By Tooth And Claw Dragons
The Goblin

General Information;

A grubby, irritating species of small humanoids with fine scales, ugly snouts and large, batlike ears. Mostly unintelligent, they are looked down upon by most other species, seen as pests and rodents. Nevertheless, in large numbers, goblins are a force to be reckoned with - especially if led by a capable leader.


Name:: Goblins

Average Lifespan:: 40 years (80 for baknakin)

Average Height:: 2ft/0.6m

Average Weight:: 30 pounds

Location Found:: abroad; most dwell in caves and caverns, deep underground, or in city sewers and dungeons.

*all statistics based on averages; extremes in any direction, or found in odd locations, are always allowed.



Baknakin Origin The baknakin goblins originate from a tribe on an island with minimal resources - like food - as well as several dangerous predators in Millirand. Having few other options, the tribe made a truce to work together.

Over time, these goblins learned the ways of spellcasting as well as how to make crude instruments; among these goblins, those that could invent tools to make things easier for their comrades were selected as good mates. Eventually, they were able to spread beyond the islands. They named themselves after the goblin that was able to figure out how to build a crude boat: baknakin.

Diet This is what this species, and any variants, may eat at any given time.


red meat from small animals, fish, mushrooms.

red meat from small game, white meat, fish, mushrooms.


roots, insects, white meat.

insects, fruit, nuts.


fruit, nuts, carrion.



Goblins and the baknakin variant both prefer to hunt live prey, usually rats or similarly sized creatures. Baknakin are better at hunting birds, and other flying creatures, than typical goblins. In the absence of live prey, both goblins and baknakin will make do with whatever edibles they may find.

Kobolds tend to be scavengers, surviving off of whatever they can find. However, should anything larger than a single kobold can catch wander into their territory, they will often go on the hunt immediately.


Species info credited to Aehryn, JPG, Fyfergrund, Soundthebugle, and Verridith.

In-Depth Information;

Appearance Goblins are renowned for being both small and ugly. For bipedal creatures, their arms are disturbingly disproportionate relative to their height, hanging down nearly to their knees. Their skin is covered with dull scales, ranging in color from flat black to muddy brown to swampy green. Their faces are best compared to a lizard's, with a blunt, sharp-toothed snout and small, beady dark eyes. Their bat-like flappy ears and stout, gator-like tail make them look like a comically grotesque proverbial chimera of species.

The females of this race are slightly taller than their male counterparts, and may have a few strands of stringy, scraggly hair protruding from their humongous ears.

Baknakin: There exists a variant of goblin called the baknakin; these goblins are very visually similar, though somewhat more proportionally balanced, smaller ears, and may have some amount of greasy hair. A few of these goblins have been found to be tailless, unlike their brothers and sisters. Most baknakin, however, can be noted by wearing some semblance of proper clothing and armor, unlike the rags traditional goblins employ.

Culture Goblins are scrawny, yet savage, war-like creatures with intelligence that just barely passes for sentient. As such, they are prone to in-fighting just as much as they are attacking a hostile intruder. Their temperament is best described as primitive, aggressive, and highly territorial, often petty enough to wage all out war over something as silly as who gets the last scrap of grub.

Baknakin: Baknakin are intelligent goblins that are quite innovative - able to learn crafts at an alarmingly fast rate. In addition, due to their intelligence, they are able to have a little more foresight in knowing not to try casting 'fireball' while hiding in a bush, unlike their dumber cousins. While they lack the same level of physical strength and savagery as their cousins as well as the pack-like mentality, their ability to think quickly and think well more than makes up for their shortcomings in these departments.

However, one big flaw among baknakin is that they're still selfish and opportunistic - unless threatened with danger, they will sooner stab you in the back than truly cooperate on an endeavor. Furthermore, their curiosity tends to get the better of them. Sometimes, they tell you not to mix certain chemicals together for good reason.

Abilities Goblins usually fight with crudely hewn spears or arrows; sometimes, the generals actually have swords. Few goblins can work with magic; those that are 'fortunate enough' end up overestimating their ability with results equal parts tragic and comical. Their minds are incapable of complex strategy, and they often end up relying on overwhelming strength in numbers.

