The Atlantean

General Information;
An aquatic species of intelligent large fish, eels, and rays, along with their subspecies, including but not limited to dolphins, whales, and sharks. Their appearances may vary greatly; many are skilled with magic, and include both demonic variants and those with the ability to fly.
Name:: Atlanteans
Average Lifespan:: 1000 years for all clans
Average Height:: N/A; depends on the individual
Average Weight:: N/A; depends on the individual
Location Found:: Abroad in the oceans and seas of various Realms.
*all statistics based on averages; extremes in any direction, or found in odd locations, are always allowed.
Interbreeding Most Clans may interbreed with one another, though this is frowned on by all. Atlantean hybrids between Clans often find themselves confused on which Clan they belong to, and can be driven out to live on their own.
Relations All Clans, with the exception of squalus sharks and terelli platefish, get along with other Clans and often trade and travel together. The batoi rays are most prolific in organizing inter-Clan meetings, often for entertainment purposes, while Clan Cetus will settle with another Clan to exchange news and stories on a regular basis.
Variants The Realms of Kurai and Noctis have had a profound effect on the evolution of the atlantean species, and different variants per Clan may be found in the below descriptions. Most Noctis variants can fly, and are sometimes called 'flightfins', while Kuraian individuals are sometimes called 'demonfish' or other such derogatory names.
Diet This is what this species, and any variants, may eat at any given time.
fish, shellfish.
red meat, white meat.
aquatic plants, sapient beings.
Atlanteans are carnivorous, and dine almost exclusively on fish. The batoi stand out in their strong preference for shellfish, and disdain for the flesh of bird or beast. Other atlanteans will prey upon sea birds or beasts, some by preference, others by opportunity or necessity. Only rarely will they go after sapient beings, and among those that do, squalus and terelli are most apt to be responsible for such attacks. If all else fails, they can stave off starvation by consuming aquatic plants.
Mula atlanteans eat a roughly equal mix of fish, red meat, and white meat, preying upon anything they can find swimming in the frigid waters of their arctic homes, or venturing too close to the water's edge. Nabari feed almost exclusively on fish and shellfish, though they aren't above scavenging anything edible that might sink to the depths of the oceans where they dwell.
Species info credited to Verridith and Fyfergrund.
In-Depth Information;
Appearance Atlanteans of any of the six Clans are oceanic species that are intelligent, and generally more varied in appearance, versions of their basic cousins. Dolphins, whales, sharks, eels, rays, and placoderms can all be found under the name of 'atlantean', and each have varying traits depending on what Clan they fall under. Colors are limitless, as well as various mutations (such as extra fins, glowing markings, horns, spikes, two tails, wings, etc).
Clan Batoi: Simply called 'batoi atlanteans', 'batoi rays', or the 'batoi'. A race of rays, most commonly associated with the seas of Xaeri and the country of Cimmeria. Often very graceful and brightly colored, the batoi atlanteans pride themselves on their appearances, and will often decorate themselves with small ornaments, such as rings and beads. They may range in size as much as a squalus, and are said to be distant cousins. Many batoi like to travel to merfolk settlements and be painted by water-safe colors, to further enhance their looks.
Batoi rays found in Kurai are often covered in hard, flat scales, sport multiple spikes and crests, and can be differentiated by different Kingdom associations by eye color, and the color of any glowing markings. Death batoi have red eyes and scarlet bioluminescent marks; Famine batoi have green eyes and green bioluminescent markings; Pestilence batoi have gold eyes and golden bioluminescence; and War batoi have blue eyes and blue bioluminescence.
Much like Kurai, the Realm of Noctis has greatly affected the evolution of members in Clan Batoi. Though the traditional batoi may live beneath the sea, other batoi have taken to the skies and may have larger wings, feathers, and great translucence of skin and scale.
Clan Cetus: Simply called 'cetus atlanteans', 'cetus whales', or 'cetus'. The cetus are whales, generally the larger cousins to the tursii Clan. Often, larger specimens of cetus atlanteans can and will grow to be over a few hundred feet long, though other variants - such as the killer whale and beluga whales, may only grow anywhere from ten to thirty feet in length. Colors vary widely among type and individual as do the tursii, and it is not uncommon to see these creatures sport unusual markings or multiple mutations. The most common of which are double or triple eyes, as well as spikes along each fin and tail.
