothing reflects their variant's culture, and the region in which they live. The different categories of kaveri specialize in different things including but not limited to trade, magic and combat depending on the variant. Most kaveri rarely leave their flocks and have a complex, tight-knit community. Though they were primarily found in Felnova for hundreds of years since their creation, they have since spread abroad.


Name:: Kaveri

Average Lifespan:: 200 years

Average Height:: 5ft/1.5m

Average Weight:: 90-200 pounds

Location Found:: Covahold & Cliffport.

*all statistics based on averages; extremes in any direction, or found in odd locations, are always allowed.



Flock Dynamics Though it does depend on variant and individual most of all, flocking bird types in the kaveri species will rarely leave their flock. Many travel in groups or do not stray far from their homes, though the occasional loner may be rarely seen.

Species Names While 'kaveri' is the proper term for the entire species, its variants and subraces may be called by their term alone, or as a combination; for example, 'seabird kaveri' or 'kaveri songbird'. Things relating to the kaveri are often called 'kaverin'. Likewise, 'kaveri' serves as both singular and plural.

Diet This is what this species, and any variants, may eat at any given time.


fruit, succulents, nuts.

insects, nuts, fruit.

nectar, seeds.

fish, shellfish.

nuts, fruit.

fish, shellfish.

fruit, nuts, insects.

red meat, nuts.


red meat, insects.

tubers, succulents.

insects, nuts.

red meat.

insects, succulents.

aquatic plants, fruit.

succulents, tubers.

white meat, fish.


white meat, fish.

red meat.


white meat, plantlife.

red meat, tubers.

red meatf.

red meat, white meat.



Kaveri have a widely varied diet heavily dependent on which group they fall under. While most tend towards a more vegetarian diet, some prefer a diet rich with meat. However, all kaveri are omnivorous to at least some degree, being capable of surviving off of plantlife or meat even if such isn't their preferred diet.


Species info credited to Shroommu, Fyfergrund, Aviela, and Verridith.

In-Depth Information;

Appearance Kaveri are anthropomorphic birds, often covered in feathers and gifted with large, flightworthy wings depending on variant. Their heads, tails, and legs are very avian in build, and they have hollow bones as true birds do. They hold themselves in much the same way as a human, standing on two legs and with the shoulders set square above the hips, and stand upright at an average of five feet, though this varies greatly via type. All kaveri have two to three fingers and a thumb on their wings with long talons on each, matching the claws on their feet. Their feather colors range from very natural, matching the hues of the bird they most resemble, to completely outlandish and bright.

Similar to true birds, kaveri can be found in all colors, shapes, and sizes. The population varies in variations just as much as regular birds do, and they tend to flock together in the same way as similar species, forming complex, tight-knit communities. The entire kaveri species can generally be subdivided into eight basic groups, each with their own customs and traits: these groups are described below.

Desertbirds: Kaveri that fall under the desertbird classification are struthioniformes; flightless individuals similar to ostriches, emus, cassowaries, kiwis, etc. Most have wing-hands with three short fingers and long claws, often with an extra thumb. Desertbirds enjoy wearing very loose and light clothing, or otherwise very little; jewelry is very common, as are items that protect them from the blistering heat of their desert homes.

Groundbirds: Kaveri that fall under the groundbird classification are galliformes; they are similar to chickens, quail, turkeys, pheasants, etc. Most have three-fingered wing-hands with short digits and stubby claws; some may lack thumbs entirely. Greatly varied in their garb, they nevertheless prefer more natural colors and practical clothing. Some groundbirds, however, go in the opposite direction and wear some of the brightest dyes and flashiest clothing available.

Hummingbirds: Kaveri that fall under the hummingbird classification are apodiformes; though members of this variant almost specifically appear to be their namesakes, hummingbirds, swifts and treeswifts are also possible. Most have wing-hands with two fingers and a thumb, slender with long curved claws. Hummingbirds often wear very formal clothing, or a mishmash of assorted garments. Many enjoy wearing jewelry from a variety of styles and places.

Icebirds: Kaveri that fall under the icebird classification are sphenisciformes; specifically, various types of penguin. Most have wing-hands with two to three fingers and a thumb, and very short, broad claws. Unlike many others, icebirds tend to fall into two distinct categories when approaching what to wear: lots of warm clothes, such as furs and thick shawls, and very little clothing at all. Some icebirds are very resistant to cold, while others are not - this often decides what they will wear depending on the climate they find themselves in.

Junglebirds: Kaveri that fall under the junglebird classification are psittaciformes; they are similar to parrots, parakeets, cockatoos, lovebirds, etc. Most have wing-hands with broad fingers of varying count and large, curved talons. Most common in junglebird garb are bright colors and intricate styles. Some may wear an excessive amount of jewelry and decor, even to the point of impairing proper flight.

