By Tooth And Claw Dragons
The Aethyrian Dragon

General Information;

Aethyrian dragons are a relatively young species of dragons, created by Athyna and Althyon, minor gods of creation and destruction who created the world of Aethyr. These Aethyrian dragons are (mainly) western in body type, and are possessed of a single magical affinity that distinctly shapes their appearances. Sorted into several different variants based on their magic type (called 'elements' regardless of nature), each has common attributes shared with others of their kind.


Name:: Aethyrian Dragon

Average Lifespan:: 250 years

Average Height:: differs by variant

Average Weight:: varies per individual

Location Found:: primarily Aethyr, but rarely abroad

*all statistics based on averages; extremes in any direction, or found in odd locations, are always allowed.



Aether and Nether To understand the Aethyrian elements, one must first understand the concept of Aether and Nether: pure energies in Aethyr that give life to the entire world and everything in it, an after-effect on the energies of creation formed by the gods Athyna and Althyon. It is similar to conventional light and dark, but bolstered by the divine, and thus cannot be altered or destroyed - it simply exists, infusing everything native to Aethyr in unique and unexpected ways.

Every living being in Aethyr is born from either Aether* or Nether, and depending on their connection to it, it will shape them and their future. They may draw from this energy but how much and how well depends on innate talent and skill level, similarly to conventional reiatsu. The vast majority of living beings are part of either Aether or Nether aligned 'elements' (clarified below), with a smaller portion being elementless.

* not to be confused with conventional Aether, the alchemical substance consisting of solid reiatsu.

Aethyrian Aether is equivalent to light reiatsu; energy in its purest light-aligned form, manifesting in a pure white color. It is the energy that gives life to all living beings in this particular Realm. Dragons whose Aether-aligned element is exceptionally pure are called Aether-Infused, where non-dragons which are capable of accessing the Aether elements are called Aether Attuned.

Aethyrian Nether is equivalent to dark reiatsu; energy in its darkest form, existing as the natural counterbalance of Aether. This energy gives life to living beings in this Realm just as Aether does, but takes a darker shape. It manifests as a pitch black color. Dragons whose Nether-aligned element is exceptionally pure are called Nether-Infused, where non-dragons which are capable of accessing the Nether elements are called Nether Attuned.

Please note that it is not currently possible for non-Scion dragons to use pure Aethyrian Aether or Nether.

Pure Aether and pure Nether are not equivalent to Pure White and Pure Black reiatsu; it does not share a connection with the Ethers or the Void, and upon very close inspection, can be told apart by the keenest of eyes.

Aging and Lifespans Aethyrian dragons are not immortal like their similar dragon cousins - most do not reach three hundred years. This is long thought to be their connection to Aether and Nether energies, and the effect it has on their bodies. Those that remain in Aethyr their entire lives will likely only reach the perceived average of two-hundred and fifty years, though those that travel to other Realms - away from their connection to Aether or Nether - may live much, much longer.

Elements and Magic Terminology Magic in Aethyr is commonly called 'elements' regardless of whether or not the magic is conventionally elemental, especially in non-elemental affinities such as gravity, poison, and blood. Reiatsu as a term is virtually unknown within the bounds of the Realm, and knowledge of it is understood as 'pure magic' or 'energy' and its purest manifestations are the Aethyr-unique Aether and Nether as listed above. These primordial 'elements' are Aeria (wind), Aquaria (water), Glacia (ice), Ignia (fire), Natura (earth), Voltia (lightning), Anima (soul), Aurata (metal), Phobia (fear), Sanguia (blood), Toxina (poison/venom) and Umbra (shadow). Chrona (time) and Gravitia (gravity) are derivative elements.

All elemental magic connected to Aether or Nether is strongest in the Realm of Aethyr. Should an Aethyrian dragon travel to another world, this connection weakens, and their power will be reduced. While it will never disappear entirely, and how noticeable the effect is depends on the individual, it will always be a marked difference.

Elemental Balances Unlike conventional elements, Aethyrian versions balance each other in unexpected ways. Ignia (fire) balances Umbra (shadow); Glacia (ice) balances Phobia (fear); Voltia (lightning) balances Anima (spirit); Natura (earth) balances Toxina (poison); Aeria (wind) balances Aurata (metal); and Aquaria (water) balances Sanguia (blood). Chrona and Gravitia are considered 'derivative' elements, formed after the creation of Aethyr without the guidance of the gods - as such they do not balance the others.

Balancing can be best explained by their inherent Aethyrian natures and the intent behind their creation. The counterpart to fire is shadow: they both behave in a similar way, and even share some properties, but are the counterpart of eachother. Poison's counterpart is earth, they both share the same energy-core, specially with the flora-focused variant of Natura. Yet both are opposites. Fear's counterpart is lightning, and they don't share an energy-core, but a principle: Phobia magic is primarily an 'element' based on sound, but it's effects can cause paralysis similar to the shocking effect on a body that electricity may have. Anima's counterpart is ice, and they share the same principle that is a cold energy-core, or more literally when it comes to necromancy: "the cold embrace of death". Blood's counterpart is water, and they share the same properties of being liquids, with blood's base being water. Metal's counterpart is wind, and they don't share either principle nor core, yet are opposites of eachother. Time and gravity stand alone, as they evolved outside of the gods' creation listed above.

Elementless Dragons Dragons born without an Aethyrian element are called elementless, and they will never have elemental features. These dragons are just like any other, with the exception that they do not wield an element, which is why most of them compensate for this by being excellent magic casters. Elementless Aethyrian dragons are just as strong as elemental ones, biologically nothing changes about them, as they are still connected to the world-magic that gives them life, but they simply didn't develop a connection to any element, and never will. However, elementless dragons in Aethyr are considered an uncommon to rare occurrence.

Halfers and Darkers Halfers are Aethyrian dragons whose blood is a mix of elements of the same alignment (Aether/Aether or Nether/Nether). These are very common and wide-spread. They are derogatorily called halfbloods, or halfers, however it is very rare to see these terms applied, since even in the higher echelons of society mixed blood has become accepted over the centuries. The most common places where these terms can be heard are in the Kingdoms and Empires, where purity of blood remains as the most valued principle.

Darkers are Aethyrian dragons whose blood is a mix of elements of opposite alignment (Aether/Nether or vice versa). These are extremely few, and most will be found in the Underground Capital. They are derogatorily called darkbloods, or darkers. Considered to be slightly weaker than any other variant due to the interference of the opposite alignment, it is theorized that this destabilizes their original element and may have unforeseen consequences.

There are two types of darkers depending on which element is prevalent: Aether Tainted is when a darker displays a dark colored element, with a bright center, the main color is a low brightness characterized from Nether elements, yet displays a bright core characterized by Aether. This is the product of light blood on a dark dragon. Nether Tainted is when a darker displays a bright colored element, with a dark center, the main color is its usual high brightness that characterizes Aether, but has a core that is darker than its main color, a characteristic of Nether elements. This is a product of dark blood on a light dragon.

When two different elements of the same alignment cross, the result will be either element, never a new element. For example: an Aeria dragon producing a clutch with an Ignia dragon, resulting in half-blood offspring that will display physical traits from both parents, but will be either Aeria or Ignia.

Restricted; Aethyrian Traits Pure White: Thus far, the only known pure white Aethyrian dragons come from a theorized 'god-touched' bloodline called Celestial Sanctum. This is due to a historic event in which the Aethyrian gods blessed their bloodline for their faith and strength in dire times during the First War in Aethyr. Even ice dragons, the ones with the brightest scales, have always had off-whites as their tones. Dragons that display pure white scales will be celebrated as god-touched. This does not apply to white elements.

Pure Black: The only naturally occurring pure black dragons are Umbra ones. Other affinities, especially in Aether, cannot have black scales without Nether blood. It is a sign of bloodline purity in Nether-aligned elements, and tainted impurity in Aether-aligned elements, where it is very, very rare.

