By Tooth And Claw Dragons

Catch the Fallen Stars

The historical legend of the founding of Erendel, and the asteroids that nearly destroyed everything.

There was once a village whose existence was threatened with certain destruction. A giant asteroid would have undoubtedly destroyed it and everything around it, careening from the sky towards its place in the mountains far below. There was no hope for anyone to escape, for by the time that they were aware of their impending doom, it was too late. All they could do was watch as their way of life came to an end.

However, that would not come to pass. A great and powerful sorcerer was among them; though his name and race have been lost to time, his great deed never will be. While everyone else had resigned to their fate, he stepped forward and with a great display of power he stopped the asteroid dead in its tracks. The asteroid and its accompanying pieces were suspended in the air by a vast amount of magic, shuddering as it came to a halt amid the mountain peaks. All of the villagers looked in awe; death loomed above them, but it could not touch them.

The great and powerful being continued to amaze the villagers. Great wisteria vines sprouted out of the ground racing for the asteroid, catching and holding it in an iron grip. The powerful being started to become exhausted as he began to reach the limit of his power, but he continued to hold the asteroid in the sky while the villagers decided to inspect the great mass of sky-rock. They discovered valuable resources on it, gems and minerals in vast quantities never seen in their range before. As a result, and after some discussion with the sorcerer, they decided to build a city on top of it and better mine those resources.

The great and powerful being would never see the city, though he hoped for its success. As construction began, he overtaxed and lost his life. However, using what remained of his power, he took many of the peridot gems within the meteorites and bound magic into them, forging them to be much like the enchanted gems within floating sky-continents. He set these gems to continually grow, and used his final breath to give a warning to his people; that when the gems lost their power, the vines would fail and their city would be destroyed. So long as the gems were maintained, however, their power would continue to keep the asteroid in the air with the aid of the great vines. Thus, the sorcerer breathed his last, and his body disintegrated into dust. In honor of the power sorcerer that saved them, the villagers made statues of him; these statues where placed all over the city but no one remembered what he looked like, so no two statues looked alike.

Warned of the danger everyone was in if the gems ran out of power, the city began to train mages who would in return would put their power into the gems. To this day, a great number of magic-users come to Erendel to live and train in the sorcerer's shadow, giving their magic to the gems and gaining knowledge, resources, and a place to call home in return.

Written/Told by: an anonymous mage
Contributed by: Elffri3nd, Verridith

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