Cetus whales found in Kurai are often covered in hard, flat scales, sport multiple spikes and thick ridges of horns, and can be differentiated by different Kingdom associations by eye color, and the color of any glowing markings. Death cetushave red eyes and scarlet bioluminescent marks; Famine cetus have green eyes and green bioluminescent markings; Pestilence cetus have gold eyes and golden bioluminescence; and War cetus have blue eyes and blue bioluminescence. Any Kuraian cetus will also be much larger than their kin in other Realms, though they are also much rarer.
Much like Kurai, the Realm of Noctis has greatly affected the evolution of members in Clan Cetus. A great many cetus have abandoned the sea for the sky, and travel upon the clouds with great wings or feathered fins, sometimes using magic with air to gather clouds around them to hold them aloft.
Clan Muraena: Simply called 'muraena atlanteans', 'muraena eels', or 'muraena'. The muraena atlanteans are cave and abyss-dwelling eels the size of a tursii or squalus, often found with features more matching serpents or dragons. They include many types of cunning, snake-like fish, true eels and other eel-like fish, and can be as brightly colored and exotic or dull and stealthy depending on their environment and magic.
Muraena eels found in Kurai are often covered in hard, flat scales, sport multiple spikes and horns, extravagant frills, plates, and can be differentiated by different Kingdom associations by eye color, and the color of any glowing markings. Death muraena have red eyes and scarlet bioluminescent marks; Famine muraena have green eyes and green bioluminescent markings; Pestilence muraena have gold eyes and golden bioluminescence; and War muraena have blue eyes and blue bioluminescence. Unlike the cetus, a Kuraian muraena eel will not be as large as a normal variant, though they are much more deadly and very difficult to kill.
Much like Kurai, the Realm of Noctis has greatly affected the evolution of members in Clan Muraena. There are few muraena eels in the clouds, as most live as normal variants beneath the sea, those that have taken to the sky have several sets of wings, usually feathered, down their sides. They are known to be much longer, and glide like ribbons through the air.
Clan Squalus: Simply called 'squalus atlanteans', 'squalus sharks', or 'squalus'. The squalus are predatory, sharp-toothed atlanteans best classified as multiple types of shark. One of the most diverse groups of the atlantean Clans, these sharks can be found at nearly any size and color, and mutations are incredibly common in their many ranks. Piercings to the dorsal fin, or multiple and spiked dorsal fins (natural or unnatural) are very common.
Squalus sharks found in Kurai are often covered in long spikes, flat plate scales, and forward-facing spines and horns, and can be differentiated by different Kingdom associations by eye color, and the color of any glowing markings. Death squalus have red eyes and scarlet bioluminescent marks; Famine squalus have green eyes and green bioluminescent markings; Pestilence squalus have gold eyes and golden bioluminescence; and War squalus have blue eyes and blue bioluminescence.
Much like Kurai, the Realm of Noctis has greatly affected the evolution of members in Clan Squalus. Though the traditional squalus may live beneath the sea, a few sharks have taken to the skies with large wing-fins, and/or feathers, as well as tails modified for flight.
Clan Terelli: Simply called 'terelli atlanteans', 'terelli platefish', or 'terelli'. The members of Clan Terelli are an ancient and armored race of placoderms, often called platefish. Most terelli are said to have a unique connection with saurians in Xaeri and Lizzarkyth, and appear to be ancient-looking, large fish covered in thick armored plates and hard exoskeletons. Platefish in the Terelli Clan dwell in deep waters and often sport mutations similar to viperfish, such as large and exposed fangs, bioluminescent features to lure prey, and relatively small fins.
Platefish of Terelli found in Kurai are often covered in much thicker and layered plates, rows and rows of spikes, ridged horns, and can be differentiated by different Kingdom associations by eye color, and the color of any glowing markings. Death terelli have red eyes and scarlet bioluminescent marks; Famine terelli have green eyes and green bioluminescent markings; Pestilence terelli have gold eyes and golden bioluminescence; and War terelli have blue eyes and blue bioluminescence.
There exist no flying Noctis variant of the Terelli Clan platefish.
Clan Tursii: Simply called 'tursii atlanteans', 'tursii dolphins', or 'tursii'. One of the most common atlanteans, the tursii breed of atlanteans resemble dolphins of all shapes and sizes, and often may be found with various unique attributes, such as spines, plates, extra eyes, clawed fins, and many more. The tursii are required to surface to breathe and thus do not sport gills, like their cetus cousins.