Gilded Kintsugi Markings: This is a type of markings exclusive to the Celestial Scions, akin to kintsugi. They differentiate from other markings such as cracks or veins due to their metallic sheen. Other Aethyrian dragons, specifically Gravitia and Aurata, may have gilded markings, but they will always be single lines, not branched nor jagged. More information on the restricted Scions below.

Restricted; Celestial Scions When the world was nearly consumed by the Entity and its Corruption, the Celestials created the 'Scions': a dragon warrior that shared a fraction of their divine power, in order to fight for them. As the two gods were too weak to fight the Entity openly, they shared their divine strength with this being in order to save their creations and prevent the otherworldly creature from consuming everything in its path. They were the only thing that stood between life and total annihilation, and are capable of doing so only because of their combined power of Aether and Nether. However in this latest generation the divine powers were born separately, and if they wish to stand a chance against the Entity, they will have to learn to put aside their differences and work together for the future of Aethyr.

There now exist two Scions - one of Aether, and one of Nether.

The Aether Scion is a being hatched from an egg with a glimmering golden color with a bright marbled surface, most recently located in a beautiful glade in the westernside of the Heartlands. It's believed that the Aether Scion will be a light-colored dragon with golden metallic kintsugi-like markings, and thus this appearance is restricted to only the Aether Scion in the Aethyrian dragon species. Only one may exist at any time, and is considered akin to a plot-position.

The Nether Scion is a being hatched from an egg with a light and dark grey color with a shimmering golden marble surface, found in a dark cove at a cliffside by the sea in the eastern side of the Heartlands.

It is believed that the Nether Scion will be a dark-colored dragon with golden metallic kintsugi-like markings, and thus this appearance is restricted to only the Nether Scion in the Aethyrian dragon species. Only one may exist at any time, and is considered akin to a plot-position.

Wingless Mutation True wingless Aethyrian dragons, not to be confused with Aethyrian drakes, are a rarity, only found in genetically defect dragons. In the old days these would be put down, as families could not care for their young if they couldn't fly and keep up. However as society developed, and Aethyrians had less and less natural predators, this became a non-lethal condition. Those that may lack limbs, cannot use their element/magic affinity to propel themselves forth as it would eventually exhaust them too much, with the exception of Gravitia (a subspecies). Aethyrian dragons born with less or more limbs than they should will always struggle to adapt.

Diet This is what this species, and any variants, may eat at any given time.


Ignia, Voltia, Sanguia, Toxina, Umbra, Chrona-
primarily red meat, large game, raw or cooked; varies greatly per individual.

Aerie, Aquaria, Glacia, Anima, Aurata, Phobia-
primarily white meat, large fish, raw or cooked; varies greatly per individual.

Natura, Gravitia-
primarily nuts, berries, plantlife, with limited cooked meals of white and red meat; varies greatly per individual.


Ignia, Voltia, Sanguia, Toxina, Umbra, Chrona-
white meat; small game.

Aerie, Aquaria, Glacia, Anima, Aurata, Phobia-
prepared plantlife, tubers, nuts and berries; sometimes fresh carrion or bone marrow (especially for Phobia).

Natura, Gravitia-
white meat; small game; cooked red meat.


Ignia, Voltia, Sanguia, Toxina, Umbra, Chrona-
tubers, nuts and berries, carrion and bone marrow.

Aerie, Aquaria, Glacia, Anima, Aurata, Phobia-
older carrion, unprepared plants.

Natura, Gravitia-
raw red meat of any kind.


Aethyrian dragons are immensely varied in their diets. While the greater majority of dragonkind are apex predators, they also partake in a vast array of different foods and most Aethyrians - especially in settled regions - cook and prepare their meals. Most hunt with regularity, with smaller dragons hunting more frequently than larger beasts. Others may forage or fish, and some grow their own food or raise their own livestock. However, it is rare that any dragon would partake in something already dead, and most do not hunt sapient prey. Food trade is common with Aethyr's bipedal races, and humanoid cooks are found in many a city.

Of the Aethyrian subspecies, wyverns and drakes are nearly identical to their elementally-aligned counterparts, though may not have the resources to cook their meals quite so often. Gravitia easterns are listed above.



Species info credited to CarinaAyland, Fyfergrund, and Verridith.

In-Depth Information;

Appearance Aethyrian dragons are very similar to Felnovian western dragons in basic shape, and are often referred to as 'dragons' both within Aethyr and without. Sporting four limbs and a pair of wings, covered in scales with an assortment of features - such as horns, frills, manes, etc - shaped by their elemental alignment.

Most Aethyrian dragons' wings are batlike, with three to four wing fingers, and either a thumb claw or growth upon the wing hand. Feathered wings are common to Aeria dragons, but can be found in any with this variant's heritage.

The vast majority of Aethyrian dragons are born from one of the twelve primordial and two derivative 'elemental' affinities, sorted into thirteen elemental variants and one true-element subspecies. These are thought to be split by alignment to Aether or Nether, an Aethyr-unique division of pure light and dark reiatsu, one that affects all of this Realm's living things and much of its magic, culture and physicalities. These variants are Aeria (wind), Aquaria (water), Glacia (ice), Ignia (fire), Natura (earth), Voltia (lightning), Anima (soul), Aurata (metal), Phobia (fear), Sanguia (blood), Toxina (poison/venom), Umbra (shadow) and Chrona (time). Aethyrian dragons can only have one element, even if hybridization between the variants occurs. However there are cases in which a dragon is not connected to Aether/Nether, and thus are born elementless. These have no magically-aligned markings, but their features will reflect their parentage and the magical affinities found within.

An Aethyrian dragons' color is first and foremost dictated by their element, and secondly by alignment, with genetics playing a part as well. This means that Aether dragons will more often than not have bright colored scales, and Nether dragons will often have darker shades for their main color. This isn't a hard rule, however it is rare to see Aether aligned dragons with dark colors due to how both alignments have not mixed yet.

These dragons will often only have three to four color groups, the one exception to this being colors that appear between two gradients. Most have up to eight colors on them, though this is not a hard limit. Depending on magical affinity, colors will be related to it in some way. These details will be covered in the following variant sections.

Primordial; Aether: Aeria: western, 10ft (3m)
Wind-aligned Aethyrians. Aeria dragons are tall, elegant figures, often slender and graceful, and regal in appearance. They are the second tallest Aether breed, rivaling Natura for overall height. Their element, albeit invisible, is 'aura-stained' and can be of any color matching their distinct reiatsu. Depending on the level of staining, these colors can range from pastels of any hue, light blue to green, and light greys and will always match the aura color of their birth. Aeria markings tend towards natural or very abstract gusts of wind or swirls. Elementally-aligned features may include but are not limited to: feathered crests, whiskers, and feathered wings though the latter is exclusive in Aethyrian dragons to the purest Aeria lineages.

Primordial; Aether: Aquaria: western, 7ft (2.1m)
Water-aligned Aethyrians. Pure Aquaria dragons tend to be short, robust and stocky . However Aquaria dragons are the likeliest to hybridize and thus their builds and heights have become variable. Blue is the most common color for these water dragons, and Aquaria Aethyrians often have teal, dark greens and other blue tones. Yellow and red are impossible colors for this element, and only rarely show up as colors on the dragons' scales. Markings commonly have natural or abstract floating globs of water, running water, waves, water surface, bubbles, ripples, etc. Elementally-aligned features may include but are not limited to: gills, fins, sharp and even (dolphin-like) fangs, semi-transparent membranes, tendril-like whiskers, webbed feet, and bioluminescence, though the latter is exclusive in Aethyrian dragons to the purest Aeria lineages.