Seabirds: Kaveri that fall under the seabird classification are greatly varied, and include the charadriformes, anseriformes,gaviiformes, and pelecaniformes; they are similar to any oceanic bird, and examples range from terns and gulls to pelicans and frigatebirds. Most have long, three-fingered wing hands with webbing in-between the digits, and claws of varying length. As a more militaristic-minded variant, seabirds trend towards uniforms for the commanding officers of their ships, with the quality declining as poorer sailors can afford less finery. Some are fond of Rhidoran clothes crafted by the minotaurs - especially their tricorn hats.

Songbirds: Kaveri that call under the songbird classification are immensely varied, and include everything under the banners of passeriformes, oraciiformes and columbiiformes. They may be anything from a common, small sparrow to a tall and lanky corvid. Most have short, two-fingered wing-hands with long claws; they may sport an extra thumb. Songbird kaveri are likely to decorate their clothing with embroidery, but generally keep things simple, and often wear garments similar to the citizens of whatever region they live within.

Stormbirds: Kaveri that fall under the stormbird classification are falconiformes and strigiformes; they are similar to various birds of prey, including but not limited to: eagles, hawks, owls, falcons, etc. Most have wing-hands with three long fingers, and long, curved, and very sharp talons tipping each. These raptors prefer rugged clothing and light armor that permits flight while offering protection from their enemies, space for weapons to be stored, and stealthy clothes that benefit the hunt.

Culture All of the kaveri variants have common cultural tendencies and regions they're most often found. Outliers are, of course, possible - many kaveri enjoy learning new things, and finding the occasional family or flock outside of their normal range is not terribly uncommon. Non-flocking types tend to travel for longer and farther than others, and may be found abroad.

Desertbirds: Found in multiple desert regions, though most common in the sands of Arcadia, desertbirds tend to migrate towards arid regions of all types. They can be found in hot and dry (sandy) deserts and semiarid deserts alike. Many are traders and merchants, though some hire themselves out to guard caravans and groups traveling across dangerous lands; they have a close relationship with Ristellan humans, sol'tera, and the iahake. Others may turn to banditry, raiders on the sands.

Groundbirds: Territorial, often found in forested lands and grasslands, they sometimes fight with junglebirds over shared boundaries. They form smaller communities than most kaveri, and defend these towns and villages with great ferocity. These often consist of small huts and homes thatched with grass and tree branches, though others may have wooden fortifications to better defend them against outside invasion. Flocking type, though in limited numbers.

Hummingbirds: The majority of hummingbird kaveri are known for their affinity for travel, and may be found in a variety of regions all across the Realms. They are very fast, and have good memories, often creating their own maps of places they've been to and things they've seen. Thus, many hummingbirds are hired as messengers, scouts, and runners of all kinds. Hummingbird kaveri are likewise known for their great love of all things sweet.

Icebirds: Nomadic, arctic-dwelling kaveri that can be found in all Realms that have sizable areas covered in snow and ice. Icebirds gather in large numbers where they thrive by fishing and trapping game, then travel to more accessible regions to sell and trade. They are of a flocking variant, so these traveling merchants often keep to groups of five or ten in a caravan at any given time.

Junglebirds: Nomadic, primarily found in tropical and jungle-bound regions such as Lizzarkyth. Most are craftsmen, artists, and creators of all kinds; they create an assortment of objects including but not limited to tools and weapons, jewelry, clothing, paintings/drawings, sculpture/trinkets, architecture, and much more. A junglebird kaveri will often enthusiastically talk about their crafts and attempt to sell you whatever wares they may currently have. Some are flocking birds, while others are not.

Seabirds: Seabirds specialize in sailing and trading. They tend to gather in port cities such as Covahold, but they will also form their own communities along trade lines as they see necessary. These communities are tightly run by a trademaster who oversees all of the town's kaverin affairs, from the shipping of goods to the building of houses. Kaveri ships are hand-crafted and generally staffed exclusively by their own kind, but other species will occasionally be able to find themselves employment on a kaveri craft. These merchant kaveri are fiercely protective of their wares, and won't settle for a price even one jaden below their perceived value.

Songbirds: Most, if not all, songbirds specialize in magecraft. Songbird kaveri make their homes deep in the forests of the Realms and are the most friendly and approachable of their kind. Their groups are generally small, hardly larger than a village, and nowhere near as culturally diverse as the large communities formed by other flocking types. Whenever possible they prefer to avoid conflict, but they will defend their kin to the death if it comes down to a fight. Many songbirds are flocking variants, and do not stray far from their groups, while others may take a more individualistic approach to their lives.

Stormbirds: These kaveri specialize in combat and wartime. The most reclusive of their kind, raptor kaveri generally do not form flocks;some stormbirds even avoid others of their variant, unless they are of the same bird type. Racism is prolific among older stormbirds, while younger individuals are beginning to become more accepting of other kaveri and other races as a whole. Fiercely loyal and highly territorial, these kaveri make for excellent soldiers and bodyguards. They can be found in nearly every Realm.