Tursii dolphins found in Kurai are often covered in plates and spikes, flat scales, sharp scales, horns, frills, and can be differentiated by different Kingdom associations by eye color, and the color of any glowing markings. Death tursii have red eyes and scarlet bioluminescent marks; Famine tursii have green eyes and green bioluminescent markings; Pestilence tursii have gold eyes and golden bioluminescence; and War tursii have blue eyes and blue bioluminescence.
Much like Kurai, the Realm of Noctis has greatly affected the evolution of members in Clan Tursii. Almost equally divided between sea and sky, those dolphins that took to the air sport long finwings, feathered fins and tails, actual wings, or airsacs beneath the dolphin hide. Oddly enough, Noctis tursii may have more common glowing markings that they may 'flash' to one another both in the sky and in the sea, rumored to be a way of communication between the two kingdoms.
Culture Every Clan of atlantean varies in culture, and are recognized by many they live near as cohesive communities that may be allied and traded with. All save for the flying Noctis variants are seafaring and may be found within the same general area, and multiple may coexist with one another in the same Realm, all have varying traits as per their Clan.
Clan Batoi: Often considered eccentric, these bottom-dwelling creatures are known by other ocean-dwellers as the entertainers under the sea. While most travel in small groups, many batoi do not do so alone; they often pick up muraena or tursii individuals, then travel to perform across the oceans of whatever Realm they are in. Most batoi entertainers in such groups may frequent merfolk cities, as well as perform for the Yorijian court and other groups of sea-dwelling individuals. Exquisite dancers and graceful creatures, seeing a fully-decorated batoi ray is a treat for young ocean-peoples and sea dragons alike.
Clan Cetus: The Cetus Clan's members are docile and slow-moving, even in Kurai and Noctis alike. Known to be the wisest of atlanteans, cetus whales are the knowledge-gatherers beneath the sea, and often work in tandem with other species in the chronicling of history and studies of all kinds. They speak in slow, resounding words, and are rumored to never forget a thing. Groups of cetus are not large, and they travel far and rarely settle in any one place for long; they are nomadic, and groups shuffle members with other groups consistently, to keep the pool of knowledge as large as possible.
Clan Muraena: Muraena eels are generally cunning snakes, though are not inherently evil; they are engineers and swift messengers, often specializing in many careers that other Clans may be unable to accomplish. Most travel alone unless in a group currently building on an undersea city or project, and some are contracted to help run messages or scout for various militaries that need eyes beneath the ocean waves. Most eels seem to have their own, unique code of honor that varies from individual to individual, with no two exactly alike. Likewise, there are no large governing groups in the entire Clan, and most smaller families and muraena individuals tend to rule themselves.
Clan Squalus: Possibly the most dangerous of all atlantean Clans, squalus sharks are a race subtle and extremely violent at the same time, often in the same moment. Most squalus are taught from a young age that to fear is to die, and weak younglings are eaten by the stronger ones, to better the Clan's blood. They will lure other atlanteans and species in with a false sense of protection, weaving lies to draw friendship, before killing and eating the trusting victim before they can escape. Very few squalus create true friendships with others of their species; if such a thing is found out by the High One, the current patriarch that rules Realms-wide, they can be hunted down by any squalus and killed for the honor of the Clan.
Clan Terelli: Most interesting of all the atlantean Clans are the platefish of Clan Terelli, who often keep to themselves in the deepest reaches of the ocean. Most distrust other atlanteans to a fault, and take lengths to avoid the other Clans entirely, though some terelli have found jobs of protection among tursii and muraena from Kuraian individuals and the ever-present threat of Clan Squalus. They are capable fighters and some become mercenaries for ground-dwelling races, though often will refuse jobs if they involve members of another Clan.
Clan Tursii: Tursii dolphins live in pods, much like their normal relatives; families travel together and congregate into large groups for social events, and are known across the Realms as the most outgoing of atlantean Clans. Most have no qualms about helping other races, and the entire Clan is encouraging of its members to explore and adventure, even to take sides in various conflicts. They are the diplomats of the oceans, and are called into merfolk settlements and the Yorijian court to settle disputes. There are three noble 'Families' in the Tursii Clan, and most tursii pods answer to them in a great variety of things throughout the Realms. The first is Family of Ysari, located in the seas of Felnova; the second is the Family of Urell, located in the oceans of Xaeri; the third is the Family of G'raeth, located in the waters of Millirand.