Primordial; Aether: Glacia: western, 9ft (2.7m)
Ice-aligned Aethyrians. Sharp and imposing, Glacia dragons have thicker builds with limited variation depending on the climate in the frozen lands they call home. Off-white, light blue, light pink, etc will be the most prominent in their colorations, along with other cold colors though never pure white. Yellow is an impossible color for this variant, but deeper golds and oranges are rare but possible, as are other warm colors. Markings reflect natural or abstract ice and/or snow with swirls and soft/squiggly stripes for snow, diamonds/pointy crystalline markings or soft glacier patterns for ice. Elementally-aligned features include but are not limited to: ice accents/effect on horns, frills and spikes; sharp, jagged or bladed body parts and growths; and stiff fins and frills that resemble frozen fur.

Primordial; Aether: Ignia: western, 8ft (2.4m)
Fire-aligned Aethyrians. Ignia dragons sport the average height for all Aethyrian dragonkind, and have variable builds depending on the individual. Ignia dragons are amongst the most colorful and chromatic of the Aether dragons on par with Natura, though warm hues - such as reds, oranges and yellows - are most common. They may however also display cool colors but they'll be much rarer. Accent colors can be nearly anything, and an Ignia' overall design will often be bright and bold to behold. Their markings range from natural to abstract shapes associated with fire and heat, embers, flames, lava, and sparks. Elementally-aligned features include but are not limited to: manes and ruffs of fur; wavy fins, frills and horns that resemble fiery shapes; a glowing core to their manes and fur of bioluminescence, to be turned on and off at will; and plate over the chest/glow underneath plates that resemble a furnace, though the latter two are exclusive in Aethyrian dragons to the purest of Ignia lineages.

Primordial; Aether: Natura: western, 11ft (3.3m)
Earth-aligned Aethyrians. Tallest of the Aether-aligned dragons, the Natura are walking fortresses that often have strong and robust builds with varying body types. Depending on how their element portrays itself, these types can range from nature's slimmer and athletic builds to the largest and heaviest stone-weavers, sometimes bulky enough to limit flight. This variant is also amidst the most colorful of all, with nature-aligned dragons maining earthy or floral tones, crystal bright colors, and stone often sporting greys and desaturated tones. Dragons with nature magic closest to the manipulation of living plants sport markings with leaves, vines, flowers, branches, etc. Stonemovers may have silhouettes of rocks, sand, cracks, geodes, moss, etc as their markings. Those with unique crystal manipulation might have sharp markings, shattered crystals, sharp lines, etc. Elementally-aligned features may include but are not limited to: wooden/leafy/rocky mimickry in their horns, fins, frills and other growths; tusks; heavy plates and armor; crystal growths somewhat similar to a gemdrake's, though the latter is exclusive to in Aethyrian dragons to the purest of Natura lineages and does not reflect a diet of eaten gemstones.

Primordial; Aether: Voltia: western, 9ft (2.7m)
Lightning-aligned Aethyrians. Rivaling Aeria, Voltia dragons are similar to them in build, but are more variable, with some members being more athletic and muscular. They are the third tallest of all Aether Aethyrian dragons. As the most contrasting of all elements in overall design, Voltia dragons enjoy the full color spectrum also, often being bright with darker secondary colors. Most have markings that resemble abstract or natural electricity/lightning with a mix of zig-zags, sharp points, curves, etc. Elementally-aligned features may include but are not limited to: sharp and jagged horns/spikes/frills, sharp physical features, and glowing vents between plates, or in front or between ribs, though the latter is exclusive in Aethyrian dragons to the purest of Voltia lineages.

Primordial; Nether: Anima: western, 8ft (2.4m)
Aethyrians with abilities aligned with the spirit, reiatsu, and necromancy. It is hard to define Anima dragons by a common build, as they tend to be rather variable; most will be around average in height with some variation on either side. These Aethyrian dragons are the paradox of their kind, often having the brightest colors, though dark colors and high contrast is commonplace as well. They seemingly follow no rules besides a natural "ethereal aura" to their appearance, once that may present itself in a variety of ways. Their most remarkable feature are their naturally occurring runes and glowing markings. Hybrid Anima dragons may have markings that resemble runes but are not legible at all. Magically-aligned features include but are not limited to: veil- or ribbon-like growths, bioluminescent markings (night-time only), and a third eye, though the latter is exclusive in Aethyrian dragons to the purest of Anima lineages.

Primordial; Nether: Aurata: western, 11ft (3.3m)
Aethyrians with abilities aligned with the art of metal manipulation. Aurata dragons come in metallic colors - such as golds, silvers, coppers, bronzes, etc - and tend to have markings and features associated with various types of metal. Their markings are similar to Voltia dragons, sharp-edged and jagged, though their shapes might be more geometric and artificial-looking, sometimes layered or bordered with other colors. The chromatic colors of their 'element' may be bold or subtle, but are rarely as metallic - instead, these markings may hold a sort of shimmer or iridescence not found in other Aethyrian dragons. Magically-aligned features may include but are not limited to: bladed horns, spikes and claws; sharp and angular builds; and natural-metal growths and features, though the latter is exclusive in Aethyrian dragons to the purest of Aurata lineages.

Primordial; Nether: Phobia: western, 12ft (3.6m)
Aethyrians with abilities aligned with sonic blasts, disorientation, and the inspiration of fear. Phobia dragons are nightmares made flesh, both in magical affinity and appearance; they are often eerily thin, lanky and angular to the point of looking malnourished. Phobia dragons are often red colored or pinkish off-white, with tones that more often than not resemble corpses or other dreadful nightmares. They may have other hues related to phobias or fears, and these may be contrasting with dark and bright colors or markings. Their markings are most commonly abstract shapes often similar to sound waves, fake eyes, skulls and bones, etc. Magically-aligned features may include but are not limited to: bone-like growths, heavily spiked accents, or a skull-shaped head, though the latter is exclusive in Aethyrian dragons to the purest of Phobia lineages.

Primordial; Nether: Sanguia: western, 7ft (2.1m)
Aethyrians with abilities aligned with blood, healing, and affinities commonly associated with vampirism. Sanguia dragons are fluid and variable in build, leaning towards short and stocky on average. Their colors commonly sport the darkest reds, though off-white secondary colors are likewise common, and other hues are uncommon to rare - such as dark purples and golds. Markings are similar to water in their portrayal of natural or abstract floating globs or running lines of blood, waves, ripples, etc. though thicker in comparison. Blood splatters, splotches, and drops are also common. Magically-aligned features may include but are not limited to: needle-like spikes, sharp horns, and naturally torn-appearing membranes and frills, though the latter two are exclusive in Aethyrian dragons to the purest of Sanguia lineages.

Primordial; Nether: Toxina: western, 7ft (2.1m)
Aethyrians with abilities aligned with poison, venom and toxins. Toxina dragons are known for their swiftness and agility with their smaller bodies often reflecting this. However they are extremely variable in their body types, much like the toxins they represent. sporting the darkest greens, Toxina dragons are often desaturated, with sickly green colors, while also having dark secondaries or very bright ones. Their pigments are often like those of dart frogs or poisonous flora. Most Toxinas will have natural or abstract thorny vines, markings reminiscent of poisonous plants or animals (such as poison dart frog patterns), blobs of poison, splashes of poison, etc. Magically-aligned features may include but are not limited to: poisonous spikes, thorny scales, and venomous fangs, though the latter is exclusive in Aethyrian dragons to the purest of Toxina lineages.