Abilities All kaveri (with the exception of kaveri similar to flightless birds, such as groundbirds and certain types of desertbirds) have the ability to fly for extended periods of time - this is their preferred method of travel. Beaks, talons, and claws are all acceptable combat items, though many kaveri prefer to use real magic or weapons in a fight depending on variant and individual tastes.

Desertbirds: Many desertbirds learn from an early age to fight with staves, as well as pikes, glaives, and other similar weaponry; however, non-bladed weapons are much preferred. Most desertbirds have very little to no magic, and many cannot fly.

Groundbirds: Groundbirds, true to their name, are not great flyers; though most can fly, it's for short distances, generally coupled with ungraceful landings. However, they are very quick overland and may run great distances, owing to powerful leg muscles and large talons on their feet. Most have magic affiliated with earth and nature.

Hummingbirds: Incredibly quick both on land and in the sky, hummingbirds have a metabolism much greater than other kaveri. They are physically very small and quite fragile, so their speed is often a means of escape from greater threats they would otherwise not be able to flee or fight. The majority of hummingbird kaveri are gifted magically, and become accomplished mages.

Icebirds: Arctic kaveri can neither fly nor run fast; however, most are immune to cold, and are incredibly adept swimmers in any temperature. Icebirds have historically been magic users, and specialize in water and ice elements, but in recent years have begun to shift to using tools and blunt weapons more than magecraft.

Junglebirds: Unlike the related groundbird kaveri, junglebirds are great flyers that are very adept at maneuvering in tight spaces. They are much more physical than many kaveri, and tend to prefer using their claws and beaks to traditional weapons. Some are gifted with strong weather magics, but most others have abilities that are mediocre at best.

Seabirds: Fast flyers able to travel for long distances on the wing; also good swimmers, and capable fighters. Seabirds love pistols, knives, and swords, but may also sport spears, daggers, and ranged weaponry of many kinds. Most can perform no more magic than is necessary to open a portal, but the exceptions to the rule are prized for their versatility in the community. While most prefer to avoid a fight, it is unwise to cross a seabird if you value your head.

Songbirds: Songbirds have an innate connection with nature, and are exceptional users of various forms of magic. Generally, they tend to avoid weapons altogether, preferring to rely on magic alone. Some wield staves which serve to focus their magical abilities, but which are otherwise entirely useless in a fight. Songbirds most excel in healing magic, but their combat magic skills are not to be looked down upon. Most find they are best able to harness the wind and use it to fight, but other types of magic are also common.

Stormbirds: Most, if not all, stormbirds prefer hand-to-hand combat. Talons and beaks are a raptor's greatest asset, though these masters of the hunt are often trained from a young age to readily fight with any weapon. Most have little to no command over magic, and those that do are commonly looked down upon by others of their species. They are the variant with the most physical strength and flying ability of any kaveri, though they tend to underestimate their opponents greatly.

Species Origin;

Creation Year: 6530. Realm of Origin: Felnova.

A massive Cataclysm shattered Alubria as the Dark Five, free to spread their malice for nearly a thousand years in that country, are resealed. Whether the Cataclysm was one final act of spite on their behalf, or a mere byproduct of the massive energies unleashed in the struggle, is unknown. Whatever the cause, Alubria was forever changed. The northernmost part of the continent was shattered. Later, many of the shattered fragments of Alubria would stabilize in the sky islands of Stroen’na.

Another lasting result of the Cataclysm is the emergence of the kaveri. For, within the regions most effected by the disaster there lived many humans and roc’a. As the strength of even the mightiest roc proved to be unable to protect that race from the powers being unleashed, the mages among the human population tried to weave a protective spell about themselves, inadvertently sweeping the magically-susceptive roc’a into their weaving.

Though their protective weaving shattered, unable to hold back the massive surge of power being unleashed nearby, the great working nonetheless saved the lives of human and roc’a alike, though not in any foreseen way. When the land calmed, and the surging energy dissipated, the first of the kaveri emerged, the result of human and roc’a bodies being merged into one.

They were roughly human-sized, but shaped like birds. Some, mainly those inclined to be traders or crafters, strongly resembled various seabirds, from towering herons to sleek, web-footed gulls. Those with a more militant mindset emerged as raptors, great birds of prey, from the mighty eagle to the swift falcon. The magic-capable ones among them emerged in the forms of various songbirds of all kinds.

With unique mindsets, due to the union between humans and roc’a, the kaveri swiftly adapted to their new reality, and quickly established a new society, primarily settling by the sea, though a number of them sought to begin their lives elsewhere, very rarely having any difficulty settling in among or near other species, since, as a whole, they were peaceful unless provoked.

Name: N/A. Location: N/A. Status: N/A.

This species did not have an Ancient First.


No subspecies have been discovered for this species yet!