Baknakin: Goblins that fall under the baknakin category may find more success in elemental magic, reiatsu control, and basic alchemy. Though their abilities are not great, some do make fine spellcasters, far beyond what their normal cousins may conjure.

Species Origin;

Creation Year: unknown. Realm of Origin: First Realm.

When Death found itself ripped from the dying First Being known as the One, his essence gave form to many sinister, menacing creatures. And then there were the goblins; small creatures, weak and numerous, with the first one created as something of a humorous attempt to mock the One’s power - as if to say ‘I do not even need my full power to create something to defeat you.’

The First Goblin was formed of a frog's rotting carcass, combined with the essence of the earth; infused with Death's reiatsu, a small and shambling creature was born, and Death chuckled at his divine joke. He wasted no time in creating many more, very quickly - and to these new goblins, he said simply, Go and make chaos, in my divine name.

The goblins were created with that one purpose in mind - to attack quickly and without provocation. They were the scouts and cannon fodder during the war over the First Realm, utilizing primitive swarm tactics. Of limited intelligence and lifespan, they were never intended to form civilizations. They would often die off too fast due to their bravado and stupidity - both friend and foe alike stepping all over them when the real fighting broke out. They barely managed to eke out what could be vaguely called an existence. In fact, the first goblin is said to be the very first of the Ancient Firsts to die - while it was biting on its dirt and snot encrusted thumbnail, it wondered it could get the same stimulation in its eye.

However, some managed to survive long enough to form primitive, crude civilizations. Without the guidance of Death, the goblins have attempted to find their place in the world, alongside all who might oppose them. They have succeeded to an extent, forming small nomadic bands in a variety of Realms. Due to their short lifespans and raiding lifestyles, some have formed sparks of remarkable (although not exactly outstanding) intellect.

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Name: N/A. Location: N/A. Status: Dead.

This Ancient First was a goblin that looked like a taller, more slender one of his race; his skin was a dark green and eyes were blazing red, and he was known for the two curling horns that curved behind his large, batlike ears. He was dim-witted, and had no magical abilities to speak of.


Classification: primitive goblin. Location: anywhere underground.

The kobold are a race of primitive goblins and are crudely formed, even by goblin standards. They tend to be around the same size as their more numerous kin but are much thinner, sometimes appearing emaciated with longer arms and spindly legs. Their ears are large and often bat-like with large eyes that dominate their face, usually in shades of red, gold, or green though others are seen, albeit uncommon. Along their spines and on the tops of their heads, shoulders, and thighs they possess a scraggly, matted mane before giving way to wrinkly skin. Many have long thin tails covered in fine scales, the same that is found on their hands and feet. Any number of colors and markings are possible, but most are muted grey or brown hues with various darker markings. Brighter colored kobolds are rare and may be received suspiciously by other kobolds and goblins alike. Kobolds appear to be bioluminescent and glow faintly in the dark, the intensity of the glow being linked to the kobold’s emotions. When calm the glow is dim, but the glow of a fully enraged kobold has been likened to fire. This glow appears to originate from a kobold's skeleton, radiating out through fur and hide; the properties of kobold bones holds an enduring affinity for light that does not fade for many years after the kobold's death.

The greater majority of kobolds are savage when cornered and live in deep caves, often used by goblins in their mining and smithing operations as slaves. They are considered lesser beings by other goblins and so this is not considered a wrongful in their society. Although not particularly intelligent, kobolds possess enough brainpower to be trained and follow orders. They are strong for their size and nimble, able to be taught how to use basic weapons like bow and arrows and daggers, poison weapons seeming to be preferred. Coupled with their ability to breed rapidly, this makes them a favorite for expendable soldiers on the battlefield. They are commonly used for hit-and-away attacks but break rank quickly as their limited intelligence forbids them from maintaining coordination for extended periods of time.

However, kobolds with intelligence closer to humans have been noted in the last several centuries, and small communities of these creatures can be found far from their goblin brethren. These kobolds clothe themselves in fur and bone, and are willing to trade with the outside world. Especially adventuresome kobolds - usually young - may leave these communities to explore the World Above. Most of these new kobolds do not have much in the way of magical ability, though they are somewhat stronger and faster than their fellows, though of much the same diminutive size.