Primordial; Nether: Umbra: western, 12ft (3.6m)
Aethyrians with abilities aligned with darkness and shadows. Umbra dragons are tall and sinewy dragons, lean but muscular, with discernible muscle definition on their bodies. Builds vary between lineages, with most erring towards lighter and slimmer body plans. As the name implies, Umbra dragons always have a black or very dark base. They may have a brighter secondary color, but the main color will always be very dark. Bright Umbra dragons are very rare. Markings are often natural or abstract silhouettes similar to wind or fire, with a smoky effect, often soft.; flexible spikes, manes and feathers, or a combination of both (tendrils covered in very thin and small feathers that resemble a very soft mane) as well as a chest "orb" that may or may not glow. However, the latter two are exclusive in Aethyrian dragons to the purest of Umbra lineages.

Derivative; Neutral: Chrona: western, 9ft (2.7m)
Aethyrians with abilities aligned with aspects of time. These dragons vary in build but tend to be angular and sharply built, with soaring wings and bladelike features. They are commonly found in monochromatic colors (whites, greys, silvers and blacks) with minimal colorful accents if any. Their markings often resemble vortexes, swirls, and geometric patterns, though stripes and lines are also common. Magically-aligned features include but are not limited to: sharp, bladelike horns, claws and spines, translucent and glasslike or mistlike webbing, and growths that resemble small shiny orbs or swirling stone cabochons, though the latter is exclusive in Aethyrian dragons to the purest of Chrona lineages.

Culture Dragon society began as a tribal one, led by a chief, then later developed clans, led by an atriarch. And finally, they divided their society by Houses, families related by blood and led by an atriarch also. The lands, previously divided in territories, were often disputed by these tribes and clans, until they began gathering under a single powerful bloodline: the Aethyrian Imperial Houses, and thus every territory, at the time divided, was merged into a kingdom for each variant, ending most of the small scale disputes.

The social order varies on each territory, which is detailed in the Realm information for Aethyr, but they do follow a general consensus. The ruling class of Aethyrian dragons are those that belong to a House. These Houses are usually quite rich and powerful, with the Council Houses being the most influential ones, only below the Imperial Houses. Dragons that have very high achievements such as Generals, High Judges, etc... belong in this category. Houses are blood-ties: a (usually large) family of Aethyrian dragons in which they are all related by blood, and are run by an atriarch with the advice of the elders.

The middle class are those who do not belong to a House, but still hold some wealth or power. They are often the class right above the working one, and enjoy some higher privileges that the commoners do not, based on their achievements. Captains, Commanders, etc... belong in this class.

The second lowest caste is the working class and least favored of all, also known as the Commoners. However, Aethyrian dragons that have lost their status and achieved such lows in their lives that they are shunned by society and forbidden to be a part of it. Most Aethyrians in the Underground are disgraced ones.

Aethyrian dragons tend to view themselves as the greatest, most gifted race on Aethyr, and the dragons of the Imperial Houses in particular tend to view the other races with a sense of Noblesse Oblige, and see is as the responsibility of the strong, obviously meaning themselves, to look after the weak, which they see as most everybody else. Exactly what form this guidance takes tends to vary between Imperial Houses.

Among the Aethyrians, glyphwriting is seen as a superior form of magic to all other kinds, save for runelore, and for an Aethyrian to not be able to write working glyphs is seen as a disgrace. Many dragons practice a form of calligraphy using glyphs instead of letters, though such glyphs aren’t intended to actually be infused with magic.

To avoid open, widespread conflicts, the Imperial Houses are governed by an unwritten code of behavior which guides how family rivalries and vendettas are to be carried out. From when and who politically motivated assassinations can target and who is strictly off limits, to when and where the Imperial Families can perform military strikes, as well as the number of dragons they may send on such maneuvers, are all silently but rigidly enforced.

Rivalries are more often expressed through the numerous athletic contests that take place between Imperial Houses. Feats of strength, endurance, agility, and speed are frequent, and hotly contested, with any hint of foul play being greeted with scorn, since anything but a fair victory is seen as a sign of weakness. Such performances are one of the few ways dragons not otherwise affiliated with the Imperial Houses may win renown, if they can manage to secure sponsorship from one of the Imperial Houses.

The Imperial Houses send chosen representatives, called Electors, to meet every fifty years to elect a new Emperor or Empress from among eligible candidates, and oversee transfer of the crown from the former monarch to the new one. The imperial monarch ensures a sense of unity between the Imperial Houses, with exactly how much authority and influence they wield depending on the ruling individual, and whatever political alliances are in place at any given time. No former emperor or empress may be elected again, and none can reign longer than the allotted time.

Cultural aspects that differ via variant can be found below.

Primordial; Aether: Aeria: Led by the wind-aligned Imperial House located within the Windstorm Craglands, and found spread throughout that region.

Dragons of this element are known for their graceful, lofty architecture that tends to soar high above the ground, yet always in such a way to fit in with the natural world around it. Curving walls and stone walkways among the treetops are common sights. The dragons themselves have a tendency to be a bit haughty and self-important, and place a great importance on craftsmanship. Their artwork tends to look delicate, but in truth be deceptively strong.

Primordial; Aether: Aquaria: Led by the water-aligned Imperial House located in the Celestial Seas, and found spread throughout that region.

Dragons of this element are known for building settlements by the sea, and in some cases upon it, preferring wooden buildings that are easily moved, or easily replaced if the sea gets restless. Settlements by the shore are often built so that the streets are dry at low tide, and partially submerged at high tide. The dragons themselves are relatively loosely bound together, though are extremely fierce and united when provoked. They love to craft works of art from things taken from the sea, and tend to enjoy lively music.

Primordial; Aether: Glacia: Led by the ice-aligned Imperial House located in the Glacial Overlook, and found spread throughout that region.

Dragons of this element tend to disdain permanent settlements, save for a few widespread, austere palace-fortresses made of ice, often atop rocky crags. Such strongholds are often reserved for elders and hatchlings, though young dragons are expected to start learning to survive in the harsh, cold lands they call home from an early age, usually beginning when the young learn how to fly. They pride themselves on being strong, brave, and self-sufficient, preferring to make do with what’s provided by the natural world wherever possible.

Primordial; Aether: Ignia: Led by the fire-aligned Imperial House located in the Igneous Lands, and found spread throughout that region.

Dragons of this element tend to employ many columns in their architecture, often carved from marble, with bright, terra cotta tiles for roofing. Such columns range from simple to ornate, with the fanciest boasting exquisite carvings. Their settlements are highly ordered, as is their society. Dragons are born into castes, and assigned to occupations allotted to said castes from an early age. These castes exist within a rigid social hierarchy, and moving between castes is extremely rare. The highest castes are regarded for their literary and scholarly accomplishments.

Primordial; Aether: Natura: Led by the earth-aligned Imperial House located in the Viridian Forests, and found spread throughout that region.

Dragons of this element tend to favor grand, stone-cut cities that feature temples and palaces that rise high above the surrounding forests. However, instead of clearing the forest away, they tend to replant it within their cities, with the larger temples and palaces being terraced so they can support grand gardens. They make heavy use of polished beads of crystal and stone, even as currency, and use intricate metalwork to embellish their cities. They tend to be highly spiritual, observing numerous rituals throughout the year, and place a heavy emphasis on athleticism.

Primordial; Aether: Voltia: Led by the lightning-aligned Imperial House located in the Fulgent Heavens, and found spread throughout that region.

Dragons of this element have similar architectural leanings as dragons of Ignia, with marble columns being prevalent. However, Voltia dragons prefer a more austere style, and go without many of the luxurious trappings common among Ignia dragons. They have a distinct blood-red dye often found in their terra cotta and fabrics, rumored to be made from actual blood, and they have a similar caste system as the Ignia, though not so rigid. They place a heavy emphasis on military discipline and skill at arms, and all dragons of the military caste receive demanding, often brutal training.

Primordial; Nether: Anima: Led by the spirit-aligned Imperial House located in the Mystic Reach, and found spread throughout that region.