Abilities Any atlantean Clan may be magically attuned, and more than a few individuals will express elemental affinities or reiatsu capabilities. However, each Clan has attributes unique to them, and every member of those Clans may display such power, unless completely magically inept.
Clan Batoi: Being a peaceful race not prone to violence, much like the cetus, the batoi rays have instead evolved the ability of camouflage and invisibility, and often employ both in their shows and entertainment. Aside from this, they may have any magical affinity, and are greatest in the elements of water and air.
Clan Cetus: Wisest of the Clans, the cetus whales have abilities of knowledge-gathering above all; the ability to 'speak' to lesser animals in all areas, as well as master any language, have proven the cetus incredible learners and adaptable individuals. Most common is the element of earth and rocks, nature and seaweed.
Clan Muraena: Muraena eels are gifted with great speed and agility, as well as the ability to naturally emit electricity from their bodies without having the elemental affinity for such. They may summon fire even underwater, often using it to weld metal together in a mix of fire and lightning, and are - oddly enough - worst with the element of water.
Clan Squalus: Any squalus shark may see with much better precision than any other Clan, able to not only see in complete darkness, but also see heat and aura depending on the ability strongest in any individual. They are most capable in darkness magic, though other elements are common as well.
Clan Terelli: Unique to atlanteans in that the terelli do not have much in the way of magical affinity, they are however naturally immune to most elements; any magic they wield, however, is usually weak in nature, and they are slow in the water to move and attack. Thus, any magic they do have is usually not offensive in nature.
Clan Tursii: The dolphins of the Tursii Clan are often praised for unique clairvoyance; many are born Seers, and will not hesitate to find and tell whomever they may have seen in their visions, at the first possible opportunity. Some may go so far as to learn how to summon the visions at will, though this is usually draining and may involve a catalyst to work. Otherwise, most tursii are adept at the elements of water and light, and some may turn to healers as an occupation.
Species Origin;

It was a time when the seas were rife with life, filled to the brim with an assortment of beautiful and varied creatures; Nicaen had done well, and Sago approved greatly. But the animals were stupid, bereft of knowledge, magic, and sentience. Soon, the gods of the oceans grew bored of watching their creations wander the sea with mindless abandon, no matter how their colorful scales flashed or their fins swept through the water.
One day, Sago returned to Xaeri and took Nicaen aside, pointing out the many fish floating about in the vast ocean waters. Look at our creations, and how beautiful they are, he said. But alas, for they have no minds; no gifts, other than beauty. These creatures should swim and laugh and play, create, reason, speak. What do you say, Nicaen? Will you help me create once more, bring even more life to the seas of Xaeri and beyond?
Of course, my Lord Sago, Nicaen replied, delighted. His divine form twisted upon itself in eagerness, slipping in and out of the cold ocean waves. I would be honored to create alongside you.
And so they began. They selected six of the species of the ocean waters; six types they brought from the ocean waves, floating in giant bubbles of water as the gods worked. One, the dolphin, they named Tursii; from a bit of sea foam they gave her sentience, and gifted unto her hide of beautiful sunset colors, and a voice like a thousand melodious birds. The second was the shark, Squalus; they wove into him one of Sago's scales, granting him keen eyes and intelligence befitting a lord of ocean hunters. Third was the great whale, which they named Cetus, giving him a heart of coral, memory like no other, and wisdom beyond many years.
The next one was different; a beautiful manta ray, which they gifted the name of Batoi as they granted her sentience with a gust of ocean breeze, giving her wings a plethora of color and the unique ability to dance. Fifth was the slithering eel, of which they granted cunning as they wove into her mind a polished beach stone, as glowing runes blossomed along her sides. She was given swiftness beyond all other atlanteans, outracing even the waves, and was given the name of Muraena.
The last was a simple fish. What will we do with this one, Lord Sago? Nicaen asked, somewhat confused as the fish bobbed amid the water bubble. This one is but a fish, normal and bare. What gifts may we give him? Then, Sago smiled, for he knew exactly what to do. This fish would be one of their most unique creations, as he took the bone of a saurian from the beach sand. He let the bone disintegrate into the palm of his paw, and he threw the dust over the fish, and watched as it began to change. Thick plates grew over its body in colors of blacks and greys; it grew large, and sentience came as light into its eyes, a realization that life was life dawning in their depths. Platefish, it was called; with the name of Terelli.