Dragons of this 'element' tend to dwell in elegantly carved wooden castles at the center of imposing hillforts. They tend to adorn themselves and their dwellings with bright, vibrantly colorful works of art, and often engage in fests of strength and skill, both in competition, and just for the enjoyment of it. However, while they won’t outright lie, they are prone to deception, and beneath the surface covering of bravado and artistry lies an untamed ferocity they haven’t completely succeeded in overcoming, a ferocity only seldom unleashed.

Primordial; Nether: Aurata: Led by the metal-aligned Imperial House located in the Copper Deserts, and found spread throughout that region.

Dragons of this 'element' are proud and lively, with a never-ending supply of self confidence. Often strong minded and gifted with vigorous personalities, they are highly intellectual and very quick to take advantage of any chance life throws at them. They tend to dwell within grand stone cities, set in place without regard for the land around them, and of all Aethyrian dragons they are most prone to alter the lay of the land to suit their needs, instead of working with the land to build.

Primordial; Nether: Phobia: Led by the fear-aligned Imperial House located in the Sundered Summit, and found spread throughout that region.

Dragons of this 'element' tend to construct foreboding, towering, dark cities with prevalent Gothic architecture abounding. There are always parts of their cities that lie in deep shadow, and the shadows hide some of the shadier happenings among their society. They are rigidly divided into castes, and the ruling caste keeps a hidden but unbreakable grip on the lower castes. While they don’t outwardly acknowledge it, they don’t go against it either, since dissenting voices tend to be abruptly silenced when their owners vanish. As a result, Phobia’s artists tend towards grim humor, performances that lean towards tragedy, and a resilient spirit that endures regardless of hardship.

Primordial; Nether: Sanguia: Led by the blood-aligned Imperial House located in the Iron Fjords, and found spread throughout that region.

Aethyrian dragonkind was quick to fear these dragons as much as their other dark cousins, due to seeing them as vampiric beasts that could quickly take your life without your notice or weaken you to death. Although not that from the truth, as this is their hunting techniques, Sanguia dragons respect other beings for the most part, and wouldn't usually manipulate their element without strong reasons.

Society learnt to accept them however during the war, as they made superb healers, thanks to their innate talent in blood manipulation.

They tend to prefer to dwell in cities made of solid stone with Gothic architecture, though they carefully plan their city layouts to avoid the heavy shadows that tend to cloak Phobia cities, managing to create cities that are outwardly foreboding, but grand and open inside.

Primordial; Nether: Toxina: Led by the poison-aligned Imperial House located in the Noxious Wetlands, and found spread throughout that region.

Dragons of this 'element' dwell with hidden cities that are carefully concealed beneath trees and plants of their swampy homes. The moss-covered stones are carved in such a way that they lack straight edges and sharp corners, and are covered with abundant plant growth. Within, out of sight of prying eyes, the chambers and passageways are decorated with subdued but beautiful paintings and carvings. They tend to be very secretive, and outsiders are only invited to enter their hidden cities on very rare occasions.

Primordial; Nether: Umbra: Led by the shadow-aligned Imperial House located in the Umbral Domain, and found spread throughout that region.

Dragons of this element tend to dwell in opulent, grandiose dwellings that are utilitarian in layout, though richly decorated. They tend to view themselves as superior to other Aethyrian dragons, and are strictly governed by an authoritarian Imperial Family. They maintain a long tradition of artistry and ritual, and they place a heavy emphasis on military discipline. They tend to keep to themselves, and expect to be left to their own devices. Should any hint of a suggestion that they could stand to make changes to their way of life be detected, they tend to react with immediate, severe anger.

Derivative; Neutral: Chrona: Led by the time-aligned Imperial House located in the Western Approach, and found spread throughout that region.

Dragons of this element tend to dwell in settlements that look more like grand, crystalline towers instead of more traditional cities. These city-spires tend to reflect the sky, which can make them difficult to make out at times, especially from a distance. Chrona dragons are politely isolationist, and only rarely respond to diplomatic or even Imperial overtures. When they do, such interactions are usually short, and often enigmatic on the Chrona side. They simply wish to be left to their records and studies.

Abilities Aethyrian dragons are possessed of several different magical affinities, known as 'elements' (regardless of whether or not they are true elemental magics; see Notes). Each 'element' is a magical affinity split between Aether and Nether, capable of displaying a wide array of colors. However, alignment and type does dictate the rarity of such colors, and certain hues in different bloodlines will differ between the variants. Each individual may only have a single element, and no more.

'Magic' as it is known in Aethyr is a neutral manifestation of Aether and Nether energy - elsewhere, this is equivalent to reiatsu in all ways save name, and is identical to glyphwriting in casting intent and spell production. When this energy is used, It appears as a soft glow often displaying the color of the magic caster's aura, as they trace the glyphs necessary for the spell while maintaining their intent clear in their mind. These may range from light sources to healing spells, magical locks, enchanting, illusions and more.

However, the Aethyrian elements are by far the most common attribute of these dragons, and their variant attributes and colors are listed below.

Primordial; Aether: Aeria: Born from Aether, Aeria is the element of wind, which represents perseverance and dynamism. It can be both utilized as a breath weapon and manipulated from existing sources, or created upon command.

Their primary use of their element is manipulation in order to boost their flying, but they may also exhale it into varying forms, from a strong gust of wind to a near-solid cutting 'blade' of air. Aeria dragons also use their element defensively by creating vortexes of wind of varying intensity, with the higher masteries being capable of summoning devastating twisters for short periods of time. Another manipulation ability would be to “steal” the air from an opponent’s lungs, but this often requires being in close range and is difficult to control even at higher masteries.

Unlike most other elements, as their magic is all around them in a constant fashion and cannot be removed, to draw upon it does not lessen the energy drain as it does others. However, it is a resource that can be moved and manipulated wherever an Aeria dragon is; a distinct advantage over other variants.

Their element, albeit naturally invisible, displays a color given its Aether-touched nature. The chromatic spectrum is the most common 'color' for wind, and displays strong and bright colors: reds (all hues from yellows and oranges to reds), green (all hues from lime to green and teal) and blue (all hues from cyan to blue and purple). Multicolor is possible where the element is two or more colors while pure white (limited to the purest of Aeria lineages) and black (dark blood mixing via Nether elements) are extremely rare.

Primordial; Aether: Aquaria: Born from Aether, Aquaria is the element of water, which represents serenity and relentless strength. It can be both utilized as a breath weapon and manipulated from existing sources, or created upon command.

Aquaria dragons of this element swap breath with manipulation depending on their origin: surface dwellers learn their breath first, while underwater dwellers learn manipulation first.

They use their element primarily as either a defensive tool or to improve their swimming capabilities, with higher masteries being capable of controlling the pressure of their breath into cutting streams. Normal water breath is a mist, which as they learn, they may condense into full streams or pressured streams. For manipulation techniques, they may summon water around them for defensive purposes, or to try and drown an opponent with. They are the strongest in any moist or damp environment, or where there are bodies of water they may draw from without draining the Aquaria dragon's reserves.

Their element, naturally clear or blue, displays a color given its Aether-touched nature. The chromatic spectrum is the most common 'color' for water, and displays a wide array of colors: reds (all hues from yellows and oranges to reds), green (all hues from lime to green and teal) and blue (all hues from cyan to blue and purple) with blues, teals and greens being most common. Multicolor is possible where the element is two or more colors while pure white (limited to the purest of Aquaria lineages) and black (dark blood mixing via Nether elements) are extremely rare.

Primordial; Aether: Glacia: Born from Aether, Glacia is the element of ice, which represents rigidity and indifference. It can be both utilized as a breath weapon and manipulated from existing sources, or created upon command.

Glacia dragons are capable of breathing ice in a stream or cone, as if it were an extremely cold mist somewhere between water and wind, capable of freezing or frosting everything in its path. It can also generate a cold push as if it were a strong gale. Depending on mastery, this breath can condense into shards that act as projectiles.

Most ice manipulation consists in compressing their misty breath into solid ice upon contact, capable of covering parts of their body in ice such as coating their tails or claws into sharp blades, or even creating icy armor plates at higher masteries. Ice armor shatters easily depending on the strength of non-elemental impacts, but it resists better against elemental strikes.

As with other elements, Glacia dragons may pull from existing sources of ice and snow, such as snowbanks, blizzards, or even broken pieces of frozen bodies of water.

Their element, naturally colorless or icy whites and blues, displays a color given its Aether-touched nature. The chromatic spectrum is the most common 'color' for ice, and displays off-whites, light blues and pinks most commonly; other hues fall into the usual categories: reds (all hues from deep goldens and oranges to reds), green (all hues from lime to green and teal) and blue (all hues from cyan to blue and purple). Multicolor is possible where the element is two or more colors while pure white (limited to the purest of Glacia lineages) and black (dark blood mixing via Nether elements) are extremely rare. Yellow as an ice color has not been recorded, and warm colors are very rare.

Primordial; Aether: Ignia: Born from Aether, Ignia is the element of fire, which represents both destruction and rebirth. It can be both utilized as a breath weapon and manipulated from existing sources, or created upon command.

Dragons of this element are often capable of breathing ardent torrents of fire that can be shaped into a cone or a stream which, depending on mastery, has a force behind it similar to wind, capable of pushing things away in addition to scorching them. It is also possible to condense it into fireballs as part of manipulation techniques. They may also be able to coat themselves in flames, superheat parts of their body such as claws or tail tips, or create an area of superheated air which may protect them from loose projectiles but is not solid.

Fire may be drawn from existing sources - including those fires conventionally created - and utilized, lessening the draw on a dragon's energy reserves.

Their element, naturally orange, red and yellow, displays unusual colors given its Aether-touched nature. The chromatic spectrum is the most common 'color' for fire, and displays a great variety of bright colors: reds (all hues from yellows and oranges to reds), green (all hues from lime to green and teal) and blue (all hues from cyan to blue and purple) though cool colors are much rarer. Multicolor is possible where the element is two or more colors while pure white (limited to the purest of Ignia lineages) and black (dark blood mixing via Nether elements) are extremely rare.

Primordial; Aether: Natura: Born from Aether, Natura is the element of earth, which represents confidence and durability. It can only be manipulated from existing sources, and only rarely be summoned into being at will.

This power has allowed dragons to somewhat “terraform” the world around them, albeit it is an ability hard to control and thus only the strongest are able to truly make significant changes in the world. Most Natura dragons are capable of other tasks such as sensing and gathering crystals or minerals, manipulate flora to their goals (usually to aid in farming), or help with mining ores.

Most commonly, Natura dragons' abilities can be sorted into three types: those with affinities for stone, affinities for flora and affinities for crystal. Depending on which type, it behaves differently, with stone and flora being reasonably common, and crystal being much rarer.

Stone is able to mentally move small rocks to shoot as projectiles, or shape them as a dense sphere and use it as a wrecking ball. Larger rocks may be moved by older and more experienced dragons, and looser materials - such as sand and mud - may be utilized by practice and control alone. Flora is seen to have the deepest connection to plants of all types, such as summoning and altering the world’s flora, with the most common ability being the summoning of vines, which will appear magical and wither away once the dragon stops channeling their element into what is known as controlled hypergrowth. They may also alter foliage and wood, inspiring it to grow at a slower, but more permanent rate. Crystal is oftentimes confused with stone due to both being derivatives of minerals; however, this type is both similar yet different from it. This element has no standard breath, however a crystal dragon may summon small crystal shards which will compress into bigger shards, thus creating darts of varying sizes. Manipulation of crystal allows for the “sprouting” of sharp shards or spires from the ground, or shaping existing crystals found in the world.

Their element, which normally cannot be classified by color due to its physical nature, displays a soft color glow given its Aether-touched affinities, seen only around the materials being manipulated. Each earth-type has commonalities for colors, with stone having desaturated hues, flora holding the most vivid but natural colors that lean towards greens, and crystal sporting the most chromatic colors: reds (all hues from yellows and oranges to reds), green (all hues from lime to green and teal) and blue (all hues from cyan to blue and purple). Multicolor is possible where the element is two or more colors (associated with type mixing) while pure white (limited to the purest of Natura lineages) and black (dark blood mixing via Nether elements) are extremely rare.

Primordial; Aether: Voltia: Born from Aether, Voltia is the element of lightning, which represents unpredictability and aggressiveness. It can be both utilized as a breath weapon and manipulated from existing sources, or created upon command.

The way lightning is breathed is through internally-generated bolts, which often branch out and with experience, become more focused as well as stronger. With more practice, dragons learn to breathe multiple bolts, and thus hit several targets, but this causes their element to also divide in strength. The manipulation of lightning often consists in creating electric whips or arcs that may strike several opponents at once, as well as creating a protective area of effect that will strike everything in its range, though this takes a great deal of energy to maintain. Lightning may also be drawn from existing storms and utilized without a large drain on the Voltia dragon's reserves.

Their element, naturally incandescent blue-white, displays a color given its Aether-touched nature. The chromatic spectrum is the most common 'color' for lightning, and displays bold and bright colors: reds (all hues from yellows and oranges to reds), green (all hues from lime to green and teal) and blue (all hues from cyan to blue and purple). Multicolor is possible where the element is two or more colors while pure white (limited to the purest of _ lineages) and black (dark blood mixing via Nether elements, extremely frowned upon) are extremely rare.

Primordial; Nether: Anima: Born from Nether, Anima is the 'element' of soul, which represents natural living reiatsu. It can be both utilized as a breath weapon and manipulated from existing sources, or created upon command.

Spiritual energy is reiatsu, the spiritual aura all things in every Realm hold. Similarly to those in other worlds may utilize this essence in its purest form, Anima dragons may tap into it in unique ways, though because it is so misunderstood in Aethyr, it is not trusted by most other dragons regardless of elemental alignment. Most are capable of using their own aura much like common races do, in a pure-energy form, even from the earliest days after their magical awakening. However, due to their unique nature, they are also capable of learning to siphon or saturate the spirit of other living things depending on strength, age and experience. In other creatures, this causes a conflict between their natural energies and the Aethyrian reiatsu, leading to imbalances and oddities that affect them both magically and physically. Other Anima dragons are immune to oversaturation with Aethyrian reiatsu, but are susceptible to siphoning regardless of age and mastery.

This element is primarily used via manipulation, but it can also be breathed in a few different ways, such as a torrent of spirit energy which will either help or harm a creature depending if the intention is to give or take their reiatsu. Manipulation, their main use, consists of energy infusion such as enchanting, conjuration, aura manifestations and necromancy. Most Anima dragons fall into three categories: necromancer (subject to the classifications of conventional necromancy, otherwise seen as dark-aligned), warden (ghost-whisperers and light-aligned necromancers, subject to the same rules as the above), and forgemasters (those who specialize in conjuration, Soulgem creation and the making of golems).

This 'element' can come in any color, due to it being naturally tied to their spirit's unique colors. Most often, these are monotone or dual-toned, in any spectrum of the rainbow, but can have more or less depending on the individual. However, unlike conventional reiatsu, the birth-colors of this magic cannot change due to life events, and carry the same colors through their lives until death. Their auras also do not manifest but in various shades of light with runelike symbols shimmering in its depths, unlike true reiatsu. White and black Anima element colors are unique both in the Realms at large and Aethyr itself; white is often flecked in black, and black flecked in white, regardless of elemental purity or heritage. White-element Anima dragons are thought to be 'tainted' by their Nether cousins, and black-element Anima are similarly seen as untrustworthy - called 'deathbringers' by their fellows.