You are the atlanteans, first and foremost of your Clans; we will make denizens to follow you, and you will wander the oceans as you see fit, Sago rumbled. Swim and play, build and create; fight and love. Live as you see fit, with all the freedom of the waters around you. Go now, with the blessings of Sago and Nicaen; go now, and be free, our children of the sea!
This Ancient First was an atlantean that looked like a beautiful dolphin painted in colors of the sunset; gemstones shone from her sides, and her eyes were the blue of the sky. She was a generous and fun-loving Tursii, and had powers of creation through song.

Mula Atlantean
Classification: arctic atlantean. Location: arctic oceans; far northern and southern seas.
The mula atlantean was originally a family group of cetus whales that swam north and eventually adapted to the icy waters found there. Since then, they have spread over many Realms, and can be found in any arctic seas.
Most mula atlanteans take the form of various kinds of boreal whales; these include but are not limited to the orca, beluga, and narwhal. Oddly, mutations that have made some atlanteans less like whales have become more common, and have rendered mula that are much like seals, walruses, and other such pinnipeds within the same general family. Though these two types of mula cannot safely interbreed, they share much of the same genetics, coloration, and abilities. However, some orca-like mula may have a more cannibalistic approach to their pinniped cousins, and have no qualms about eating them and other sapient species so long as the opportunity is there.
In the arctic oceans, colors that provide camouflage against the ice has been most beneficial; therefore, many mula are light in color, or have light patches across a dark body. Some may have a slight bioluminescence to their hide, and others may be iridescent like sunstruck ice. Warm colors, like reds, oranges, and yellows, are traditionally not found on any mula atlantean.
All mula have abilities that center around ice, water, and wind. They are able to withstand any amount of cold, and may even be frozen as their bodies naturally create a biological antifreeze that circulates once they have reached a certain temperature. They cannot withstand heat, however, and are very weak to fire and lightning.

Classification: large, saurian-like atlantean. Location: deep oceans, but otherwise abroad.
Many years past, some atlanteans were born with a rare mutation that caused them to reach sizes that would commonly dwarf their counterparts. These unique variants were often triple the size of other atlanteans, reaching near immeasurable proportions as they aged. They were born normally and appear to be the same as any other atlantean, save for perhaps being slightly larger, until they began to reach their adolescent years and entered an accelerated growth stage that continued into maturity. It is thought that this mutation came about when the species was still new, and has since stopped affecting normal atlantean births.
These giant atlanteans were often unwelcome among their fellows; they began to grow distant from their clans and ended up leading solitary lives separate from them. Some began to congregate together, forming small family groups that drifted in the depths of the sea. Eventually, through the generations, these creatures began to change - and they took a new name, inspired by their full break from true atlanteans. They became the nabari.
Nabari are large, sometimes reaching double what a cetus whale may in size; they have four to six flippers and are often gifted with frills, fans, or other decorative webbing. They may have long or short necks, along with tails that end in long fins or large frills, though all nabari have elongated heads with narrow, tooth-filled jaws. Colors range across the board, though bright hues and bioluminescence is common.
All nabari are gifted with water magic, though air and earth are equally as common. Others may have the power to summon localized storms, though they cannot control them after. All are immensely physically strong, and may breathe both underwater with gills or above water with true lungs. Some are gifted with a unique shifting ability (unrelated to the common shifting gene) and may take the form of a large, roc-like bird or a giant, vaguely humanoid figure to walk on land. In both, their coloration does not change, and they may have unusual scales, webbing, and frills in both. This shifting ability is also very brief - most are unable to hold it more than an hour or two at best before they must return to the water. If caught on land during this time, they will dry out and die.
Most nabari - either individually or in family groups - become highly nomadic and can be found throughout the Realms as gatherers of ancient knowledge or wisdom, leading them to become revered by the Clans for their sage advice and insight. Unusually, the nabari do not hold Gaz'in or Sago as their god; they tend to worship the One exclusively over all other deities. Their endless search for wisdom drives them to seek the most primal sources of it and, as the eldest and most powerful god, they believe him to be the wisest among them. They also covet the oldest among themselves and place great respect in old age, dubbing any who surpass a millennium of age, their usual maximum lifespan, as “Wise Ones”. These beings are colossuses and their ire is to be avoided at all costs. Many are temperamental when young and even out with age, but elders will not hesitate to destroy any creature, ship, or item that draws their rage. Numerous other cultures consider them as dark omens and tales abound of angry nabari sinking ships, earning them the status as enigmatic legends and heralds of doom.