Primordial; Nether: Aurata: Born from Nether, Aurata is the 'element' of metal, which represents honesty, confidence and pride. It is unable to be breathed and can only be utilized via manipulation, from existing sources outside of the dragon itself.

Aurata dragons manipulate the metal in the world with great ease, as one would shape clay, and with the help of a heat source they can manipulate it in liquid form as well, making the possibilities near-endless. However, the manipulation of metal is an inherently difficult form of magic, and takes a great deal of energy - the larger the supply of metal being utilized and the density of the alloy take greater amounts of power, and may exhaust younger and less experienced dragons much faster than their elders. The finesse of how these metals are shaped also costs concentration and energy, especially keeping alloys pure or crafting distinct items. Some Aurata dragons specialize in certain alloys they find easier to manipulate than others, though training is usually generalized and any metal can be used to certain degrees.

They are able to manipulate it into armor and weapons, or even projectiles at higher masteries. Most are capable of pulling existing pure alloys and shapelessly using them with relative ease, by way of levitation or crude but brief shaping. Anything that takes finesse is often approached by older dragons with higher levels of experience, and thus true smithing is a field dominated by those who have worked with their elements for many years.

Their 'element', which normally cannot be classified by color due to its physical nature, displays a soft color glow given its Nether-touched affinities, seen only around the metals being manipulated. Most metal glows with chromatic colors: reds (all hues from yellows and oranges to reds), green (all hues from lime to green and teal) and blue (all hues from cyan to blue and purple). Multicolor is possible where the element is two or more colors while pure white (very rare, attributed to light blood mixing due to Aether impurities) and black (limited to the purest of Aurata lineages) are extremely rare.

Primordial; Nether: Phobia: Born from Nether, Phobia is the 'element' of sonic-based fear, which represents uneasiness and caution, anxiety and self-doubt. It can only be utilized as a breath weapon, as no sources exist to pull from.

Phobia is taught mostly as a defensive measure, rather than offensive, and it is an element based on the manipulation of the mind, as well as sound, with Aethyrian dragons being capable of generating their own sound at highly variable decibels. Their breath consists of sonic waves that disorient and disrupt enemies and their senses, with higher masteries allowing them to push targets or even cause internal damage. These shockwaves may compared to a shriekan's shriek, or a sarka's scream, and scholars believe they have a similar effect on one's body when utilized by old and experienced Phobia dragons. The most skilled of these may create semi-solid 'shards' of sonic energy that are a physical attack that can be manipulated, but this is difficult to maintain and learn.

Their 'element', naturally colorless and immaterial, displays unusual colors given its Nether-touched nature. The chromatic spectrum is the most common 'color' for time, and displays a great variety of bright colors: reds (all hues from yellows and oranges to reds), green (all hues from lime to green and teal) and blue (all hues from cyan to blue and purple) though cool colors are much rarer. Multicolor is possible where the element is two or more colors while pure white (very rare, and attributed to light blood mixing through Aether elements) and black (limited to the purest of Phobia lineages) are extremely rare.

Primordial; Nether: Sanguia: Born from Nether, Sanguia is the 'element' of blood, which represents healing, vampirism, and the night. It can only be manipulated from existing sources, and is never breathed.

These dragons are capable of not only siphoning the blood of other creatures, but also sharing their own, which regenerates at a much faster pace than any other being. Their element is never breathed, unlike water, and only manipulated, like time. It is a complex learning process because, albeit being taught the same way water is, it is thicker than water and can easily become 'impure' causing it to be unusable for healing purposes.

The element can be used to perform attacks or to heal shallow wounds, depending on the level of mastery, while the manipulation itself is the power to control the blood of both one and the other dragon, which only older and more experienced dragons are capable of.

Their 'element', naturally scarlet, displays unusual colors given its Nether-touched nature - and unusually, their blood reflects this color in full. Blood manipulated from others will always be that individual's blood color, but any they utilize from themselves displays the following. The chromatic spectrum is the most common 'color' for blood, and displays a great variety of bright colors: reds (all hues from yellows and oranges to reds), green (all hues from lime to green and teal) and blue (all hues from cyan to blue and purple) though cool colors are much rarer. Multicolor is possible where the element is two or more colors, as well as transparent or translucent, while pure white (very rare, and attributed to light blood mixing through Aether elements) and black (limited to the purest of Sanguia lineages) are extremely rare.

Unusually, Sanguia dragons have different abilities depending on their element color. Those of red, blue and yellow elements are excellent for healing and their attacks are usually of moderate power. Those of green color are usually not very good for healing but for extremely powerful yet very exhausting attacks. Those of blue and transparent elements are rare but have the benefits of the above mentioned but with the difference that they are more difficult to manipulate when it comes to mastery.

Primordial; Nether: Toxina: Born from Nether, Toxina is the element of poison and venom, which represents corrosion, resiliency, and change. It can be both utilized as a breath weapon and manipulated from existing sources, or created upon command.

Toxina dragons have several ways of inflicting their element upon another, both passively and actively, with intensity and effect depending on their age and mastery level. Unlike other Aethyrian dragons, part of this is biological in origin, though its origin is magical as other elements are.

Passively, Toxina dragons have poisonous blood - anything that ingests their blood or flesh will become ill, with older dragons being more potent than younger. They generally have venomous barbs that can be used both defensively and offensively (being able to fling the 'sheath' of the barb away to strike and attach to an enemy, leaving the core of the spur to regrow), while others may have horns and claws that secrete poison.

Actively, they are able to inject venom with a variety of effects, toxicity growing more potent with experience and age. Some may summon their element as a cloud of breathed toxic gas, while others are able to generate corrosive acid to 'spit' at enemies - both of which reflect the color of their element.

Their 'element', naturally translucent or dependent on ingredients, displays unusual colors given its Nether-touched nature. The chromatic spectrum is the most common 'color' for their poison, and displays a great variety of bright colors: reds (all hues from yellows and oranges to reds), green (all hues from lime to green and teal) and blue (all hues from cyan to blue and purple) though cool colors are much rarer. Multicolor is possible where the element is two or more colors, as well as transparent or translucent, while pure white (very rare, and attributed to light blood mixing through Aether elements) and black (limited to the purest of Toxina lineages) are extremely rare.

Primordial; Nether: Umbra: Born from Nether, Umbra is the element of shadow, which represents subterfuge and concealment. It can be both utilized as a breath weapon and manipulated from existing sources, or created upon command.

Normal Umbra breath acts almost like fire, and often presents itself as dense smoke, obscuring everything in its path, which coupled with its persistence, makes for a rather asphyxiating element. At higher masteries, the dragon is able to blend in with the shadows around them, or manipulate them at will, with the highest levels able to “steal” and even morph them into a tangible copy of their source. Umbra cannot be made into a physical object by itself, it needs to come from an existing source that is already casting a shadow the dragon may draw from.

Umbra is unique in how it can behave like a cold flame, having the same properties of fire and wind in how they can push and envelop a target. Manipulation techniques often include puppeteering shadows, at higher masteries allowing to indirectly control other creatures: the more complex or stronger their target’s willpower, the harder it will be to bend them to the caster’s will.

Their element is unique in that it is always a dark color; its base will always be black, dark grey, or a very dark color, with its core displaying unusual colors given its Nether-touched nature. The chromatic spectrum is the most common 'color' for the center of their element and displays a great variety of bright colors: reds (all hues from yellows and oranges to reds), green (all hues from lime to green and teal) and blue (all hues from cyan to blue and purple) though cool colors are much rarer. Bright-based with bright-core shadow magics are a sign of Aether impurity. Multicolor is possible where the element is two or more colors, though the main color will always be dark, while pure white or black and white (very rare, and attributed to light blood mixing through Aether elements) and black (limited to the purest of Umbra lineages) are extremely rare.

Derivative; Neutral: Chrona: Derived from both Aether and Nether, Chrona is the 'element' of time, which represents balance, knowledge, and respect. It is unable to be breathed and can only be manipulated, as time is inherently a fickle magic.

Considered to be one of the most difficult abilities to use even in other Realms, Aethyr's variation is similarly restrictive, and can just as soon backlash against the user or overtax their pools of energy as be sustained for any amount of time, depending on age and experience. Chrona is utilized by Aethyrian dragons as a stream of colored magic that may be used in one of three ways - to create a 'bubble' of slowed or (in rare cases) stopped time; to briefly slow the aging of an item or individual; or, at the highest masteries, to briefly quicken aging of an item or individual.

Most often, this magic is seen as a bright and resonating light that seems to fracture and pull at its surroundings in unusual ways.

Their 'element', naturally colorless and ethereal, displays unusual colors given its Nether-touched nature. The chromatic spectrum is the most common 'color' for time, and displays a great variety of bright colors: reds (all hues from yellows and oranges to reds), green (all hues from lime to green and teal) and blue (all hues from cyan to blue and purple) though cool colors are much rarer. Multicolor is possible where the element is two or more colors while pure white (very rare, and attributed to light blood mixing through Aether elements) and black (limited to the purest of Chrona lineages) are extremely rare.

Species Origin;

Creation Year: unknown. Realm of Origin: Aethyr.

In Aethyr's first year, after the saving of Kaligos and the restoration of the balance between two of Novaltair's Realms, the two gods realized their world was missing an important aspect; for all its ordered perfection, its life was lacking. Plants and animals flourished, prospered, fused and flooded with the shimmering white and void-black energies of Nether and Aether. But there was no intelligence to study and watch grow; no sapient thought behind the bundles of fur and scales and skin.

So the gods came together once more. In a dance of divine magic, they recalled the shapes they were born of - the dragons of their original home. Of soaring wings and sharpened teeth, of scales and talons and swishing tails. And out of the beautiful world they drew the latent energies of Aether and Nether, shaping them into balls of energy; and then, they began to split these orbs of light apart, infusing them, twisting them, molding them. Dragons were formed of magic itself - dragons of fire, ice, water, earth, wind and lightning from the Aether, and dragons of shadow, fear, spirit, blood, poison and metal from Nether. Both Athyna and Althyon crafted their dragons with structure, containing such energies within living, breathing bodies.

The glow of white and black, the Aether and Nether that had once infused everything so vividly and outwardly, now lay within the lives and souls of those that dwelled within it. Dragons, separated by their magical affinities and the borders of continents they now shaped to their will, crafted tribes, then clans, then Houses of nobility, even as they began to explore and dominate their world. They took new names, and harnessed the abilities of their 'elements' - though intermingling would be long in coming.

Since, new magics and elements have come not from the gods' talons, but long after their dormancy took them from Aethyr and the threat of the Entity. While the pure energies of Aether and Nether are little understood, it was thought to be a natural combining of both that led to time - Chrona - and gravity - Gravitas - as elements, showing up in dragons in an inexplicable miracle of happenstance. Scholars believe more neutral-aligned 'elements' may appear in Aethyr, due to its young age - but with the Entity looming over all, who is to know what the future holds?

Name: N/A. Location: N/A. Status: N/A.

This species did not have an Ancient First.


Aethyrian Drake
Classification: naturally wingless Aethyrian dragon. Location: abroad in Aethyr, in tribes or clans spread across the continents.

Aethyrian drakes are dragons born naturally without wings, on four legs. Very closely related to true Aethyrian dragons, they are capable of utilizing all Aether and Nether 'elements', and share many commonalities with their brethren such as elemental features, colors and magics. However, they are only able to manipulate these from energy and the world around them, and are incapable of summoning their magic as a breath weapon in any degree.

The magic colors are virtually the same as their dragon counterparts. All Aethyrian drakes have elemental markings and attributes that show what magic they control, and are similarly limited to a single power. Generally, their magical affinity will be lower in base power than true Aethyrian westerns, but gifted individuals who train dedicatedly may match or exceed their cousins' strength.

Unlike Gravitia dragons, these drakes do not produce offspring from couplings with their fellow subspecies or true Aethyrians. Any eggs that result from such matings are infertile, and will not hatch.

Aethyrian Wyvern
Classification: naturally four-limbed (two legs, two wings) Aethyrian dragon. Location: abroad in Aethyr, in tribes or clans spread across the continents.

Aethyrian wyverns are dragons born naturally with only a single pair of limbs and a pair of wings. Very closely related to true Aethyrian dragons, they are capable of utilizing all Aether and Nether 'elements', and share many commonalities with their brethren such as elemental features, colors and magics. However, they are only able to breathe these, and are incapable of summoning their magic to manipulate it in any degree. This makes manipulation-focused magics, such as earth, quite rare.

The magic colors are virtually the same as their dragon counterparts. All Aethyrian wyverns have elemental markings and attributes that show what magic they control, and are similarly limited to a single power. Generally, their magical affinity will be lower in base power than true Aethyrian westerns, but gifted individuals who train dedicatedly may match or exceed their cousins' strength.

Unlike Gravitia dragons, these wyverns do not produce offspring from couplings with their fellow subspecies or true Aethyrians. Any eggs that result from such matings are infertile, and will not hatch.

Gravitia Eastern
Classification: eastern-bodied Aethyrian dragon. Location: the Mystral Isles, Aethyr.

The Gravitia dragon is a unique Aethyrian dragon breed with a different evolutionary line, thus considered by many to be its own subspecies instead of a variant, despite its attachment to the magic of gravity - an 'element' that was born from a mixture of neutral Aether and Nether. They are eastern in build instead of western, with wingless frames, long bodies and short legs. They may be covered in either scales or fur, and almost always have whiskers. These dragons become longer as they age, rather than taller, with the eldest individuals seeming to span horizons. Height is not as important but they tend to be slightly above average. Gravitia dragons are known to come in metallic colors mostly, or to have colors and patterns matching that of forestwolves (whites, greys, silvers, blacks, browns and tans). Most are naturally markingless, but they also may sport stripes and swirls, usually hard-edged.

Gravitia dragons are one of only two Aethyrians types to sport naturally occurring metallic sheens on their growths and scales or fur. True metal growths can be found in growths (such as horns, claws, spikes, etc) due to latent mineralization, and only occur in very pure Gravitia lineages. Tusks and fur - either full or partial - can also be found in these dragons. Depending on where their habitat is located however, some generations of Gravitia dragons have developed fish-like scales instead, but their traits will be consistent with most other types and will not vary too wildly.

All Gravitia easterns have a ribbonlike stripe of color stretching down their bodies, beginning on their shoulders and extending down their sides. These will match the color of their magic, can come in a variety of styles, shapes and sizes, but will always match their magic's color. These colors are red-chromatic (all hues from yellow, orange and red), green-chromatic (all hues from lime, green and teal), blue-chromatic (all hues from cyan, blue and purple), multicolor (two-colored), monochrome (white) or monochrome (black). White and black are particularly rare, with white coming from mixing with other Aether-blooded Aethyrian dragons and black from mixing with other Nether-blooded Aethyrian dragons. This magic is unique, and allows them to fly without wings similarly to the eastern dragons of other Realms, despite being unrelated, and similar due only to convergent evolution.

Dragons of this 'element' live in highly ornate wooden buildings that seem to be more gardens with cities built around them than cities with gardens within them. Everything follows the lay of the land, often guided by a mystic who can sense the energy of a place and how best to harmonize with it. Gravitia dragons hold themselves to a strict code of honor, and engage in many rituals throughout the year. Even diplomacy is governed heavily by ritual, as are the colors of whatever adornments they may make use of.